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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
117-Jun-2024Using Virtual Reality to teach ultrasound-guided needling skills for regional anaesthesia: A randomised controlled trialChuan, AlwinBogdanovych, AntonMoran, Benjamin L Chowdhury, SupriyaLim, Yean ChinTran, Minh TLee, Tsz YuiDuong, JaydenQian, JenniferBui, TungChua, Alex M HJeyaratnam, BahavenSiu, StevenTiong, ClementMcKendrick, MelMcLeod, Graeme A
2Dec-2024Environmental and financial impacts of perioperative paracetamol use: a multicentre international life-cycle assessmentDavies, Jessica FMcAlister, ScottEckelman, Matthew JMcGain, ForbesSeglenieks, RichardGutman, Elena NGroome, JonathanPalipane, NatashaLatoff, KatherineNielsen, DominicSherman, Jodi DWong, Sarah (Collaborator) 
3Feb-2021Controversies in airway management of COVID-19 patients: updated information and international expert consensus recommendationsLi, Jane Wei, H.Jiang, B.Behringer, E.C.Hofmeyr, R.Myatra, S.N.Wong, D.T.Sullivan, E.P.O.Hagberg, C.A.McGuire, B.Baker, P.A.Pylypenko, M.Ma, W.Zuo, M.Senturk, N.M.Klein, U.
42013Breastfeeding after anaesthesia: A review of the pharmacological impact on childrenChu, Tony C McCallum, J.Yii, M.F.
516-Jun-2024Anaesthetic management of a parturient with hypokalaemic periodic paralysis for caesarean section: A case report and review of the literatureVassiliadis, Rachel M 

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