Infection Prevention & Control (IPAC)

Organization name
Infection Prevention & Control (IPAC)

Results 1-9 of 9 (Search time: 0.016 seconds).

PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
127-Jun-2023Risk of organism acquisition from prior room occupants: An updated systematic reviewMitchell, Brett G McDonagh, JuleeDancer, Stephanie JFord, Sindi Sim, JennyThottiyil Sultanmuhammed Abdul Khadar, BismiRusso, Philip LMaillard, Jean-YvesRawson, HelenBrowne, Katrina Kiernan, Martin
222-Feb-2023A randomised controlled trial investigating the effect of improving the cleaning and disinfection of shared medical equipment on healthcare-associated infections: the CLEaning and Enhanced disiNfection (CLEEN) studyBrowne, Katrina White, NicoleTehan, Peta Ellen Russo, Philip LAmin, Maham Stewardson, Andrew JCheng, Allen CGraham, Kirsty O'Kane, Gabrielle M King, Jennie Kiernan, MartinBrain, DavidMitchell, Brett 
3May-2022Patient perspectives of healthcare associated infection: "You don't know what impacts it will have on your life"Mitchell, Brett Amin, Maham Curryer, Cassie Northcote, M.Rickett, C.Russo, P.De Sousa, F.Pearce, K.Sim, J.
423-Aug-2023Multimodal environmental cleaning strategies to prevent healthcare-associated infectionsBrowne, Katrina Mitchell, Brett 
5Dec-2001MRSA in Nursing Homes on the NSW Central CoastFriedewald, Mark De Wit, Deo 
63-Jul-2023The incidence of nosocomial bloodstream infection and urinary tract infection in Australian hospitals before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: an interrupted time series studyMitchell, Brett G Stewardson, Andrew JKerr, LucilleFerguson, John KCurtis, StephanieBusija, LjoudmilaLydeamore, Michael JGraham, Kirsty Russo, Philip L
715-Apr-2023Have gloves and gowns had their day? An Australian and New Zealand practice and attitudes survey about contact precautions for MRSA and VRE colonisationBrowning, SarahDavis, Joshua SMitchell, Brett G 
8Dec-2010Cerebral Abscesses and Septic Pulmonary Emboli due to Serratia Marcescens Infection Arising from a PortacathFaisel, Wasek Burnton, Georgina Imlay-Gillepse, Louise Robilliard, John 
9Feb-2016Beyond the patient zone: Improving hand hygiene performance in a Sterilising Services DepartmentTolson, Kerryanne Friedewald, Mark 

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 1-8 of 8 (Search time: 0.01 seconds).

PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
116-Aug-2024Cleaning time and motion: an observational study on the time required to effectively clean shared medical equipment in hospitalsMatterson, GeorgiaBrowne, Katrina Tehan, Peta Ellen Russo, Philip LKiernan, MartinMitchell, Brett 
223-Nov-2024Evaluating the accuracy of an automatic counting system to detect dispensing of hand hygiene productMatterson, GeorgiaBrowne, Katrina Russo, Philip LDawson, SonjaKent, HannahMitchell, Brett 
33-Jul-2023The incidence of nosocomial bloodstream infection and urinary tract infection in Australian hospitals before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: an interrupted time series studyMitchell, Brett G Stewardson, Andrew JKerr, LucilleFerguson, John KCurtis, StephanieBusija, LjoudmilaLydeamore, Michael JGraham, Kirsty Russo, Philip L
413-Aug-2024Investigating the effect of enhanced cleaning and disinfection of shared medical equipment on health-care-associated infections in Australia (CLEEN): a stepped-wedge, cluster randomised, controlled trialBrowne, Katrina White, Nicole MRusso, Philip LCheng, Allen CStewardson, Andrew JMatterson, GeorgiaTehan, Peta EGraham, Kirsty Amin, Maham Northcote, MariaKiernan, MartinKing, Jennie Brain, DavidMitchell, Brett 
523-Aug-2023Multimodal environmental cleaning strategies to prevent healthcare-associated infectionsBrowne, Katrina Mitchell, Brett 
68-May-2024Oral care practices and hospital-acquired pneumonia prevention: A national survey of Australian nursesTehan, Peta Ellen Browne, Katrina Matterson, GeorgiaCheng, Allen CDawson, SonjaGraves, NicholasJohnson, DouglasKiernan, MartinMadhuvu, AuxilliaMarshall, CarolineMcDonagh, JuleeNorthcote, MariaO'Connor, JayneOrr, LizRawson, HelenRusso, PhilipSim, JennyStewardson, Andrew JWallace, JanetWhite, NicoleWilson, RhondaMitchell, Brett 
722-Feb-2023A randomised controlled trial investigating the effect of improving the cleaning and disinfection of shared medical equipment on healthcare-associated infections: the CLEaning and Enhanced disiNfection (CLEEN) studyBrowne, Katrina White, NicoleTehan, Peta Ellen Russo, Philip LAmin, Maham Stewardson, Andrew JCheng, Allen CGraham, Kirsty O'Kane, Gabrielle M King, Jennie Kiernan, MartinBrain, DavidMitchell, Brett 
827-Jun-2023Risk of organism acquisition from prior room occupants: An updated systematic reviewMitchell, Brett G McDonagh, JuleeDancer, Stephanie JFord, Sindi Sim, JennyThottiyil Sultanmuhammed Abdul Khadar, BismiRusso, Philip LMaillard, Jean-YvesRawson, HelenBrowne, Katrina Kiernan, Martin