Organization name
Intensive Care

Results 1-15 of 15 (Search time: 0.034 seconds).

PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1Aug-2024A survey of Australian public opinion on using comorbidity to triage intensive care patients in a pandemicCheung, WinstonNaganathan, VasiMyburgh, JohnSaxena, Manoj KFiona, BlythSeppelt, IanParr, MichaelHooker, ClaireNguyen, NhiKelly, Sean L Skowronski, GeorgeHammond, NaomiAttokaran, AntonyChalmers, DebbieGandhi, KalpeshKol, MarkMcGuinness, ShayNair, PriyaNayyar, VineetOrford, NeilParke, RachaelShah, AsimWagh, Atul
2Oct-2021The story of critical care in Asia: a narrative reviewDissanayake, Rohan Phua, J.Lim, C.M.Faruq, M.O.Nafees, K.M.K.Du, B.Gomersall, C.D.Ling, L.Divatia, J.V.Hashemian, S.M.R.Egi, M.Konkayev, A.Mat-Nor, M.B.Hashmi, M.Shrestha, G.S.Palo, J.E.M.Arabi, Y.M.Tan, H.L.Chan, M.C.
3Mar-2018Statistical analysis plan for the Pneumatic CompREssion for PreVENting Venous Thromboembolism (PREVENT) trial: a study protocol for a randomized controlled trialGaur, Atul Arabi, Y.Al-Hameed, F.Burns, K.E.AMehta, S.Alsolamy, S.Almaani, M.Mandourah, Y.Almekhlafi, G.A.Al Bshabshe, A.Finfer, S.Alshahrani, M.Khalid, I.Mehta, Y.Hawa, H.Buscher, H.Arshad, Z.Lababidi, H.Al Aithan, A.Jose, J.Abdukahil, S.A.I.Afesh, L.Y.Dbsawy, M.Al-Dawood, A.
430-Aug-2024A single-centre retrospective study of the utility of routine chest X-ray post intrathoracic drain removal in cardiothoracic surgical patientsRowbottom, Reece DDoshi, Hemang PBowen, David 
5Apr-2013Should hospitals have intensivist consultants in-house 24 hours a day? - YesKelly, Sean L Harris, R.D.Burrell, A.R.
62-Sep-2024Performance of risk assessment models for venous thromboembolism in critically ill patients receiving pharmacologic thromboprophylaxis: a post hoc analysis of the PREVENT trialAl-Dorzi, Hasan MArishi, HatimAl-Hameed, Fahad MBurns, Karen EaMehta, SangeetaJose, JesnaAlsolamy, Sami JAnn I Abdukahil, SherylAfesh, Lara YAlshahrani, Mohammed SMandourah, YasserAlmekhlafi, Ghaleb AAlmaani, MohammedAl Bshabshe, AliFinfer, SimonArshad, ZiaKhalid, ImranMehta, YatinGaur, Atul Hawa, HassanBuscher, HergenLababidi, HaniAl Aithan, AbdulsalamAl-Dawood, AbdulazizArabi, Yaseen M
7Oct-2021Increasing ICU capacity to accommodate higher demand during the COVID-19 pandemicKelly, Sean L Litton, E.Huckson, S.Chavan, S.Bucci, T.Holley, A.McGloughlin, S.Everest, E.Millar, J.Nguyen, N.Nicholls, M.Secombe, P.Pilcher, D.
84-Dec-2023Impact of COVID-19 on acquisitions of multi-drug-resistant organisms in a tertiary intensive care unit: A single center retrospective observational studyAbdelhamid, Mohamed Jagarlamudi, VeerendraAbdelwahed, Hesham
92-Sep-2024Epidemiology of acute hypoxaemic respiratory failure in Australian and New Zealand intensive care units during 2005-2022. A binational, registry-based studyLing, Ryan RuiyangPonnapa Reddy, MallikarjunaSubramaniam, AshwinMoran, Benjamin L Ramanathan, KollengodeRamanan, MaheshBurrell, AidanPilcher, DavidShekar, Kiran
10May-2022The effect of intermittent pneumatic compression on deep-vein thrombosis and ventilation-free days in critically ill patients with heart failureGaur, Atul Al-Dorzi, H.M.Al-Dawood, A.Al-Hameed, F.M.Burns, K.E.A.Mehta, S.Jose, J.Alsolamy, S.Abdukahil, S.A.I.Afesh, L.Y.Alshahrani, M.S.Mandourah, Y.Almekhlafi, G.A.Almaani, M.Arshad, Z.Khalid, I.Mehta, Y.Hawa, H.Buscher, H.Lababidi, H.Al Aithan, A.Arabi, Y.M.
11Mar-2022The complications of opioid use during and post-intensive care admission: A narrative reviewMoran, Benjamin L Myburgh, J.A.Scott, D.A.
123-Mar-2023Association of early mobility with the incidence of deep-vein thrombosis and mortality among critically ill patients: a post hoc analysis of PREVENT trialAl-Dorzi, Hasan MAlQahtani, SamahAl-Dawood, AbdulazizAl-Hameed, Fahad MBurns, Karen E AMehta, SangeetaJose, JesnaAlsolamy, Sami JAbdukahil, Sheryl Ann IAfesh, Lara YAlshahrani, Mohammed SMandourah, YasserAlmekhlafi, Ghaleb AAlmaani, MohammedAl Bshabshe, AliFinfer, SimonArshad, ZiaKhalid, ImranMehta, YatinGaur, Atul Hawa, HassanBuscher, HergenLababidi, HaniAl Aithan, AbdulsalamArabi, Yaseen M
13Feb-2018Association Between Neurological Outcomes Related to Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage and Onsite Access to Neurointerventional RadiologyMogollon, Jorge P Smoll, N.R.Panwar, R.
149-Jul-2023Analysis of Line and Tube Detection Performance of a Chest X-ray Deep Learning Model to Evaluate Hidden StratificationTang, Cyril H M Seah, Jarrel C YAhmad, Hassan KMilne, Michael RWardman, Jeffrey BBuchlak, Quinlan DEsmaili, NazaninLambert, John FJones, Catherine M
15Apr-2019Adjunctive Intermittent Pneumatic Compression for Venous ThromboprophylaxisGaur, Atul Arabi, Y.Al-Hameed, F.Burns, K.E.A.Mehta, S.Alsolamy, S.Alshahrani, M.Mandourah, Y.Almekhlafi, G.A.Almaani, M.Al Bshabshe, A.Finfer, S.Arshad, Z.Khalid, I.Mehta, Y.Hawa, H.Buscher, H.Lababidi, H.Al Aithan, A.Abdukahil, S.A.I.Jose, J.Afesh, L.Y.Al-Dawood, A.

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