Organization name
Mental Health

Results 1-24 of 24 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).

PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1Nov-2024Using machine learning to assist decision making in the assessment of mental health patients presenting to emergency departmentsHiggins, Oliver Wilson, Rhonda L Chalup, Stephan K
2Apr-2018The unique contribution of older people with a lived experience of mental illness to the peer workforce: observations from older peer workersCoates, Dominiek Livermore, Patrick Green, Raichel 
316-Sep-2024Sociodemographic Factors and Presentation Features of Individuals Seeking Mental Health Care in Emergency Departments: A Retrospective Cohort StudyHiggins, Oliver Sheather-Reid, Rachel Chalup, Stephan KWilson, Rhonda L 
4Aug-2018Service Models for Urgent and Emergency Psychiatric Care: An OverviewCoates, Dominiek 
5May-2016Presentations by ambulance under the NSW Mental Health Act to an emergency department with a 24-hour mental health teamSkopek, Michaela Francis, J Lynn 
628-Nov-2022The NSW Emergency Psychiatry NetworkHuber, JacquelineRyan, Christopher JamesGupta, RahulRosen, AlanTietze, TadDrew, KathrynAhmed, TanyaSkopek, Michaela 
7Feb-2019A new paradigm for mental-health quality and safety: are we ready?Short, Brooke Marr, C.Wright, M.
827-Jan-2023A mixed-methods evaluation of a state-wide outreach perinatal mental health serviceCibralic, SaraFay-Stammbach, TraceyTucker, DebbieSong, Deborah Eapen, Valsamma
9Mar-2018Mental health attitudes and beliefs in a community sample on the Central Coast in Australia: Barriers to help seekingCoates, Dominiek Saleeba, Christine Howe, Deborah 
108-Feb-2023Interpretations of innovation: The role of technology in explanation seeking related to psychosisHiggins, Oliver Short, Brooke L Chalup, Stephan KWilson, Rhonda L 
11Sep-2013The Impact of Dental Disease on a sample of Aboriginal adults living in the Central Coast Region of New South Wales AustraliaMullen, LHiggins, O Redmayne, BKeegan, LBlinkhorn, ABlinkhorn, F
12Aug-2019Formative Evaluation of the Central Coast Integrated Care Program (CCICP), NSW AustraliaGoodwin, Nicholas Bishop, Michael Sheather-Reid, Rachael Bradfield, Sarah Lewis, Peter R Gazzard, Taryn Critchley, Anthony Wilcox, Sarah Dalton, H.Read, D.M.Y.Booth, A.Perkins, D.Hendry, A.Handley, T.Davies, K.
13Dec-2010The folic acid endophenotype and depression in an elderly populationNaumovski, Nenad Veysey, Martin Ng, Xiaowei Boyd, Lyndell Dufficy, Lisa Blades, Barbara Travers, Cheryl Lewis, Peter R Sturm, Jonathan Townley-Jones, Maureen Yates, Z.Roach, Paul Lucock, M.
146-Sep-2021Exploring and reorienting psychiatrists' attitudes regarding smoking cessation and its potential to improve mental health outcomes: a pilot studyShort, Brooke Giles, Luke Bauer, Lyndon Karageorge, A.
15Mar-2019An examination of the profile and journey of patients with mental illness in the emergency departmentCoates, Dominiek Roberts, Ben Duerden, David David, M.
1627-Feb-2018Evaluation of a general practitioner-led cardiometabolic clinic: Physical health profile and treatment outcomes for clients on clozapine.Coates, Dominiek Woodford, Patricia Higgins, Oliver Grover, Deborah 
1726-May-2024Disproportionate mental health presentations to emergency departments in a coastal regional community in Australia of first nation peopleHiggins, Oliver Sheather-Reid, Rachel B Chalup, Stephan KWilson, Rhonda L 
182018The development and implementation of a peer support model for a specialist mental health service for older people: lessons learnedCoates, Dominiek Livermore, Patrick Green, Raichel 
19Jun-2020COVID-19 and suicides: The urban poor in BangladeshMonjur, Mohammad Riashad 
203-Aug-2023Commercial determinants and therapeutic chatbots: A mental health nursing perspectiveHiggins, Oliver Wilson, Rhonda L 
21Jun-2017The Clinical Alliance and Research in Electroconvulsive Therapy Network: An Australian initiative for improving service delivery of electroconvulsive therapyRamalingam, Jothi Martin, D.M.Galvez, V.Lauf, S.Dong, V.Baily, S.A.Cordoner, N.Chan, H.N.Davidson, D.Fam, J.De Felice, N.Martinez-Amoros, E.Mohan, T.Sarma, S.I.Tor, P.C.Waite, S.Loo, C.K.
22Jun-2023Artificial intelligence: An eye cast towards the mental health nursing horizonWilson, Rhonda L Higgins, Oliver Atem, JacobDonaldson, Andrea EGildberg, Frederik AlkierHooper, MaryHopwood, MarkRosado, SilviaSolomon, BernadetteWard, KatrinaWelsh, Brandi
236-Feb-2023Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) based decision support systems in mental health: An integrative reviewHiggins, Oliver Short, Brooke L Chalup, Stephan KWilson, Rhonda L 
24Feb-2021Active and healthy: a ten year group history designed to support relapse prevention for older people suffering with anxiety and/or depressionCole, John Charles 

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 1-14 of 14 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
16-Feb-2023Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) based decision support systems in mental health: An integrative reviewHiggins, Oliver Short, Brooke L Chalup, Stephan KWilson, Rhonda L 
229-Feb-2024Artificial Intelligence in nursing: trustworthy or reliable?Higgins, Oliver Chalup, Stephan KWilson, Rhonda L 
3Jun-2023Artificial intelligence: An eye cast towards the mental health nursing horizonWilson, Rhonda L Higgins, Oliver Atem, JacobDonaldson, Andrea EGildberg, Frederik AlkierHooper, MaryHopwood, MarkRosado, SilviaSolomon, BernadetteWard, KatrinaWelsh, Brandi
43-Aug-2023Commercial determinants and therapeutic chatbots: A mental health nursing perspectiveHiggins, Oliver Wilson, Rhonda L 
526-May-2024Disproportionate mental health presentations to emergency departments in a coastal regional community in Australia of first nation peopleHiggins, Oliver Sheather-Reid, Rachel B Chalup, Stephan KWilson, Rhonda L 
627-Feb-2018Evaluation of a general practitioner-led cardiometabolic clinic: Physical health profile and treatment outcomes for clients on clozapine.Coates, Dominiek Woodford, Patricia Higgins, Oliver Grover, Deborah 
7Sep-2013The Impact of Dental Disease on a sample of Aboriginal adults living in the Central Coast Region of New South Wales AustraliaMullen, LHiggins, O Redmayne, BKeegan, LBlinkhorn, ABlinkhorn, F
830-Jan-2024Improving end-of-life care for people with dementia: a mixed-methods studyTriandafilidis, Zoi Carr, Sally Davis, Daneill Jeong, Sarah Yeun-Sim Hensby, Jacinta Wong, Daniel Attia, JohnGoodwin, Nicholas 
98-Feb-2023Interpretations of innovation: The role of technology in explanation seeking related to psychosisHiggins, Oliver Short, Brooke L Chalup, Stephan KWilson, Rhonda L 
1029-Aug-2024Machine Learning Model Reveals Determinators for Admission to Acute Mental Health Wards From Emergency Department PresentationsHiggins, Oliver Chalup, Stephan KWilson, Rhonda L 
117-May-2023Models of care for people with dementia approaching end of life: A rapid reviewLewis, Suzanne Triandafilidis, Zoi Curryer, Cassie Jeong, Sarah Yeun-Sim Goodwin, Nicholas Carr, Sally Davis, Daneill 
1216-Sep-2024Sociodemographic Factors and Presentation Features of Individuals Seeking Mental Health Care in Emergency Departments: A Retrospective Cohort StudyHiggins, Oliver Sheather-Reid, Rachel Chalup, Stephan KWilson, Rhonda L 
13Nov-2024Using machine learning to assist decision making in the assessment of mental health patients presenting to emergency departmentsHiggins, Oliver Wilson, Rhonda L Chalup, Stephan K
149-Jan-2024What care do people with dementia receive at the end of life? Lessons from a retrospective clinical audit of deaths in hospital and other settingsTriandafilidis, Zoi Carr, Sally Davis, Daneill Chiu, SimonLeigh, LucyJeong, Sarah Yeun-Sim Wong, Daniel Hensby, Jacinta Lewis, Suzanne Attia, JohnGoodwin, Nicholas