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Results 1-45 of 45 (Search time: 0.012 seconds).

PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
125-Oct-2024Voluntary Neonatal Medication Incident Reporting-A Single Centre Retrospective AnalysisNundeekasen, SunainaMcIntosh, JoanneMcCleary, Laurence O'Neill, CathrynChaudhari, TejasviAbdel-Latif, Mohamed E
2Mar-2017Utility of blood cultures in children admitted to hospital with community-acquired pneumonia.Francis, J Lynn Davis, T.Evans, H.Murtas, J.Weisman, A.Khan, A.
3May-1997The use of pamidronate in PTHrP associated hypercalcaemia in infancyBuckmaster, Adam Rodda, C.Cowell, C.T.Ogle, G.Dorney, S.
4Oct-2021Unexpected cause of neonatal virilisationMcGee, Richard G Sinn, J.Nyunt, O.
5Apr-2022Trends in the use of non-invasive respiratory support for term infants in tertiary neonatal units in Australia and New ZealandBuckmaster, Adam Manley, B.J.Travadi, J.Owen, L.S.Roberts, C.T.Wright, I.M.R.Davis, P.G.Arnolda, G.
6Sep-2004Training in General Paediatrics: Is it Time for Change?Gunasekera, H.Buckmaster, Adam 
7Jan-2023Timing of submissions to The Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health: Associations with the COVID-19 pandemic and editorial decisionsMcGee, Richard G Graves, Lara EBarnett, Adrian
82012Targeted Oxygen Therapy in Special Care Nurseries: Is Uniformity a Good Thing?Buckmaster, Adam Arnolda, G.R.B.Wright, Ian Foster, Jann 
915-Jul-2022A systematic review of patient-reported outcome measures in paediatric endocrinologyMcGee, Richard G Zhang, Edward Y BTan, Jennifer J GCheung, Aiden C KGarvey, Matthew P
10Oct-2006Specialist home-based nursing services for children with acute and chronic illnessesPiper, Susan Cooper, C.Wheeler, Danielle Woolfenden, S.R.Boss, T.
11Jun-2022Shining a light on practice: Introducing the new Child and Family Health Nursing Professional Practice Framework (2022)Myors, Karen A Stevenson, Julie
12Jun-2011Screening Programmes for Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip in Newborn InfantsShorter, Damon Hong, Timothy Osborn, David 
13Jun-2020School-Based Streptococcal A Sore-Throat Treatment Programs and Acute Rheumatic Fever Amongst Indigenous Māori: A Retrospective Cohort StudyThanjon, Michniewicz Walsh, L.Innes-Smith, S.Wright, J.Tozer, M.Humby, J.Ngata, R.Lennon, D.Scott-Jones, J.Malcolm, J.
142020Safety and Efficacy of Elosulfase Alfa in Australian Patients with Morquio a Syndrome: A Phase 3b StudyOwens, Penny Bhattacharya, K.Balasubramaniam, S.Murray, K.Peters, H.Ketteridge, D.Inwood, A.Lee, J.Ellaway, C.Wong, M.
15Mar-2005Reduce the Rads: A Quality Assurance Project on Reducing Unnecessary Chest X-rays in Children with AsthmaBuckmaster, Adam Boon, R.
16Jun-2016Rare Case of Hepatic Gaucheroma in a Child on Enzyme Replacement TherapyOwens, Penny Korula, S.Charlton, A.Bhattacharya, K.
17Jul-2020Predicting Nasal High-Flow Treatment Success in Newborn Infants with Respiratory Distress Cared for in Non-Tertiary HospitalsBuckmaster, Adam McKimmie-Doherty, M.Arnolda, G.R.B.Owen, L.S.Hodgson, K.A.Wright, I.M.R.Roberts, C.T.Davis, P.G.Manley, B.J.
18May-2007Practice Variation in Initial Management and Transfer Thresholds for Infants with Respiratory Distress in Australian Hospitals. Who Should Write the Guidelines?Buckmaster, Adam Wright, Ian Arnolda, G.R.B.Henderson-Smart, David 
19Jan-2017Plagiocephaly and developmental delay: A Systematic ReviewYu, William Martiniuk, A.L.Vujovich-Dunn, C.Park, M.Lucas, B.R.
20Mar-2008Parental Stress and Satisfaction in the Non-Tertiary Special Care NurseryFoster, Jann Bidewell, John Buckmaster, Adam Lees, Sylvia Henderson-Smart, David 
21Nov-2021An OxPLORE Initiative Evaluating Children's Surgery Resources Worldwide: A Cross-sectional Implementation of the OReCS DocumentHartley, Emma Ravi, K.Killen, A.Alexander, A.Bell-Davies, F.Biganiro Sebintu, J.Brazeal, A.Butoyi, J. M. V.Diaz, F.E.Drabile, R.Fanny, M.Fernie, L.Gunawardana, S.Hawu, Y.N.Hendron, H.Joseph, S.A.Lamahewage, A.Mahagedera, R.Manirambona, E.Morisho, B.K.Muchunu, P.Niyukuri, A.Ntaganda, E.Orliacq, F.Orliacq, J.Wobenjo, A.Young, P.Lakhoo, K.Ford, K.
22Jan-2013Need for Intensive Care for Neonates Born Between 29 and 34 weeks Inclusive GestationLutz, Tracey Buckmaster, Adam Kluckow, Martin Wright, Ian 
23May-2019Nasal High-Flow Therapy for Newborn Infants in Special Care NurseriesBuckmaster, Adam Manley, B.J.Arnolda, G.R.B.Wright, I.M.R.Owen, L.S.Foster, J.P.Huang, L.Roberts, C.T.Clark, T.L.Fan, W.Q.Fang, A.Y.W.Marshall, I.R.Pszczola, R.J.Davis, P.G.
24Sep-2012Nasal Continuous Positive Airway Pressure for Respiratory Distress in Non-Tertiary Care Centres: What is Needed and Where to From Here?Buckmaster, Adam 
25Jun-2017A multicentre, randomised controlled, non-inferiority trial, comparing nasal high flow with nasal continuous positive airway pressure as primary support for newborn infants with early respiratory distress born in Australian non-tertiary special care nurseries (the HUNTER trial): study protocolBuckmaster, Adam Manley, B.J.Roberts, C.J.Arnolda, G.R.B.Wright, Ian Owen, L.S.Dalziel, K.M.Foster, J.P.Davis, P.G.
26May-2014Millipede burn masquerading as trash foot in a paediatric patientVerma, Abhishek K Bourke, Bernard 
27May-2015Mild encephalopathy with reversible splenial lesion: an important differential of encephalitisBuckmaster, Adam Ka, A.Britton, P.Troedson, C.Webster, R.Procopis, P.Ging, J.Chua, Y.W.Wood, N.Jones, C.Dale, R.C.
28Jul-2020Lost in Transition: Is Early Respiratory Support in Newborn Infants the Best Option?Buckmaster, Adam Arnolda, G.R.B.Owen, L.Roberts, C.Davis, P.Manley, B.
29May-2010Iron Supplementation for Breath-Holding Attacks in ChildrenZehetner, Anthony Orr, Nigel Buckmaster, Adam Williams, Katrina Wheeler, Danielle 
30Feb-2014An Intragenic Deletion of the NFIA Gene in a Patient with a Hypoplastic Corpus Callosum, Craniofacial Abnormalities and Urinary Tract DefectsAnupam, Rao O'Donnell, Sheridan Bain, Nicole Meldrum, Cliff Shorter, Damon Goel, Himanshu 
315-Jun-2023Interventions for the symptoms and signs resulting from jellyfish stingsMcGee, Richard G Webster, Angela C Lewis, Sharon RWelsford, Michelle
32Nov-2018Infantile-onset Pompe disease: A case series highlighting early clinical features, spectrum of disease severity and treatment responseOwens, Penny Wong, M.Bhattacharya, K.Ellaway, C.
33Aug-2020How to Include Patient-Reported Outcome Measures in Clinical TrialsMcGee, Richard G 
342-Aug-2024Hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia: A primer for the paediatricianSelvadurai, Yoshua Le Fevre, Emily RMervis, JonathanFitzgerald, Dominic A
352010'Halving the Heel Pricks': Evaluation of a Neonatal Jaundice Protocol Incorporating the Use of a Transcutaneous BilirubinometerHartshorne, David Buckmaster, Adam 
36Oct-2020Fake news and fake research: Why meta-research matters more than everMcGee, Richard G Dawson, Amanda 
37Aug-2011Ethical Issues in Preventing Mother-to-Child Transmission of Hepatitis B by ImmunisationIsaacs, David Kilham, Henry Alexander, Shirley Wood, Nick Buckmaster, Adam Royle, Jenny 
38Jun-2010Does Iron Therapy Affect the Frequency of Breath-Holding Attacks in Children?Zehetner, Anthony Orr, Nigel Buckmaster, Adam Williams, Katrina 
398-Mar-2024Do they stay, or do they go? Children presenting to five emergency departments across New South Wales, Australia with acute burn injuries: a retrospective reviewPhillips, WayneSouthern, ErinCattell, CarolOwens, Penny Jaques, MadeleineMelbourne, GregoryKezhekkekara, ShwethaFrost, Steven A
4020-May-2024Development of a Multivariable Risk Prediction Tool to Predict Adverse Outcomes among Children with Type 1 Diabetes: A Pilot StudyLieu, FionaMartin, Wrivu NBirt, Stewart Mattes, JoergMcGee, Richard G 
41May-2007CPAP Use in Babies with Respiratory Distress in Australian Special Care NurseriesBuckmaster, Adam Arnolda, G.R.B.Wright, Ian Henderson-Smart, David 
42Aug-2021Cost-Effectiveness of Nasal High Flow Versus CPAP for Newborn Infants in Special-Care NurseriesBuckmaster, Adam Huang, L.Manley, B.J.Arnolda, G.R.B.Owen, L.S.Wright, I.M.R.Foster, J.P.Davis, P.G.Dalziel, K.M.
43Sep-2007Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Therapy for Infants with Respiratory Distress in Non Tertiary Care Centers: A Randomized, Controlled TrialBuckmaster, Adam Arnolda, G.R.B.Wright, Ian Foster, Jann Henderson-Smart, David 
4417-Sep-2024The complexities of managing a newborn with 6q24 transient neonatal diabetes mellitus: a case reportDe Silva, YannickBirt, Stewart 
45Oct-2001Abolishing the Bag: a Quality Assurance Project on Urine CollectionGreaves, J.Buckmaster, Adam 

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