| | Preview | Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
| 1 | | Jun-2013 | Ability of radiation therapists to assess radiation-induced skin toxicity | Back, Michael ; Acharya, U.; Cox, J.; Rinks, M.; Gaur, P. |
| 2 | | Jun-2018 | Accreditation Standard Guideline Initiative for Tai Chi and Qigong Instructors and Training Institutions | Back, Michael ; Oh, B.; Yeung, A.; Klein, P.; Larkey, L.; Ee, C.; Zaslawski, C.; Knobf, T.; Payne, P.; Stener-Victorin, E.; Lee, R.; Choi, W.; Chun, M.; Bonucci, M.; Lang, H.D.; Pavlakis, N.; Boyle, F.; Clarke, S.; Yang, P.; Wei, Y.; Guo, X.; Weng, C.D.; Irwin, M.R.; Elfiky, A.; Rosenthal, D. |
| 3 | | Jun-2018 | Acupuncture in Oncology: The Effectiveness of Acupuncture May Not Depend on Needle Retention Duration | Eade, Thomas ; Kneebone, Andrew ; Back, Michael ; Oh, B.; Hruby, G.; Lamoury, G.; Pavlakis, N.; Clarke, S.; Zaslawski, C.; Marr, I.; Costa, D. |
| 4 | | Apr-2004 | Adjuvant High-Dose Rate Brachytherapy after Chemoradiation for Treatment of Early T-Stage Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma | Back, Michael ; Lu, J.J.; Shakespeare, T.; Goh, B.C.; Eu Tiong, C.; Mukherjee, R.K.; Wynne, C.J.; Tan, K.S.L. |
| 5 | | 10-Nov-2023 | Association of MRI Volume Parameters in Predicting Patient Outcome at Time of Initial Diagnosis of Glioblastoma | Lau, Kin Sing; Ruisi, Isidoro; Back, Michael |
| 6 | | Jan-2025 | Avoiding prostate bed radiation for the PSMA-PET detected nodal recurrence patient post prostatectomy | Challis, Benjamin; Kneebone, Andrew ; Eade, Thomas ; Guo, Lesley; Atyeo, John; Brown, Chris; Hruby, George |
| 7 | | Dec-2016 | Benchmarking clinical practice quality: an audit of ipsilateral breast tumor recurrence in patients managed for T1/T2 breast carcinoma | Back, Michael ; Suttie, C.; Donovan, J.; Holecek, M.; Morgia, M.; Guo, L.; Lamoury, G. |
| 8 | | May-2016 | Cilengitide with metronomic temozolomide, procarbazine, and standard radiotherapy in patients with glioblastoma and unmethylated MGMT gene promoter in ExCentric, an open-label phase II trial | Back, Michael ; Khasraw, M.; Lee, A.; McCowatt, S.; Kerestes, Z.; Buyse, M.; Kichenadasse, G.; Ackland, S.; Wheeler, H. |
| 9 | | Jul-2007 | Clinical observations from a breast cancer registry in Asian women | Back, Michael ; Lim, S.; Quek, E.; Iau, P.; Putti, T.; Wong, J. |
| 10 | | Dec-2008 | Clinician and therapist perceptions on radiation therapist-led treatment reviews in radiation oncology practice | Back, Michael ; Shi, J.; Cox, J.; Atyeo, J.; Loh, Y.; Choung, W.L. |
| 11 | | Jan-2014 | Cognitive Deficits in Primary Brain Tumours: A Framework for Management and Rehabilitation | Back, Michael ; Back, E.; Wheeler, H.; Kastelan, M. |
| 12 | | May-2005 | Comparison of magnetic resonance spectroscopy and perfusion-weighted imaging in presurgical grading of oligodendroglial tumors | Back, Michael ; Xu, M.; See, S.J.; Ng, W.H.; Arul, E.; Yeo, T.T.; Lim, C.C.T. |
| 13 | | Jun-2004 | A comparison of RANZCR and Singapore-designed radiation oncology practice audit instruments: How does reproducibility affect future approaches to revalidation? | Back, Michael ; Shakespeare, T.P.; Mukherjee, R.K.; Lu, J.J.; Wynne, J.C.; Kumar, M.B. |
| 14 | | Jun-2018 | Convergent priorities and tensions: a qualitative study of the integration of complementary and alternative therapies with conventional cancer treatment | Back, Michael ; McKenzie, H.; Levy, D.; Pavlakis, N.; Oh, B. |
| 15 | | Oct-2005 | Correlation of 3D-planned and measured dosimetry of photon and electron craniospinal radiation in a pediatric anthropomorphic phantom | Back, Michael ; Hood, C.; Kron, T.; Hamilton, C.S.; Callan, S.; Howlett, S.; Alvaro, F. |
| 16 | | 2008 | Cutaneous Malignant Melanoma | Back, Michael |
| 17 | | Jul-2004 | Design of an internationally accredited radiation oncology resident training program incorporating novel educational models | Back, Michael ; Shakespeare, T.P.; Lu, J.J.; Wynne, C.J.; Bloomfield, L. |
| 18 | | 11-Sep-2022 | Determination of hepatic extraction fraction with gadoxetate low-temporal resolution DCE-MRI-based deconvolution analysis: validation with ALBI score and Child-Pugh class | Phonlakrai, Monchai; Ramadan, Saadallah; Simson, John; Gholizadeh, Neda ; Arm, Jameen; Skehan, Kate; Goodwin, Jonathan; Trada, Yuvnik; Martin, Jarad; Sridharan, Swetha; Lamichhane, Bishnu; Bollipo, Steven; Greer, Peter |
| 19 | | Mar-2007 | Does the implementation of radiation oncology outpatient infection control measures adversely affect patient satisfaction with doctor-patient interaction? | Back, Michael ; Shakespeare, T.P.; Tang, J.I.; Shen, L.; Lu, J.D.; Mukherjee, R.K.; Lee, K.M.S.; Wynne, C.J. |
| 20 | | Dec-2013 | Dosimetric Improvements Utilising Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy for Patients with Glioblastoma Multiforme | Back, Michael ; Eade, Thomas ; Clifford, S.; Wheeler, H. |
| 21 | | Dec-2020 | The Effects of Acupuncture on Cancer-Related Fatigue: Updated Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis | Jang, Andrew; Brown, Chris; Lamoury, Gillian; Morgia, Marita; Boyle, Frances; Marr, Isobel; Clarke, Stephen; Back, Michael ; Oh, Byeongsang |
| 22 | | 30-Jun-2020 | The Effects of Tai Chi and Qigong on Immune Responses: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis | Oh, Byeongsang; Bae, Kyeore; Lamoury, Gillian; Eade, Thomas ; Boyle, Frances; Corless, Brian; Clarke, Stephen; Yeung, Albert; Rosenthal, David; Schapira, Lidia; Back, Michael |
| 23 | | Dec-2006 | Efficacy of an integrated continuing medical education (CME) and quality improvement (QI) program on radiation oncologist (RO) clinical practice | Back, Michael ; Leong, C.N.; Shakespeare, T.P.; Mukherjee, R.K.; Lee, K.M.; Lu, J.J.; Wynne, C.J.; Lim, K.H.C.; Tang, J.I.; Zhang, X. |
| 24 | | Aug-2014 | Elderly patients aged 65-75 years with glioblastoma multiforme may benefit from long course radiation therapy with temozolomide | Back, Michael ; Gzell, C.; Wheeler, H.; Guo, L.; Kastelan, M. |
| 25 | | Aug-2021 | Emerging Evidence of the Gut Microbiome in Chemotherapy: A Clinical Review | Oh, Byeongsang; Boyle, Frances; Pavlakis, Nick; Clarke, Stephen; Guminski, Alex; Eade, Thomas ; Lamoury, Gillian; Carroll, Susan; Morgia, Marita; Kneebone, Andrew ; Hruby, George; Stevens, Mark ; Liu, Wen; Corless, Brian; Molloy, Mark; Libermann, Towia; Rosenthal, David; Back, Michael |
| 26 | | Mar-2014 | Employment following chemoradiotherapy in glioblastoma: a prospective case series | Back, Michael ; Gzell, C.; Wheeler, H.; Guo, L.; Kastelan, M. |
| 27 | | Aug-2004 | Evaluation of a radiotherapy protocol based on INT0116 for completely resected gastric adenocarcinoma | Back, Michael ; Chung, H.T.; Shakespeare, T.P.; Wynne, C.J.; Lu, J.J.; Mukherjee, R.K. |
| 28 | | 2005 | Evaluation of an audit with feedback continuing medical education program for radiation oncologists | Back, Michael ; Shakespeare, T.; Mukherjee, R.K.; Lu, J.D.; Lee, K.M.S. |
| 29 | | Mar-2006 | External audit of clinical practice and medical decision making in a new Asian oncology center: results and implications for both developing and developed nations | Back, Michael ; Shakespeare, T.; Lu, J.J.; Lee, K.M.; Mukherjee, R.K. |
| 30 | | Apr-2017 | Factors affecting whether or not cancer patients consider using acupuncture | Back, Michael ; Eade, Thomas ; Oh, B.; Kneebone, Andrew ; Pavlakis, N.; Clarke, S.; Eslick, G.; River, J. |
| 31 | | Dec-2005 | Family centred decision making and non-disclosure of diagnosis in a South East Asian oncology practice | Back, Michael ; Huak, C.Y. |
| 32 | | Dec-2018 | FET PET in the evaluation of indeterminate brain lesions on MRI: Differentiating glioma from other non-neoplastic causes - A pilot study | Back, Michael ; Jayamanne, Dasantha ; Chan, D.L.; Hsiao, E.; Schembri, G.; Bailey, D.; Roach, P.J.; Lee, A.; Ghasemzadeh, M.; Hayes, A.R.; Cook, R.; Parkinson, J.; Drummond, J.P.; Ibbett, I.; Wheeler, H. |
| 33 | | Apr-2019 | Focal radiation therapy for limited brain metastases is associated with high rates of local control and low subsequent whole brain radiation therapy | Jayamanne, Dasantha ; Stevens, Mark ; Back, Michael ; Or, M.; Guo, L.; Parkinson, J.; Cook, R.; Little, N. |
| 34 | | Oct-2020 | FROGG patterns of practice survey and consensus recommendations on radiation therapy for MIBC | Kneebone, Andrew ; Cardoso, M.; Choudhury, A.; Christie, D.; Eade, Thomas ; Foroudi, F.; Hayden, A.; Holt, T.; Sasso, G.; Shakespeare, T.P.; Sidhom, M. |
| 35 | | Dec-2014 | Functional Swallowing Outcomes in Nasopharyngeal Cancer Treated with IMRT at 6 to 42 months Post-Radiotherapy | Back, Michael ; Patterson, M.; Brain, R.; Chin, R.; Veivers, D.P.; Wignall, A.; Eade, T. |
| 36 | | 27-Sep-2021 | The Gut Microbiome and Cancer Immunotherapy: Can We Use the Gut Microbiome as a Predictive Biomarker for Clinical Response in Cancer Immunotherapy? | Oh, Byeongsang; Boyle, Frances; Pavlakis, Nick; Clarke, Stephen; Eade, Thomas ; Hruby, George; Lamoury, Gillian; Carroll, Susan; Morgia, Marita; Kneebone, Andrew ; Stevens, Mark ; Liu, Wen; Corless, Brian; Molloy, Mark; Kong, Benjamin; Libermann, Towia; Rosenthal, David; Back, Michael |
| 37 | | May-2021 | The Gut Microbiome and Gastrointestinal Toxicities in Pelvic Radiation Therapy: A Clinical Review | Back, Michael ; Eade, Thomas ; Kneebone, Andrew ; Oh, B.; Lamoury, G.; Carroll, S.; Morgia, M.; Hruby, G.; Stevens, M.; Boyle, F.; Clarke, S.; Corless, B.; Molloy, M.; Rosenthal, D. |
| 38 | | Oct-2017 | Health and well-being benefits of spending time in forests: systematic review | Back, Michael ; Oh, B.; Lee, K.J.; Zaslawski, C.; Yeung, A.; Rosenthal, D.; Larkey, L. |
| 39 | | Nov-2016 | Health-related quality of life in patients with high-risk low-grade glioma (EORTC 22033-26033): a randomised, open-label, phase 3 intergroup study | Back, Michael ; Reijneveld, J.C.; Taphoorn, M.J.; Coens, C.; Bromberg, J.E.; Mason, W.P.; Hoang-Xuan, K.; Ryan, G.; Hassel, M.B.; Enting, R.H.; Brandes, A.A.; Wick, A.; Chinot, O.; Reni, M.; Kantor, G.; Thiessen, B.; Klein, M.; Verner, E.; Borchers, C.; Hau, P.; Smits, A.; Golfinopoulos, V.; Gorlia, T.; Bottomley, A.; Stupp, R.; Baumert, B.G. |
| 40 | | Dec-2020 | Hypofractionated adjuvant surgical cavity radiotherapy following resection of limited brain metastasis | Back, Michael ; Wijetunga, A.; Jayamanne, Dasantha ; Cook, R.; Parkinson, J.; Little, N.; Curtis, J.; Brown, C. |
| 41 | | 29-Mar-2024 | Hypofractionated re-irradiation with bevacizumab for relapsed chemorefractory glioblastoma after prior high dose radiotherapy: a feasible option for patients with large-volume relapse | Tong, Elissa; Horsley, Patrick; Wheeler, Helen; Wong, Matthew ; Venkatesha, Venkatesha; Chan, Joseph; Kastelan, Marina; Back, Michael |
| 42 | | 1-May-2019 | Impact of Radiation Target Volume on Health-Related Quality of Life in Patients With Low-Grade Glioma in the 2-Year Period Post Treatment: A Secondary Analysis of the EORTC 22033-26033 | Dirven, Linda; Reijneveld, Jaap C; Taphoorn, Martin J B; Coens, Corneel; El-Badawy, Samy A; Tzuk-Shina, Tzahala; Bravo-Marques, Jose; Back, Michael ; Stalpers, Lukas J A; Stupp, Roger; Baumert, Brigitta G; Seidel, Clemens |
| 43 | | Feb-2004 | Impact of radiation therapy on acute toxicity in breast conservation therapy for early breast cancer | Back, Michael ; Guerrieri, M.; Wratten, C.; Steigler, A. |
| 44 | | Feb-2010 | Implementation of an image-guided radiation therapy program: Lessons learnt and future challenges | Back, Michael ; Bell, L.J.; Oliver, L.; Vial, P.; Eade, T.; Rinks, M.; Hammond, E.; Morgan, G.; Wiltshire, K. |
| 45 | | 21-Oct-2022 | Implications of Concurrent IDH1 and IDH2 Mutations on Survival in Glioma-A Case Report and Systematic Review | Yuile, Alexander; Satgunaseelan, Laveniya; Wei, Joe; Kastelan, Marina; Back, Michael F ; Lee, Maggie; Wei, Heng; Buckland, Michael E; Lee, Adrian; Wheeler, Helen R |
| 46 | | May-2007 | Improved median survival for glioblastoma multiforme following introduction of adjuvant temozolomide chemotherapy | Back, Michael ; Ang, E.L.L.; Ng, W.H.; See, S.J.; Lim, C.C.T.; Chan, S.P.; Yeo, T.T. |
| 47 | | May-2007 | Improvements in quality of care resulting from a formal multidisciplinary tumour clinic in the management of high-grade glioma | Back, Michael ; Ang, E.L.L.; Ng, W.H.; See, S.J.; Lim, C.C.T.; Tay, L.L. |
| 48 | | Jul-2021 | Improving efficiency in the radiation management of multiple brain metastases using a knowledge-based planning solution for single-isocentre volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT) technique | Back, Michael ; O'Toole, J.; Picton, M.; Perez, M.; Jayamanne, Dasantha ; Le, A.; Wu, K.; Brown, C.; Atyeo, J. |
| 49 | | Apr-2019 | Influence of molecular classification in anaplastic glioma for determining outcome and future approach to management | Back, Michael ; Jayamanne, Dasantha ; Wong, Matthew ; Brazier, D.; Newey, A.; Bailey, D.; Schembri, G; Hsiao, E.; Khasraw, M.; Kastelan, M.; Guo, L.; Clarke, S.; Wheeler, H. |
| 50 | | Dec-2020 | An Innovative Tai Chi and Qigong Telehealth Service in Supportive Cancer Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond | Back, Michael ; Oh, B.; Van Der Saag, D.; Morgia, M.; Carroll, S.; Boyle, F.; Lamoury, G. |
| 51 | | Jun-2013 | Intensity-modulated radiotherapy using simultaneous-integrated boost for definitive treatment of locally advanced mucosal head and neck cancer: Outcomes from a single-institution series | Back, Michael ; Johnston, M.; Guo, L.; Guminski, A.; Lee, A.; Hanna, C.; Veivers, D.; Wignall, A.; Eade, T. |
| 52 | | Oct-2005 | Interpreting the improved outcome of patients with central nervous system metastases managed in clinical trials compared with standard hospital practice | Back, Michael ; Tang, J.I.; Shakespeare, T.P.; Lu, J.J.; Mukherjee, R.K.; Wynne, C.J.; Liang, S. |
| 53 | | Nov-2020 | Introducing Computed Tomography Simulation-Free and Electronic Patient-Reported Outcomes-Monitored Palliative Radiation Therapy into Routine Care: Clinical Outcomes and Implementation Experience | Back, Michael ; Schuler, T.; Hruby, G.; Carroll, S.; Jayamanne, Dasantha ; Kneebone, Andrew ; Stevens, M.; Lamoury, G.; Morgia, M.; Wong, S.; Grimberg, K.; Roderick, S.; Booth, J.; Eade, Thomas |
| 54 | | Sep-2012 | Is advanced age a barrier to effective cancer treatment? The experience of nonagenarians receiving radiation therapy | Back, Michael ; Thompson, A.V.; Cone, R.; Gao, H.; Hammond, E.; Fraser, D. |
| 55 | | Jan-2022 | Large tumour volume reduction of IDH-mutated anaplastic glioma involving the insular region following radiotherapy | Jayamanne, Dasantha ; Wong, Matthew ; Back, Michael ; Metz, G.; Wheeler, H.; Cook, R.; Little, N.; Parkinson, J.; Kastelan, M.; Brown, C. |
| 56 | | Mar-2015 | Large volume re-irradiation with bevacizumab is a feasible salvage option for patients with refractory high-grade glioma | Back, Michael ; Gzell, C.; Kastelan, M.; Guo, L.; Wheeler, H. |
| 57 | | 15-Sep-2023 | Leptomeningeal neuraxis relapse in glioblastoma is an uncommon but not rare event associated with poor outcome | Wegener, Eric; Horsley, Patrick; Wheeler, Helen; Jayamanne, Dasantha ; Kastelan, Marina; Guo, Linxin; Brown, Chris; Back, Michael |
| 58 | | Aug-2016 | Low Rate of Subsequent Whole Brain Radiotherapy Following a Policy of Local Therapy with MRI Surveillance for Central Nervous System Oligometastases | Harris, G.; Cook, R.; Teo, C.; Jayamanne, D.; Guo, L.; Back, Michael |
| 59 | | Dec-2007 | Metastatic spinal cord compression as an oncology emergency: getting our act together | Back, Michael ; Lee, K.M.; Tsou, I.; Wong, S.W.; Yu, C.; Ming, Z.; Loh, Y.; Shakespeare, T.; Mukherjee, R. |
| 60 | | Feb-2020 | Molecular and clonal evolution in recurrent metastatic gliosarcoma | Anderson, Kevin J; Tan, Aaron C; Parkinson, Jonathon; Back, Michael ; Kastelan, Marina; Newey, Allison; Brewer, Janice; Wheeler, Helen; Hudson, Amanda L; Amin, Samirkumar B; Johnson, Kevin C; Barthel, Floris P; Verhaak, Roel G W; Khasraw, Mustafa |
| 61 | | 23-Oct-2024 | Nature and impact of symptoms at time of initial presentation for patients with glioblastoma | Ruisi, Isidoro; Jayamanne, Dasantha ; Kastelan, Marina; Cove, Nicola ; Cheng, Michael; Back, Michael |
| 62 | | Aug-2015 | Neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio in head and neck cancer | Back, Michael ; Haddad, C.R.; Guo, L.; Clarke, S.; Guminski, A.; Eade, T. |
| 63 | | Oct-2018 | Optimising Outcomes for Glioblastoma through Subspecialisation in a Regional Cancer Centre | Back, Michael ; Jayamanne, Dasantha ; Wong, Matthew ; Cove, N.; Wheeler, H.; Khasraw, M.; Guo, L.; Back, J. |
| 64 | | May-2007 | Optimising radiation therapy techniques for tumours of the central nervous system | Back, Michael ; Baggarley, S.; Park, E.; Wei, R. |
| 65 | | Jul-2008 | Outcomes of adjuvant chemoradiotherapy after a radical gastrectomy and a D2 node dissection for gastric adenocarcinoma | Back, Michael ; Leong, C.N.; Chung, H.T.; Lee, K.M.S.; Shakespeare, T.P.; Mukherjee, R.K.; Wong, L.C.; Lu, J.D.; Tey, J.; Lim, R.; So, J.B.Y. |
| 66 | | Sep-2016 | Oxidative stress in prostate cancer patients: A systematic review of case control studies | Back, Michael ; Eade, Thomas ; Oh, B.; Figtree, G.; Costa, D.; Hruby, G.; Lim, S.; Elfiky, A.; Martine, N.; Rosenthal, D.; Clarke, S. |
| 67 | | Jun-2003 | Patient Preference for Radiotherapy Fractionation Schedule in the Palliation of Painful Bone Metastases | Back, Michael ; Shakespeare, T.; Lu, J. D.; Liang, S.; Mukherjee, R.K.; Wynne, C.J. |
| 68 | | Aug-2005 | Patient satisfaction with doctor-patient interaction in a radiotherapy centre during the severe acute respiratory syndrome outbreak | Back, Michael ; Tang, J.I.; Shakespeare, T.P.; Zhang, X.J.; Lu, J.J.; Liang, S.; Wynne, C.J.; Mukherjee, R.K. |
| 69 | | Apr-2019 | Pattern of failure in anaplastic glioma patients with an IDH1/2 mutation | Back, Michael ; Jayamanne, Dasantha ; Wong, Matthew ; Brazier, D.; Newey, A.; Bailey, D.; Schembri, G.; Hsiao, E.; Khasraw, M.; Kastelan, M.; Brown, C.; Wheeler, H. |
| 70 | | Jan-2006 | Phase II study of the American Brachytherapy Society guidelines for the use of high-dose rate brachytherapy in the treatment of cervical carcinoma: Is 45-50.4 Gy radiochemotherapy plus 31.8 Gy in six fractions high-dose rate brachytherapy tolerable? | Back, Michael ; Shakespeare, T.P.; Lim, K.H.C.; Mukherjee, R.K.; Lu, J.D. |
| 71 |  | Jul-2018 | Predicting patterns of failure in temporal lobe GBMs: Possible implications on radiotherapy treatment portals | Jayamanne, Dasantha ; Back, Michael ; Wheeler, H.; Brazier, D.; Newey, A.; Kastelan, M.; Guo, L. |
| 72 | | 15-Apr-2024 | Prognostic impact of prostate-specific membrane antigen positron emission tomography (PSMA PET) staging for clinically node-positive prostate cancer | Leow, Boon Yang Jerome ; Eade, Thomas ; Hruby, George; Lieng, Hester ; Hsiao, Edward; Brown, Chris; Kneebone, Andrew |
| 73 | | Mar-2016 | Proliferation Index Predicts Survival after Second Craniotomy within 6 Months of Adjuvant Radiotherapy for High-grade Glioma | Back, Michael ; Gzell, C.; Wheeler, H.; Huang, D.; Gaur, P.; Chen, J.; Kastelan, M. |
| 74 | | Feb-2021 | Radiation oncology during COVID-19: Strategies to avoid compromised care | Back, Michael ; Horsley, P.J.; Lamoury, G.; Porter, B.; Booth, J.; Eade, Thomas |
| 75 | | Sep-2018 | Radiation, inflammation and the immune response in cancer | Back, Michael ; Eade, Thomas ; McKelvey, K.J.; Hudson, A.L.; Diakos, C.I. |
| 76 | | Jun-2019 | Radiotherapy for node-positive prostate cancer: 2019 Recommendations of the Australian and New Zealand Radiation Oncology Genito-Urinary group | Lieng, Hester ; Kneebone, Andrew ; Hayden, A.J.; Christie, D.R.H.; Davis, B.J.; Eade, Thomas ; Emmett, L.; Holt, T.; Hruby, G.; Pryor, D.; Sidhom, M.; Skala, M.; Yaxley, J.; Shakespeare, T.P. |
| 77 | | Nov-2018 | Radiotherapy for recurrent prostate cancer: 2018 Recommendations of the Australian and New Zealand Radiation Oncology Genito-Urinary group | Lieng, Hester ; Eade, Thomas ; Kneebone, Andrew ; Hayden, A.J.; Christie, D.R.H.; Davis, B.J.; Emmett, L.; Holt, T.; Hruby, G.; Pryor, D.; Shakespeare, T.P.; Sidhom, M.; Skala, M.; Wiltshire, K.; Yaxley, J. |
| 78 | | Jan-2017 | Radiotherapy in Glioblastoma: the past, the present and the future | Back, Michael ; Gzell, C.; Wheeler, H.; Bailey, D.; Foote, M. |
| 79 | | Oct-2021 | A randomized phase II trial of veliparib, radiotherapy, and temozolomide in patients with unmethylated MGMT glioblastoma: the VERTU study | Back, Michael ; Sim, H.W.; McDonald, K.L.; Lwin, Z.; Barnes, E.H.; Rosenthal, M.; Foote, M.C.; Koh, E.S.; Wheeler, H.; Sulman, E.P.; Buckland, M.; Fisher, L.; Leonard, R.; Hall, M.; Ashley, D.M.; Yip, S.; Simes, J.; Khasraw, M. |
| 80 | | 9-Jun-2021 | Redo craniotomy or bevacizumab for symptomatic steroid-refractory true or pseudoprogression following IMRT for glioblastoma | Cook, Theresa A ; Jayamanne, Dasantha ; Wong, Matthew ; Cove, Nicola ; Back, Michael ; Wheeler, H.; Parkinson, J.; Cook, R. J.; Kastelan, M. A.; Brown, C. |
| 81 | | Mar-2017 | Reducing radiation dose to normal brain through a risk adapted dose reduction protocol for patients with favourable subtype anaplastic glioma | Back, Michael ; Eade, Thomas ; LeMottee, Monica ; Crasta, C.; Wheeler, H.; Guo, L.; Bailey, D. |
| 82 | | Jun-2019 | Reflecting on survivorship outcomes to aid initial decision making in patients treated for IDH-mutated anaplastic glioma | Jayamanne, Dasantha ; Wong, Matthew ; Back, Michael ; Back, E.; Kastelan, M.; Khasraw, M.; Brown, C.; Wheeler, H. |
| 83 | | Sep-2017 | Retrospective cohort analysis of neoadjuvant treatment and survival in resectable and borderline resectable pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma in a high volume referral centre | Wong, Matthew ; Kneebone, Andrew ; Itchins, M.; Arena, J.; Nahm, C.B.; Rabindran, J.; Kim, S.; Gibbs, E.; Bergamin, S.; Chua, T.C.; Gill, Anthony J ; Maher, R.; Diakos, C.; Mittal, A.; Hruby, G.; Pavlakis, N.; Samra, J.; Clarke, S. |
| 84 | | 8-Nov-2024 | The role of amino acid PET in radiotherapy target volume delineation for adult-type diffuse gliomas: A review of the literature | Horsley, Patrick J; Bailey, Dale L; Schembri, Geoffrey; Hsiao, Edward; Drummond, James; Back, Michael |
| 85 | | May-2019 | Role of delayed salvage bevacizumab at symptomatic progression of chemorefractory glioblastoma | Cuncannon, Moire ; Wong, Matthew ; Jayamanne, Dasantha ; Cove, Nicola ; Back, Michael ; Guo, L.; Wheeler, H. |
| 86 | | Mar-2020 | The role of large volume re-irradiation with Bevacizumab in chemorefractory high grade glioma | Wong, Matthew ; Jayamanne, Dasantha ; Back, Michael ; Chan, J.; Wheeler, H.; Khasraw, M.; Kastelan, M.; Guo, L. |
| 87 | | Feb-2007 | The role of palliative radiation therapy in symptomatic locally advanced gastric cancer | Back, Michael ; Tey, J.; Shakespeare, T.P.; Mukherjee, R.K.; Lu, J.J.; Lee, K.M.; Wong, L.C.; Leong, C.N.; Zhu, M. |
| 88 | | Mar-2017 | Short-Course Radiation plus Temozolomide in Elderly Patients with Glioblastoma | Back, Michael ; Perry, J.R.; Laperriere, N.; O'Callaghan, C.J.; Brandes, A.A.; Menten, J.; Phillips, C.; Fay, M.; Nishikawa, R.; Cairncross, J.G.; Roa, W.; Osoba, D.; Rossiter, J.P.; Sahgal, A.; Hirte, H.; Laigle-Donadey, F.; Franceschi, E.; Chinot, O.; Golfinopoulos, V.; Fariselli, L.; Wick, A.; Feuvret, L.; Tills, M.; Winch, C.; Baumert, B.G.; Wick, W.; Ding, K.; Mason, W.P. |
| 89 | | May-2016 | Small increases in enhancement on MRI may predict survival post radiotherapy in patients with glioblastoma | Back, Michael ; Gzell, C.; Wheeler, H.; McCloud, P.; Kastelan, M. |
| 90 | | Oct-2004 | A study of complications arising from different methods of anesthesia used in high-dose-rate brachytherapy for cervical cancer | Back, Michael ; Lim, K.H.C.; Lu, J.J.; Wynne, C.J.; Mukherjee, R.K.; Razvi, K.; Shakespeare, T. |
| 91 | | Mar-2018 | Survival improvements with adjuvant therapy in patients with glioblastoma | Jayamanne, Dasantha ; Back, Michael ; Wheeler, H.; Cook, R.; Teo, C.; Brazier, D.; Schembri, G.; Kastelan, M.; Guo, L. |
| 92 | | Jul-2017 | Survival Outcomes of Elderly Patients With Glioblastoma Multiforme in Their 75th Year or Older Treated With Adjuvant Therapy | Back, Michael ; Jayamanne, Dasantha ; Harris, G.; Wheeler, H.; Gzell, C.; Kastelan, M.; Schembri, G.; Brazier, D.; Cook, R.; Parkinson, J.; Khasraw, M.; Louw, S. |
| 93 |  | Feb-2016 | Systemic inflammation is an independent predictive marker of clinical outcomes in mucosal squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck in oropharyngeal and non-oropharyngeal patients | Back, Michael ; Eade, Thomas ; Charles, K.A.; Harris, B.D.; Haddad, C.R.; Clarke, S.J.; Guminksi, A.; Stevens, M.; Dodds, T.; Gill, Anthony J ; Veivers, D. |
| 94 | | Nov-2018 | Tumour volume reduction following PET guided intensity modulated radiation therapy and temozolomide in IDH mutated anaplastic glioma | Back, Michael ; Jayamanne, Dasantha ; Brazier, D.; Bailey, D.; Hsiao, E.; Guo, L.; Wheeler, H. |
| 95 | | Jan-2011 | An ultrasonographic evaluation of skin thickness in breast cancer patients after postmastectomy radiation therapy | Back, Michael ; Wong, S.; Kaur, A.; Lee, K.M.; Baggarley, S.; Lu, J.J. |
| 96 | | Sep-2018 | Understanding the Revised Fourth Edition of the World Health Organization Classification of Tumours of the Central Nervous System (2016) for Clinical Decision-making: A Guide for Oncologists Managing Patients with Glioma | Back, Michael ; Jayamanne, Dasantha ; Rodriguez, M.; Khasraw, M.; Lee, A.; Wheeler, H. |
| 97 | | Feb-2018 | Utilizing 18F-fluoroethyl-l-tyrosine positron emission tomography in high grade glioma for radiation treatment planning in patients with contraindications to MRI | Jayamanne, Dasantha ; Back, Michael ; Kaushal, Sneha ; Chan, D.L.; Schembri, G.; Brazier, D.; Bailey, D.; Wheeler, H. |
| 98 | | Jul-2018 | Utilizing 18F-fluoroethyltyrosine (FET) positron emission tomography (PET) to define suspected nonenhancing tumor for radiation therapy planning of glioblastoma | Jayamanne, Dasantha ; Back, Michael ; Hayes, A.R.; Hsiao, E.; Schembri, G.; Bailey, D.; Roach, P.J.; Khasraw, M.; Newey, A.; Wheeler, H. |
| 99 | | May-2023 | Volumetric response and pattern of failure of histone altered high grade glioma in adults following management with radiation therapy | Knight, A; Horsley, P; Yuile, A; Yim, J; Suh, M; Venketesha, V; Kastelan, M; Wheeler, H; Back, Michael |
| 100 | | 13-Mar-2024 | Volumetric Response and Survival of Patients With Bulky IDH-Mutated Grade 3 Glioma Managed With FET-FDG-Guided Integrated Boost IMRT | Mills, D; Horsley, P; Venkatasha, V; Back, Michael |
| 101 | | 2-Nov-2021 | Volumetric Response of Limited Brain Metastatic Disease to Focal Hypofractionated Radiation Therapy | Wijetunga, Asanka R; Jayamanne, Dasantha ; Adams, Jessica; Back, Michael |
| 102 | | Oct-2011 | Volumetric-modulated Arc Therapy in Head and Neck Radiotherapy: A Planning Comparison using Simultaneous Integrated Boost for Nasopharynx and Oropharynx Carcinoma | Back, Michael ; Johnston, M.; Clifford, S.; Bromley, R.; Oliver, L.; Eade, T. |