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Tasman Armytage
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Armytage, Tasman
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Central Coast Local Health District
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Results 1-8 of 8 (Search time: 0.05 seconds).

PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
125-Feb-2024Poor outcomes for trial‐ineligible patients receiving polatuzumab for relapsed/refractory diffuse large B‐cell lymphoma in routine care: An Australian Lymphoma and Related Diseases Registry projectShaw, BrionyChung, ElizaWellard, CameronYoo, EdwardBennett, RoryBirks, CallumJohnston, AnnaCheah, Chan YHamad, NadaSimpson, JockBarraclough, AllisonKu, MatthewViiala, NicholasRatnasingam, SumitaArmytage, Tasman Cochrane, TaraChong, GeoffreyLee, DeniseManos, KateKeane, ColmWallwork, StephanieOpat, StephenHawkes, Eliza A
2Feb-2024Australia and New Zealand consensus position statement: use of COVID-19 therapeutics in patients with haematological malignanciesCampbell, AshleaTeh, BenjaminMulligan, StephenRoss, David MWeinkove, RobertGilroy, NicoleGangatharan, ShanePrince, Henry MilesSzer, JeffTrotman, JudithLane, StevenDickinson, MichaelQuach, HangEnjeti, Anoop KKu, MatthewGregory, GarethHapgood, GregoryHo, Phoebe JoyCochrane, TaraCheah, ChanGreenwood, MatthewLatimer, MayaBerkahn, LeanneWight, JoelArmytage, Tasman Diamond, PeterTam, Constantine SHamad, Nada
3Feb-2023Australian experience with ibrutinib in patients with relapsed/refractory mantle cell lymphoma: a study from the Lymphoma and Related Diseases RegistryBaggio, DivaWellard, CameronChung, ElizaTalaulikar, DiptiKeane, ColmOpat, StephenGiri, PratyushMinson, AdrianCheah, Chan YoonArmytage, Tasman Lee, DeniseChong, GeoffreyJohnston, AnnaCochrane, TaraWaters, NeilHamad, NadaWood, Erica MHawkes, Eliza A
416-Sep-2021Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma: A consensus practice statement from the Australasian Lymphoma AllianceArmytage, Tasman Wight, J.Hamad, N.Campbell, B. A.Ku, M.Lee, K.Rose, H.Latimer, M.Lee, H. P.Lee, S. T.Dickinson, M.Khor, R.Verner, E.
5May-2021COVID-19 vaccination in haematology patients: an Australian and New Zealand consensus position statementArmytage, Tasman McCaughan, G.Di Ciaccio, P.Ananda-Rajah, M.Gilroy, N.MacIntyre, R.Teh, B.Weinkove, R.Curnow, J.Szer, J.Enjeti, A.K.Ross, D.M.Mulligan, S.Trotman, J.Dickinson, M.Quach, H.Choi, P.Polizzotto, M.N.Tam, C.S.Ho, P.J.Ku, M.Gregory, G.Gangatharan, S.Hapgood, G.Cochrane, T.Cheah, C.Gibbs, S.Wei, A.Johnston, A.Greenwood, M.Prince, H.M.Latimer, M.Berkahn, L.Wight, J.Hamad, N.
6May-2020Australian and New Zealand consensus statement on the management of lymphoma, chronic lymphocytic leukaemia and myeloma during the COVID-19 pandemicArmytage, Tasman Di Ciaccio, P.McCaughan, G.Trotman, J.Ho, P.J.Cheah, C.Y.Gangatharan, S.Wight, J.Ku, M.Quach, H.Gasiorowski, R.Polizzotto, M.N.Prince, H.M.Mulligan, S.Tam, C.S.Gregory, G.Hapgood, G.Spencer, A.Dickinson, M.Latimer, M.Johnston, A.Lee, C.Cochrane, T.Berkahn, L.Weinkove, R.Doocey, R.Harrison, H.J.Webber, N.Lee, H.P.Chapman, S.Campbell, B.A.Gibbs, S.D.J.Hamad, N.
7Jan-2020Intensive chemotherapy and up-front stem cell transplant for double hit lymphomaArmytage, Tasman Othman, J.Wong, K.Arthur, C.Fay, K.Stevenson, W.MacKinlay, N.Ward, C.Pechey, V.Coyle, L.Kerridge, Ian Greenwood, M.
82010The use of zolpidem in the treatment of progressive supranuclear palsyCotter, C.Armytage, Tasman Crimmins, Denis