Haematology : [64] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 64
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Sep-2019Outpatient rituximab, ifosfamide, etoposide (R-IE) in patients older than 60 years with relapsed or refractory diffuse large B-cell lymphoma who are not candidates for stem cell transplantationForsyth, Cecily J Joshi, M.Taper, J.Rowlings, P.Campbell, P.Crispin, P.Harvey, M.Underhill, C.Bayley, A.Byth, K.Huang, G.Hertzberg, M.
Apr-2019Changing incidence of myeloproliferative neoplasms in Australia, 2003-2014Forsyth, Cecily J Baade, P.D.Ross, D.M.Anderson, L.A.Fritschi, L.
Jan-2019Hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasiaForsyth, Cecily J Mangkorntongsakul, Varitsara 
Dec-2001Collection and transport of samples for laboratory testing in von Willebrand's disease (VWD): time for a reappraisal?Forsyth, Cecily J Favaloro, E.J.Nair, S.C.
1995Transfusion of patients with haemoglobinopathiesForsyth, Cecily J Chisholm, J.Popp, H.
1996A quick differentiation between iron deficiency and thalassaemia syndromeForsyth, Cecily J Yuen, S.Brown, R.Zarkos, K.
Feb-1999Hodgkin's disease: a GP's guide to diagnosis and managementForsyth, Cecily J 
Mar-1995Severe hemolysis due to anti-D in a D-negative recipient of an orthotopic liver transplantForsyth, Cecily J Popp, H.Kronenberg, H.McCaughan, G.
1995Quantifying the loss of ABO antigenicity in a patient with acute myeloid leukemia by flow cytometric analysisForsyth, Cecily J Popp, H.J.Nelson, M.Falson, M.Kronenberg, H.
Apr-2019The natural history of vascular and other complications in patients treated with nilotinib for chronic myeloid leukemiaForsyth, Cecily J Minson, A.G.Cummins, K.Fox, L.Costello, B.Yeung, D.Cleary, R.Tatarczuch, M.Burbury, K.Motorna, O.Shortt, J.Fleming, S.McQuillan, A.Schwarer, A.Harrup, R.Holmes, A.Ratnasingam, S.Chan, K.L.Hsu, W.H.Ashraf, A.Putt, F.Grigg, A.
Apr-2012When should iron chelation therapy be considered in patients with myelodysplasia and other bone marrow failure syndromes with iron overload?Forsyth, Cecily J Bird, R.Kenealy, M.Wellwood, J.Leahy, M.F.Seymour, J.F.To, L.B.
Oct-2015The novel Hsp-90 inhibitor SNX7081 is significantly more potent than 17-AAG against primary CLL cells and a range of haematological cell lines, irrespective of lesions in the TP53 pathwayForsyth, Cecily J Best, O.G.Singh, N.Mulligan, S.P.
Oct-2001Abnormal dicentric chromosome with co-amplification of sequences from chromosomes 11 and 19: a novel rearrangement in a patient with myelodysplastic syndrome transforming to acute myeloid leukemiaForsyth, Cecily J Smith, A.Heaps, L.S.Sharma, P.Jarvis, A.
May-1997Management of acute vascular graft thrombosis associated with HIT syndrome: a case reportForsyth, Cecily J Wilson, M.McGahan, T.White, G.
Sep-1996Rapid quantitation of mixed red cell populations using flow cytometryForsyth, Cecily J Nelson, M.Popp, H.Gibson, J.
Mar-1996Autologous red cell recovery and relapse of multiple myeloma after bone marrow transplantation: is this a graft-versus-myeloma effect?Forsyth, Cecily J Nelson, M.Popp, H.Snowdon, L.Gibson, J.Joshua, D.
Feb-1996Thalidomide responsive chronic pulmonary GVHDForsyth, Cecily J Cremer, P.D.Torzillo, P.Iland, H.J.Young, G.A.
Oct-1995Oral L-arginine inhibits platelet aggregation but does not enhance endothelium-dependent dilation in healthy young menForsyth, Cecily J Adams, M.R.Jessup, W.Robinson, J.Celermajer, D.S.
Feb-1995First trimester antigen typing of fetal red cells using a flow cytometric techniqueForsyth, Cecily J Nelson, M.Popp, H.Peat, B.Boogert, A.Gibson, J.
Dec-1994Rapid detection of Rh(D)- or K-positive fetal red cells in chorion villus samples by a flow cytometric techniqueForsyth, Cecily J Nelson, M.Popp, H.Gibson, J.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 64