Integrated Care : [29] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 29 of 29
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Dec-2020Which interventions best support the health and wellbeing needs of rural populations experiencing natural disasters?Goodwin, Nicholas Lewis, Suzanne Dalton, HazelPrael, Grace
Aug-2020From Crisis to Coordination: Challenges and Opportunities for Integrated Care posed by the COVID-19 PandemicGoodwin, Nicholas Stein, K.V.Miller, R.
Damarell_et_al-2020-BMC_Medical_Research_Methodology.pdf.jpg2020Integrated Care Search: Development and validation of a PubMed search filter for retrieving the integrated care research evidenceLewis, Suzanne Damarell, R.A.Trenerry, C.Tieman, J.J.
Mar-2010Integrating care for people with mental illness: the Care Programme Approach in England and its implications for long-term conditions managementGoodwin, Nicholas Lawton-Smith, S.
2014Achieving Effective Integrated E-Care Beyond the SilosGoodwin, Nicholas Meyer, I.Muller, S.Kubitschke, L.Alonso, N.
2010The state of telehealth and telecare in the UK: prospects for integrated careGoodwin, Nicholas 
2007Developing effective joint commissioning between health and social care: Prospects for the future based on lessons from the pastGoodwin, Nicholas 
Aug-2019Formative Evaluation of the Central Coast Integrated Care Program (CCICP), NSW AustraliaGoodwin, Nicholas Bishop, Michael Sheather-Reid, Rachael Bradfield, Sarah Lewis, Peter R Gazzard, Taryn Critchley, Anthony Wilcox, Sarah Dalton, H.Read, D.M.Y.Booth, A.Perkins, D.Hendry, A.Handley, T.Davies, K.
Oct-2016Understanding integrated careGoodwin, Nicholas 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 29 of 29