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Title: A novel buddy balloon technique to recross a T-stented bifurcation
Authors: Gunalingam, Brendan B ;Chan, Richard Y 
Issue Date: 2009
Source: Volume 74, Issue 1, pp. 103-107
Journal title: Catheterization and Cardiovascular Intervention
Abstract: The T technique is not uncommonly used to stent bifurcation lesions. It requires recrossing into the side branch with a guidewire and balloon to perform final Kissing Balloon dilations, but recrossing can be difficult. We describe a case of bifurcation stenting where balloon recrossing following guidewire placement into the side branch proved very challenging, and was finally achieved via a combination of forward pressure on a low-profile balloon with its tip wedged at the stent struts along with simultaneous low-pressure inflation of a larger parallel balloon. This altered the stent architecture and also allowed for a more favorable vector of force transmission to allow recrossing and hence successful completion of the procedure.
DOI: 10.1002/ccd.21970
ISSN: 1522-1946
Publicaton type: Journal Article
Keywords: Cardiology
Appears in Collections:Cardiology

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