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Steven Childs
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Childs, Steven
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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
114-Jul-2023Substance use, socio-demographic characteristics, and self-rated health of people seeking alcohol and other drug treatment in New South Wales: baseline findings from a cohort studyBlack, EmmaBruno, RaimondoMammen, KristieMills, LlewellynSiefried, Krista JDeacon, Rachel MShakeshaft, AnthonyDunlop, Adrian JEzard, NadineMontebello, MarkChilds, Steven Reid, DavidHolmes, JenniferLintzeris, Nicholas
28-Jul-2023Identifying thresholds for clinically meaningful change among clients of drug and alcohol services using the Australian Treatment Outcomes ProfileDeacon, Rachel MMills, LlewellynBruno, RaimondoMammen, KristieDunlop, AdrianChilds, Steven Shakeshaft, AnthonyHolmes, JenniferLintzeris, Nicholas
316-Dec-2022Health and social characteristics of clients reporting amphetamine type substance use at entry to public alcohol and other drug services in New South Wales, Australia, 2016-2019Black, EmmaMammen, KristieDeacon, Rachel MEzard, NadineMills, LlewellynDunlop, Adrian JMontebello, MarkReid, DavidChilds, Steven Bruno, RaimondoShakeshaft, AnthonySiefried, Krista JFarrell, MichaelHolmes, JenniferLintzeris, Nicholas
45-Oct-2022Geographical variation in implementation of the Pathways to Comorbidity Care program in Australian drug and alcohol servicesLouie, EvaGiannopoulos, VickiUribe, GabrielaWood, KatieTeesson, MareeChilds, Steven Baillie, AndrewHaber, Paul SMorley, Kirsten C
5Dec-2021Implementation of a Multi-Modal Training Program for the Management of Comorbid Mental Disorders in Drug and Alcohol Settings: Pathways to Comorbidity Care (PCC)Childs, Steven Louie, E.Morley, K.C.Giannopoulos, V.Uribe, G.Wood, K.Marel, C.Mills, K.L.Teesson, M.Edwards, M.Rogers, D.Dunlop, A.Baillie, A.Haber, P.S.