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Credit Name
Gauri Godbole
Full Name
Godbole, Gauri
Main Affilation
Central Coast Local Health District
Gauri is a clinical pharmacist currently practicing in geriatrics and palliative care specialities at Gosford Hospital, New South Wales, Australia. She has over 14 years’ experience practicing in acute, subacute geriatrics and inpatient palliative care units. Gauri has completed a master's in clinical pharmacy, is a board-certified geriatrics pharmacist and is also a credentialled dementia practitioner. She has sessional teaching appointments at the Monash University, Melbourne, teaching subjects in geriatric medicine pharmacy practice. She is a subject matter expert for the Australia Pharmacy Council. Gauri has a keen interest in research and publication. Her research area is predominantly Geriatric Medicine. As of 2022 she has supported 7 groups of B. Pharm honours projects from the University of Newcastle, NSW. Gauri has served on multiple review and advisory boards including NSW Ministry of Health submission to the Royal Commission in Aged Care. She was the lead author of Australia first advanced traineeship in Geriatric medicine pharmacy practice published in 2019. She was the recipient of the 2022 Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia, NSW branch, outstanding achievement award.
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