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Title: Adhesive capsulitis: review of imaging and treatment
Authors: Harris, Guy ;Bou-Haidar, P.;Harris, C.
Issue Date: Dec-2013
Source: Volume 57, Issue 6, pp. 633 - 643
Journal title: Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Oncology
Department: Radiology
Abstract: Adhesive capsulitis is one of the most common conditions affecting the shoulder; however, early clinical diagnosis can be challenging. Treatment is most effective when commenced prior to the onset of capsular thickening and contracture; consequently, the role of imaging is increasing. The aim of this review is to demonstrate the typical imaging appearances of adhesive capsulitis and to examine some of the evidence regarding each of these imaging modalities. An evaluation of the various management options available to the clinician is also presented.
DOI: 10.1111/1754-9485.12111
ISSN: 1754-9485
Publicaton type: Journal Article
Appears in Collections:Health Service Research

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