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Title: Unplanned readmission or death after discharge for Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people with chronic disease in NSW Australia: a retrospective cohort study
Authors: Ella, Stephen ;Jayakody, A.;Oldmeadow, C.;Carey, M.;Bryant, J.;Evans, T.;Attia, J.;Sanson-Fisher, R.
Affliation: Central Coast Local Health District
The University of Newcastle
Issue Date: Nov-2018
Source: 18(1):893
Journal title: BMC Health Services Research
Department: Aboriginal Health
Abstract: BACKGROUND: Admitted patients with chronic disease are at high risk of an unplanned hospital readmission, however, little research has examined unplanned readmission among Aboriginal people in Australia. This study aimed to examine whether rates of unplanned 28 day hospital readmission, or death, significantly differ between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal patients in New South Wales, Australia, over a nine-year period. METHODS: A retrospective cohort analysis of a sample of de-identified linked hospital administrative data was conducted. Eligible patients were: 1) aged >/=18 years old, 2) admitted to an acute facility in a NSW public hospital between 30th June 2005 and 1st July 2014, and 3) admitted with either cardiovascular disease, chronic respiratory disease, diabetes or renal disease. The primary composite outcome was unplanned readmission or death within 28 days of discharge. Generalized linear models and a test for trend were used to assess rates of unplanned readmission or death over time in Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal patients with chronic disease, accounting for sociodemographic variables. RESULTS: The final study cohort included 122,145 separations corresponding to 48,252 patients (Aboriginal = 57.2%, n = 27,601; non-Aboriginal = 42.8%, n = 20,651). 13.9% (n = 16,999) of all separations experienced an unplanned readmission or death within 28 days of discharge. Death within 28 days of discharge alone accounted for only a small number of separations (1.4%; n = 1767). Over the nine-year period, Aboriginal separations had a significantly higher relative risk of an unplanned readmission or death (Relative risk = 1.34 (1.29, 1.40); p-value < 0.0001) compared with non-Aboriginal separations once adjusted for sociodemographic, disease variables and restricted to < 75 years of age. A test for trend, including an interaction between year and Aboriginal status, showed there was no statistically significant change in proportions over the nine-year period for Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal separations (p-value for trend = 0.176). CONCLUSION: Aboriginal people with chronic disease had a significantly higher risk of unplanned readmission or death 28 days post discharge from hospital compared with non-Aboriginal people, and there has been no significant change over the nine year period. It is critical that effective interventions to reduce unplanned readmissions for Aboriginal people are identified.
DOI: 10.1186/s12913-018-3723-4
ISSN: 1472-6963
Publicaton type: Journal Article
Keywords: Aboriginal Health
Study or Trial: Cohort Study
Appears in Collections:Health Service Research

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