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Title: The Transferability of Information and Communication Technology Skills from University to the Workplace: A Qualitative Descriptive Study
Authors: Bembridge, Elizabeth ;Levett-Jones, Tracy ;Jeong, Sarah Yeun-Sim 
Issue Date: Apr-2011
Source: Volume 31, Issue 3, pp. 245-252
Journal title: Nurse Education Today
Abstract: AIM: This paper presents the findings from a study that explored whether the information and communication technology (ICT) skills nurses acquired at university are relevant and transferable to contemporary practice environments. BACKGROUND: Whilst universities have attempted to integrate information and communication technology into nursing curricula it is not known whether the skills developed for educational purposes are relevant or transferable to clinical contexts. METHODS: A qualitative descriptive study was used to explore the perspectives of a small group of new graduate nurses working in a regional/semi-metropolitan healthcare facility in New South Wales, Australia. Semi-structured interviews were used and the data thematically analysed. FINDINGS: The themes that emerged from the study are presented in accordance with the conceptual framework and structured under the three headings of pre-transfer, transition and post-transfer. The transferability of information and communication technology skills from university to the workplace is impacted by a range of educational, individual, organisational and contextual factors. CONCLUSION: Access to adequate ICT and the necessary training opportunities influences new graduates' work satisfaction and their future employment decisions. The ability to effectively use information and communication technology was viewed as essential to the provision of quality patient care.
DOI: 10.1016/j.nedt.2010.10.020
ISSN: 0260-6917
Publicaton type: Journal Article
Keywords: Nursing
Information and Communication Technology
Professional Development
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