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Title: An influenza outbreak among pilgrims sleeping at a school without purpose built overnight accommodation facilities
Authors: Staff, Michael ;Torres, Maria 
Issue Date: Mar-2011
Source: Volume 35, Issue 1, pp. 10- 15
Journal title: Communicable Diseases Intelligence Quarterly Report
Department: Public Health
Abstract: This report describes a respiratory illness outbreak amongst a group of over 700 World Youth Day 2008 pilgrims staying at a basic accommodation venue for 1 week in July 2008. At this venue, 1 group of pilgrims was accommodated as a large group in a gymnasium and another group was sub-divided into smaller groups and accommodated in classrooms. Following confirmation of an influenza B outbreak by influenza point of care testing, control measures were promptly implemented. Isolation of cases, improved hand, respiratory and general hygiene, establishment of a mobile tent health facility at the accommodation venue, and the use of oseltamivir for the treatment of cases and prophylaxis of high risk contacts were implemented and the outbreak was brought under control within the week. Overall, 20% of pilgrims met the case definition for an influenza-like illness and 36% had an onset prior to arrival at the venue. The attack rate for those with onset while at the venue was significantly higher amongst pilgrims accommodated in the gymnasium than those staying in the classrooms. Findings from this study highlight the importance of early detection, the rapid implementation of control measures and appropriate prescribing of antivirals to manage influenza outbreaks. The findings also highlight the benefits of accommodating individuals in smaller groups within basic accommodation venues in the context of mass gatherings.
Publicaton type: Journal Article
Keywords: Infection
Infection Control
Public Health
Appears in Collections:Public Health / Health Promotion

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