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Title: A nurse practitioner model of care in the era of direct acting antiviral therapy for hepatitis C virus infection
Authors: Nario, Steffanie ;Reynauld, Benhur ;Blacklaws, Helen ;Boden, Sharon ;Sud, Rishi ;Hawken, Glenn ;Singh, Satbir ;Herba, Karl ;Panetta, James ;Pang, James 
Affliation: Central Coast Local Health District
Gosford Hospital
Issue Date: Jun-2021
Source: 5(6):669-672
Journal title: JGH Open
Department: Gastroenterology
Abstract: Setting Single-center outpatient study, Central Coast Local Health District (CCLHD). Participants All patients with chronic HCV treated in the CCLHD Liver Clinic in the period 3rd March 2016 to 31st May 2019 were retrospectively analyzed. In this time period, a total of 1638 patients with chronic HCV had completed treatment. Seven hundred and thirty-four patients were excluded (733 pre-PBS listing for DAAs and 1 not treated with DAA). Nine hundred and four patients were eligible for the study, of which 541 were managed by an SG, and 363 managed by an NP. Main outcome measures Data were collected on patient demographics, genotype, fibrosis score, and presence of cirrhosis. Primary end point was number of patients achieving SVR12. Results Of the 904 patients treated with DAA, 764 (84.5%) achieved SVR12. There was no statistical difference (Pā€‰>ā€‰0.05) in achieving SVR12 between patients treated by an SP (n = 481, 88.9%) and those treated by an NP (n = 281, 77.4%). Conclusion An NP model of care is non-inferior to SG management of HCV infection, as evidenced by equivocal success in achieving SVR12 between the two treatment groups. Therefore, an NP model of care is a viable option in the era of DAA therapy for HCV infection. Ongoing investment into the delivery of NP care could increase treatment uptake of HCV, with the aim of decreasing overall burden of disease.
ISSN: 2397-9070
Publicaton type: Journal Article
Keywords: Nursing
Appears in Collections:Nursing

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