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Title: Women veteran transition mental health and well-being support group programs: A scoping review
Authors: Lawn, Sharon;Waddell, Elaine;Roberts, Louise;McNeill, Liz;Rioseco, Pilar;Wadham, Ben;Sharp, Tiffany;Beks, Tiffany;Lane, Jon;Hooff, Miranda Van;Mohammadi, Leila 
Affliation: Central Coast Local Health District
Issue Date: Sep-2024
Source: Jan-Dec:20:17455057241275441
Journal title: Womens Health
Department: CCLHD Libraries
Abstract: The military is a male-dominated environment and culture in which women veterans can experience significant institutional prejudice. Transition can be confusing and isolating for women veterans. Group programs are an important source of transition support. However, we know little about the specific group program needs of women veterans. To examine mental health and well-being support group programs delivered to women veterans, to understand what they value and find most helpful. Women military veterans (all types); empirical studies using any design; published between 1990 and 2022; group programs focused on transition issues (such as housing, employment, education, physical health, mental health). Peer-reviewed journals and theses. Six databases searched: Medline (via Ovid SP), PsycINFO (via Ovid SP), EmCare (via Ovid SP), CINAHL, Scopus, and ProQuest. There was significant heterogeneity across 35 included studies in type of groups, program content and structure, length of sessions, measurement of impact, follow-up, and so forth. Most programs were delivered face to face. Physical health and preventative healthcare were important topics for women veterans, particularly reproductive health, mental health, and chronic pain. Groups that included physical activity, creative arts, and alternative therapies were beneficial to women's physical and mental health. Strengths-based women-only groups, facilitated by women, that created safe spaces for women veterans to share their experiences, enhanced self-expression, agency, and self-empowerment. This was particularly important for women who had experience military sexual trauma. This review found a small but diverse range of group programs available for women veterans. Many program evaluations were of moderate or low quality and lacked sufficient information to determine whether benefits were sustained over time. No studies involved Australian women veterans. Despite these concerns, this review highlighted several useful lessons that could help inform improved design, delivery, and evaluation of group programs for women veterans.
DOI: 10.1177/17455057241275441
Publicaton type: Journal Article
Keywords: Mental Health
Study or Trial: Reviews/Systematic Reviews
Appears in Collections:Mental Health

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