Mental Health : [70] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 70
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
21-Nov-2024A Qualitative Evaluation of Health Professionals’ Perceptions State-wide Outreach Perinatal Mental Health ServiceCibralic, SaraSong, Deborah Fay-Stammbach, TraceyTucker, DebbieEapen, Valsamma
Dec-2024Supported Decision-Making Interventions in Mental Healthcare: A Systematic Review of Evidence on the Outcomes for People With Mental Ill HealthFrancis, Cathy JHazelton, MichaelWilson, Rhonda L 
Aug-2024Understanding aggression displayed by patients and families towards intensive care staff: A systematic reviewSridharan, Varadaraj Leung, Kelvin CyPeisah, Carmelle
Sep-2024Women veteran transition mental health and well-being support group programs: A scoping reviewLawn, SharonWaddell, ElaineRoberts, LouiseMcNeill, LizRioseco, PilarWadham, BenSharp, TiffanyBeks, TiffanyLane, JonHooff, Miranda VanMohammadi, Leila 
16-Sep-2024Sociodemographic Factors and Presentation Features of Individuals Seeking Mental Health Care in Emergency Departments: A Retrospective Cohort StudyHiggins, Oliver Sheather-Reid, Rachel Chalup, Stephan KWilson, Rhonda L 
29-Aug-2024Machine Learning Model Reveals Determinators for Admission to Acute Mental Health Wards From Emergency Department PresentationsHiggins, Oliver Chalup, Stephan KWilson, Rhonda L 
26-May-2024Disproportionate mental health presentations to emergency departments in a coastal regional community in Australia of first nation peopleHiggins, Oliver Sheather-Reid, Rachel B Chalup, Stephan KWilson, Rhonda L 
3-Aug-2023Commercial determinants and therapeutic chatbots: A mental health nursing perspectiveHiggins, Oliver Wilson, Rhonda L 
14-Jul-2023Substance use, socio-demographic characteristics, and self-rated health of people seeking alcohol and other drug treatment in New South Wales: baseline findings from a cohort studyBlack, EmmaBruno, RaimondoMammen, KristieMills, LlewellynSiefried, Krista JDeacon, Rachel MShakeshaft, AnthonyDunlop, Adrian JEzard, NadineMontebello, MarkChilds, Steven Reid, DavidHolmes, JenniferLintzeris, Nicholas
8-Jul-2023Identifying thresholds for clinically meaningful change among clients of drug and alcohol services using the Australian Treatment Outcomes ProfileDeacon, Rachel MMills, LlewellynBruno, RaimondoMammen, KristieDunlop, AdrianChilds, Steven Shakeshaft, AnthonyHolmes, JenniferLintzeris, Nicholas
Jun-2023Artificial intelligence: An eye cast towards the mental health nursing horizonWilson, Rhonda L Higgins, Oliver Atem, JacobDonaldson, Andrea EGildberg, Frederik AlkierHooper, MaryHopwood, MarkRosado, SilviaSolomon, BernadetteWard, KatrinaWelsh, Brandi
Dec-2021Australian family day care educators’ experiences of supporting children’s mental health, and their own mental health and wellbeingMcGuffog, RomanyFitzgeraldson, ElloyseLyford, BronteTriandafilidis, Zoi Fitzpatrick, SallyHazel, Gavin
30-Nov-2022Supports and Interventions for Carers of a Person with Depressive or Anxiety Symptomology: A Systematic ReviewFitzgeraldson, ElloyseKay-Lambkin, FrancesHarding, NatashaMcNaughton, Kimie MTriandafilidis, Zoi Heath, JacintaLyford, BronteCharnley, JanineFitzpatrick, Sally
8-Feb-2023Interpretations of innovation: The role of technology in explanation seeking related to psychosisHiggins, Oliver Short, Brooke L Chalup, Stephan KWilson, Rhonda L 
27-Jan-2023A mixed-methods evaluation of a state-wide outreach perinatal mental health serviceCibralic, SaraFay-Stammbach, TraceyTucker, DebbieSong, Deborah Eapen, Valsamma
6-Feb-2023Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) based decision support systems in mental health: An integrative reviewHiggins, Oliver Short, Brooke L Chalup, Stephan KWilson, Rhonda L 
28-Nov-2022The NSW Emergency Psychiatry NetworkHuber, JacquelineRyan, Christopher JamesGupta, RahulRosen, AlanTietze, TadDrew, KathrynAhmed, TanyaSkopek, Michaela 
Mar-2022The Effectiveness of Exercise as an Adjunct Intervention to Improve Quality of Life and Mood in Substance Use Disorder: A Systematic ReviewMurnion, Bridin Dowla, R.Sinmaz, H.Mavros, Y.Cayanan, E.Rooney, K.
Feb-2022Predictors of laxative use in inpatients with schizophrenia on clozapinePushkal, Pushkal Sazhin, V.
6-Sep-2021Exploring and reorienting psychiatrists' attitudes regarding smoking cessation and its potential to improve mental health outcomes: a pilot studyShort, Brooke Giles, Luke Bauer, Lyndon Karageorge, A.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 70