Organization name
Medical Physics

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OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 1-13 of 13 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1Aug-2017Commissioning and quality assurance for VMAT delivery systems: An efficient time-resolved system using real-time EPID imagingZwan, Benjamin Hindmarsh, Jonathan Barnes, M.P.Lim, S.B.Lovelock, D.M.Fuangrod, T.O'Connor, D.J.Keall, P.J.Greer, P.B.
2Nov-2016The dosimetric impact of control point spacing for sliding gap MLC fieldsZwan, Benjamin Hindmarsh, Jonathan Seymour, ErinKandasamy, KankeanSloan, KirbieDavid, RajesakarLee, Christopher 
3Jun-2018Electromagnetic-Guided MLC Tracking Radiation Therapy for Prostate Cancer Patients: Prospective Clinical Trial ResultsZwan, Benjamin Keall, P.J.Colvill, E.O'Brien, R.Caillet, V.Eade, Thomas Kneebone, Andrew Hruby, G.Poulsen, P.R.Greer, P.B.Booth, J.
4Sep-2016An EPID-based system for gantry-resolved MLC quality assurance for VMATZwan, Benjamin Barnes, M.P.Fuangrod, T.Stanton, C.J.O'Connor, D.J.Keall, P.J.Greer, P.B.
530-Dec-2024Fabrication of 3D printed hollow spheres for quality control and feasibility for use with xSPECT boneLam, Tuyet OanhYoung, Andy 
6Aug-2016Investigation of a real-time EPID-based patient dose monitoring safety system using site-specific control limitsZwan, Benjamin Fuangrod, T.Greer, P.B.Woodruff, H.CSimpson, J.Bhatia, S.vanBeek, T.A.McCurdy, B.M.Middleton, R.H.
725-Jan-2023A method for beam's eye view breath-hold monitoring during breast volumetric modulated arc therapyCarr, M AGargett, MStanton, CZwan, Benjamin Byrne, H LBooth, J T
8Mar-2017A method for evaluating treatment quality using in vivo EPID dosimetry and statistical process control in radiation therapyZwan, Benjamin Fuangrod, T.Greer, P.B.Simpson, J.Middleton, R.H.
9Sep-2017A novel and independent method for time-resolved gantry angle quality assurance for VMATZwan, Benjamin Fuangrod, T.Greer, P.B.Barnes, M.P.Lehman, J.
10Feb-2021A novel quality assurance procedure for trajectory log validation using phantom-less real-time latency corrected EPID imagesZwan, Benjamin Lim, S.B.Lee, D.Greer, P.B.Lovelock, D.M.
11Jun-2020Predictive quality assurance of a linear accelerator based on the machine performance check application using statistical process control and ARIMA forecast modelingZwan, Benjamin Puyati, W.Khawne, A.Barnes, M.P.Greer, P.B.Fuangrod, T.
12Oct-2017Remote dosimetric auditing for intensity modulated radiotherapy: A pilot studyZwan, Benjamin Miri, N.Lehmann, J.Legge, K.Vial, P.Greer, P.B.
136-Dec-2022Remote EPID-based dosimetric auditing using DVH patient dose analysisGreer, Peter BStanden, ThereseDavid, Rajasekar Miri, NargesBobrowski, KasiaLehmann, JoergZwan, Benjamin Moore, Alisha