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Andrew Kneebone
Full Name
Kneebone, Andrew
Main Affilation
Central Coast Local Health District
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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1Jan-2025Avoiding prostate bed radiation for the PSMA-PET detected nodal recurrence patient post prostatectomyChallis, BenjaminKneebone, Andrew Eade, Thomas Guo, LesleyAtyeo, JohnBrown, ChrisHruby, George
215-Apr-2024Prognostic impact of prostate-specific membrane antigen positron emission tomography (PSMA PET) staging for clinically node-positive prostate cancerLeow, Boon Yang Jerome Eade, Thomas Hruby, GeorgeLieng, Hester Hsiao, EdwardBrown, ChrisKneebone, Andrew 
327-Sep-2021The Gut Microbiome and Cancer Immunotherapy: Can We Use the Gut Microbiome as a Predictive Biomarker for Clinical Response in Cancer Immunotherapy?Oh, ByeongsangBoyle, FrancesPavlakis, NickClarke, StephenEade, Thomas Hruby, GeorgeLamoury, GillianCarroll, SusanMorgia, MaritaKneebone, Andrew Stevens, Mark Liu, WenCorless, BrianMolloy, MarkKong, BenjaminLibermann, TowiaRosenthal, DavidBack, Michael 
4Aug-2021Emerging Evidence of the Gut Microbiome in Chemotherapy: A Clinical ReviewOh, ByeongsangBoyle, FrancesPavlakis, NickClarke, StephenGuminski, AlexEade, Thomas Lamoury, GillianCarroll, SusanMorgia, MaritaKneebone, Andrew Hruby, GeorgeStevens, Mark Liu, WenCorless, BrianMolloy, MarkLibermann, TowiaRosenthal, DavidBack, Michael 
5May-2021The Gut Microbiome and Gastrointestinal Toxicities in Pelvic Radiation Therapy: A Clinical ReviewBack, Michael Eade, Thomas Kneebone, Andrew Oh, B.Lamoury, G.Carroll, S.Morgia, M.Hruby, G.Stevens, M.Boyle, F.Clarke, S.Corless, B.Molloy, M.Rosenthal, D.
6Oct-2020FROGG patterns of practice survey and consensus recommendations on radiation therapy for MIBCKneebone, Andrew Cardoso, M.Choudhury, A.Christie, D.Eade, Thomas Foroudi, F.Hayden, A.Holt, T.Sasso, G.Shakespeare, T.P.Sidhom, M.
7Jun-2019Radiotherapy for node-positive prostate cancer: 2019 Recommendations of the Australian and New Zealand Radiation Oncology Genito-Urinary groupLieng, Hester Kneebone, Andrew Hayden, A.J.Christie, D.R.H.Davis, B.J.Eade, Thomas Emmett, L.Holt, T.Hruby, G.Pryor, D.Sidhom, M.Skala, M.Yaxley, J.Shakespeare, T.P.
8Nov-2018Radiotherapy for recurrent prostate cancer: 2018 Recommendations of the Australian and New Zealand Radiation Oncology Genito-Urinary groupLieng, Hester Eade, Thomas Kneebone, Andrew Hayden, A.J.Christie, D.R.H.Davis, B.J.Emmett, L.Holt, T.Hruby, G.Pryor, D.Shakespeare, T.P.Sidhom, M.Skala, M.Wiltshire, K.Yaxley, J.
9Jun-2018Acupuncture in Oncology: The Effectiveness of Acupuncture May Not Depend on Needle Retention DurationEade, Thomas Kneebone, Andrew Back, Michael Oh, B.Hruby, G.Lamoury, G.Pavlakis, N.Clarke, S.Zaslawski, C.Marr, I.Costa, D.
10Sep-2017Retrospective cohort analysis of neoadjuvant treatment and survival in resectable and borderline resectable pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma in a high volume referral centreWong, Matthew Kneebone, Andrew Itchins, M.Arena, J.Nahm, C.B.Rabindran, J.Kim, S.Gibbs, E.Bergamin, S.Chua, T.C.Gill, Anthony J Maher, R.Diakos, C.Mittal, A.Hruby, G.Pavlakis, N.Samra, J.Clarke, S.