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Michael Back
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Back, Michael
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Central Coast Local Health District
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Results 1-95 of 95 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
18-Nov-2024The role of amino acid PET in radiotherapy target volume delineation for adult-type diffuse gliomas: A review of the literatureHorsley, Patrick JBailey, Dale LSchembri, GeoffreyHsiao, EdwardDrummond, JamesBack, Michael 
223-Oct-2024Nature and impact of symptoms at time of initial presentation for patients with glioblastomaRuisi, IsidoroJayamanne, Dasantha Kastelan, MarinaCove, Nicola Cheng, MichaelBack, Michael 
329-Mar-2024Hypofractionated re-irradiation with bevacizumab for relapsed chemorefractory glioblastoma after prior high dose radiotherapy: a feasible option for patients with large-volume relapseTong, ElissaHorsley, PatrickWheeler, HelenWong, Matthew Venkatesha, VenkateshaChan, JosephKastelan, MarinaBack, Michael 
413-Mar-2024Volumetric Response and Survival of Patients With Bulky IDH-Mutated Grade 3 Glioma Managed With FET-FDG-Guided Integrated Boost IMRTMills, DHorsley, PVenkatasha, VBack, Michael 
510-Nov-2023Association of MRI Volume Parameters in Predicting Patient Outcome at Time of Initial Diagnosis of GlioblastomaLau, Kin SingRuisi, IsidoroBack, Michael 
615-Sep-2023Leptomeningeal neuraxis relapse in glioblastoma is an uncommon but not rare event associated with poor outcomeWegener, EricHorsley, PatrickWheeler, HelenJayamanne, Dasantha Kastelan, MarinaGuo, LinxinBrown, ChrisBack, Michael 
7May-2023Volumetric response and pattern of failure of histone altered high grade glioma in adults following management with radiation therapyKnight, AHorsley, PYuile, AYim, JSuh, MVenketesha, VKastelan, MWheeler, HBack, Michael 
821-Oct-2022Implications of Concurrent IDH1 and IDH2 Mutations on Survival in Glioma-A Case Report and Systematic ReviewYuile, AlexanderSatgunaseelan, LaveniyaWei, JoeKastelan, MarinaBack, Michael F Lee, MaggieWei, HengBuckland, Michael ELee, AdrianWheeler, Helen R
9Jan-2022Large tumour volume reduction of IDH-mutated anaplastic glioma involving the insular region following radiotherapyJayamanne, Dasantha Wong, Matthew Back, Michael Metz, G.Wheeler, H.Cook, R.Little, N.Parkinson, J.Kastelan, M.Brown, C.
102-Nov-2021Volumetric Response of Limited Brain Metastatic Disease to Focal Hypofractionated Radiation TherapyWijetunga, Asanka RJayamanne, Dasantha Adams, JessicaBack, Michael 
11Oct-2021A randomized phase II trial of veliparib, radiotherapy, and temozolomide in patients with unmethylated MGMT glioblastoma: the VERTU studyBack, Michael Sim, H.W.McDonald, K.L.Lwin, Z.Barnes, E.H.Rosenthal, M.Foote, M.C.Koh, E.S.Wheeler, H.Sulman, E.P.Buckland, M.Fisher, L.Leonard, R.Hall, M.Ashley, D.M.Yip, S.Simes, J.Khasraw, M.
1227-Sep-2021The Gut Microbiome and Cancer Immunotherapy: Can We Use the Gut Microbiome as a Predictive Biomarker for Clinical Response in Cancer Immunotherapy?Oh, ByeongsangBoyle, FrancesPavlakis, NickClarke, StephenEade, Thomas Hruby, GeorgeLamoury, GillianCarroll, SusanMorgia, MaritaKneebone, Andrew Stevens, Mark Liu, WenCorless, BrianMolloy, MarkKong, BenjaminLibermann, TowiaRosenthal, DavidBack, Michael 
13Aug-2021Emerging Evidence of the Gut Microbiome in Chemotherapy: A Clinical ReviewOh, ByeongsangBoyle, FrancesPavlakis, NickClarke, StephenGuminski, AlexEade, Thomas Lamoury, GillianCarroll, SusanMorgia, MaritaKneebone, Andrew Hruby, GeorgeStevens, Mark Liu, WenCorless, BrianMolloy, MarkLibermann, TowiaRosenthal, DavidBack, Michael 
14Jul-2021Improving efficiency in the radiation management of multiple brain metastases using a knowledge-based planning solution for single-isocentre volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT) techniqueBack, Michael O'Toole, J.Picton, M.Perez, M.Jayamanne, Dasantha Le, A.Wu, K.Brown, C.Atyeo, J.
159-Jun-2021Redo craniotomy or bevacizumab for symptomatic steroid-refractory true or pseudoprogression following IMRT for glioblastomaCook, Theresa A Jayamanne, Dasantha Wong, Matthew Cove, Nicola Back, Michael Wheeler, H.Parkinson, J.Cook, R. J.Kastelan, M. A.Brown, C.
16May-2021The Gut Microbiome and Gastrointestinal Toxicities in Pelvic Radiation Therapy: A Clinical ReviewBack, Michael Eade, Thomas Kneebone, Andrew Oh, B.Lamoury, G.Carroll, S.Morgia, M.Hruby, G.Stevens, M.Boyle, F.Clarke, S.Corless, B.Molloy, M.Rosenthal, D.
17Feb-2021Radiation oncology during COVID-19: Strategies to avoid compromised careBack, Michael Horsley, P.J.Lamoury, G.Porter, B.Booth, J.Eade, Thomas 
18Dec-2020Hypofractionated adjuvant surgical cavity radiotherapy following resection of limited brain metastasisBack, Michael Wijetunga, A.Jayamanne, Dasantha Cook, R.Parkinson, J.Little, N.Curtis, J.Brown, C.
19Dec-2020The Effects of Acupuncture on Cancer-Related Fatigue: Updated Systematic Review and Meta-AnalysisJang, AndrewBrown, ChrisLamoury, GillianMorgia, MaritaBoyle, FrancesMarr, IsobelClarke, StephenBack, Michael Oh, Byeongsang
20Dec-2020An Innovative Tai Chi and Qigong Telehealth Service in Supportive Cancer Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic and BeyondBack, Michael Oh, B.Van Der Saag, D.Morgia, M.Carroll, S.Boyle, F.Lamoury, G.
21Nov-2020Introducing Computed Tomography Simulation-Free and Electronic Patient-Reported Outcomes-Monitored Palliative Radiation Therapy into Routine Care: Clinical Outcomes and Implementation ExperienceBack, Michael Schuler, T.Hruby, G.Carroll, S.Jayamanne, Dasantha Kneebone, Andrew Stevens, M.Lamoury, G.Morgia, M.Wong, S.Grimberg, K.Roderick, S.Booth, J.Eade, Thomas 
2230-Jun-2020The Effects of Tai Chi and Qigong on Immune Responses: A Systematic Review and Meta-AnalysisOh, ByeongsangBae, KyeoreLamoury, GillianEade, Thomas Boyle, FrancesCorless, BrianClarke, StephenYeung, AlbertRosenthal, DavidSchapira, LidiaBack, Michael 
23Mar-2020The role of large volume re-irradiation with Bevacizumab in chemorefractory high grade gliomaWong, Matthew Jayamanne, Dasantha Back, Michael Chan, J.Wheeler, H.Khasraw, M.Kastelan, M.Guo, L.
24Feb-2020Molecular and clonal evolution in recurrent metastatic gliosarcomaAnderson, Kevin JTan, Aaron CParkinson, JonathonBack, Michael Kastelan, MarinaNewey, AllisonBrewer, JaniceWheeler, HelenHudson, Amanda LAmin, Samirkumar BJohnson, Kevin CBarthel, Floris PVerhaak, Roel G WKhasraw, Mustafa
25Jun-2019Reflecting on survivorship outcomes to aid initial decision making in patients treated for IDH-mutated anaplastic gliomaJayamanne, Dasantha Wong, Matthew Back, Michael Back, E.Kastelan, M.Khasraw, M.Brown, C.Wheeler, H.
261-May-2019Impact of Radiation Target Volume on Health-Related Quality of Life in Patients With Low-Grade Glioma in the 2-Year Period Post Treatment: A Secondary Analysis of the EORTC 22033-26033Dirven, LindaReijneveld, Jaap CTaphoorn, Martin J BCoens, CorneelEl-Badawy, Samy ATzuk-Shina, TzahalaBravo-Marques, JoseBack, Michael Stalpers, Lukas J AStupp, RogerBaumert, Brigitta GSeidel, Clemens
27May-2019Role of delayed salvage bevacizumab at symptomatic progression of chemorefractory glioblastomaCuncannon, Moire Wong, Matthew Jayamanne, Dasantha Cove, Nicola Back, Michael Guo, L.Wheeler, H.
28Apr-2019Pattern of failure in anaplastic glioma patients with an IDH1/2 mutationBack, Michael Jayamanne, Dasantha Wong, Matthew Brazier, D.Newey, A.Bailey, D.Schembri, G.Hsiao, E.Khasraw, M.Kastelan, M.Brown, C.Wheeler, H.
29Apr-2019Influence of molecular classification in anaplastic glioma for determining outcome and future approach to managementBack, Michael Jayamanne, Dasantha Wong, Matthew Brazier, D.Newey, A.Bailey, D.Schembri, GHsiao, E.Khasraw, M.Kastelan, M.Guo, L.Clarke, S.Wheeler, H.
30Apr-2019Focal radiation therapy for limited brain metastases is associated with high rates of local control and low subsequent whole brain radiation therapyJayamanne, Dasantha Stevens, Mark Back, Michael Or, M.Guo, L.Parkinson, J.Cook, R.Little, N.
31Dec-2018FET PET in the evaluation of indeterminate brain lesions on MRI: Differentiating glioma from other non-neoplastic causes - A pilot studyBack, Michael Jayamanne, Dasantha Chan, D.L.Hsiao, E.Schembri, G.Bailey, D.Roach, P.J.Lee, A.Ghasemzadeh, M.Hayes, A.R.Cook, R.Parkinson, J.Drummond, J.P.Ibbett, I.Wheeler, H.
32Nov-2018Tumour volume reduction following PET guided intensity modulated radiation therapy and temozolomide in IDH mutated anaplastic gliomaBack, Michael Jayamanne, Dasantha Brazier, D.Bailey, D.Hsiao, E.Guo, L.Wheeler, H.
33Oct-2018Optimising Outcomes for Glioblastoma through Subspecialisation in a Regional Cancer CentreBack, Michael Jayamanne, Dasantha Wong, Matthew Cove, N.Wheeler, H.Khasraw, M.Guo, L.Back, J.
34Sep-2018Understanding the Revised Fourth Edition of the World Health Organization Classification of Tumours of the Central Nervous System (2016) for Clinical Decision-making: A Guide for Oncologists Managing Patients with GliomaBack, Michael Jayamanne, Dasantha Rodriguez, M.Khasraw, M.Lee, A.Wheeler, H.
35Sep-2018Radiation, inflammation and the immune response in cancerBack, Michael Eade, Thomas McKelvey, K.J.Hudson, A.L.Diakos, C.I.
36Jul-2018Utilizing 18F-fluoroethyltyrosine (FET) positron emission tomography (PET) to define suspected nonenhancing tumor for radiation therapy planning of glioblastomaJayamanne, Dasantha Back, Michael Hayes, A.R.Hsiao, E.Schembri, G.Bailey, D.Roach, P.J.Khasraw, M.Newey, A.Wheeler, H.
37Jayamanne-2018-Predicting patterns of failure.pdf.jpgJul-2018Predicting patterns of failure in temporal lobe GBMs: Possible implications on radiotherapy treatment portalsJayamanne, Dasantha Back, Michael Wheeler, H.Brazier, D.Newey, A.Kastelan, M.Guo, L.
38Jun-2018Acupuncture in Oncology: The Effectiveness of Acupuncture May Not Depend on Needle Retention DurationEade, Thomas Kneebone, Andrew Back, Michael Oh, B.Hruby, G.Lamoury, G.Pavlakis, N.Clarke, S.Zaslawski, C.Marr, I.Costa, D.
39Jun-2018Convergent priorities and tensions: a qualitative study of the integration of complementary and alternative therapies with conventional cancer treatmentBack, Michael McKenzie, H.Levy, D.Pavlakis, N.Oh, B.
40Jun-2018Accreditation Standard Guideline Initiative for Tai Chi and Qigong Instructors and Training InstitutionsBack, Michael Oh, B.Yeung, A.Klein, P.Larkey, L.Ee, C.Zaslawski, C.Knobf, T.Payne, P.Stener-Victorin, E.Lee, R.Choi, W.Chun, M.Bonucci, M.Lang, H.D.Pavlakis, N.Boyle, F.Clarke, S.Yang, P.Wei, Y.Guo, X.Weng, C.D.Irwin, M.R.Elfiky, A.Rosenthal, D.
41Mar-2018Survival improvements with adjuvant therapy in patients with glioblastomaJayamanne, Dasantha Back, Michael Wheeler, H.Cook, R.Teo, C.Brazier, D.Schembri, G.Kastelan, M.Guo, L.
42Feb-2018Utilizing 18F-fluoroethyl-l-tyrosine positron emission tomography in high grade glioma for radiation treatment planning in patients with contraindications to MRIJayamanne, Dasantha Back, Michael Kaushal, Sneha Chan, D.L.Schembri, G.Brazier, D.Bailey, D.Wheeler, H.
43Oct-2017Health and well-being benefits of spending time in forests: systematic reviewBack, Michael Oh, B.Lee, K.J.Zaslawski, C.Yeung, A.Rosenthal, D.Larkey, L.
44Jul-2017Survival Outcomes of Elderly Patients With Glioblastoma Multiforme in Their 75th Year or Older Treated With Adjuvant TherapyBack, Michael Jayamanne, Dasantha Harris, G.Wheeler, H.Gzell, C.Kastelan, M.Schembri, G.Brazier, D.Cook, R.Parkinson, J.Khasraw, M.Louw, S.
45Apr-2017Factors affecting whether or not cancer patients consider using acupunctureBack, Michael Eade, Thomas Oh, B.Kneebone, Andrew Pavlakis, N.Clarke, S.Eslick, G.River, J.
46Mar-2017Reducing radiation dose to normal brain through a risk adapted dose reduction protocol for patients with favourable subtype anaplastic gliomaBack, Michael Eade, Thomas LeMottee, Monica Crasta, C.Wheeler, H.Guo, L.Bailey, D.
47Mar-2017Short-Course Radiation plus Temozolomide in Elderly Patients with GlioblastomaBack, Michael Perry, J.R.Laperriere, N.O'Callaghan, C.J.Brandes, A.A.Menten, J.Phillips, C.Fay, M.Nishikawa, R.Cairncross, J.G.Roa, W.Osoba, D.Rossiter, J.P.Sahgal, A.Hirte, H.Laigle-Donadey, F.Franceschi, E.Chinot, O.Golfinopoulos, V.Fariselli, L.Wick, A.Feuvret, L.Tills, M.Winch, C.Baumert, B.G.Wick, W.Ding, K.Mason, W.P.
48Jan-2017Radiotherapy in Glioblastoma: the past, the present and the futureBack, Michael Gzell, C.Wheeler, H.Bailey, D.Foote, M.
49Dec-2016Benchmarking clinical practice quality: an audit of ipsilateral breast tumor recurrence in patients managed for T1/T2 breast carcinomaBack, Michael Suttie, C.Donovan, J.Holecek, M.Morgia, M.Guo, L.Lamoury, G.
50Nov-2016Health-related quality of life in patients with high-risk low-grade glioma (EORTC 22033-26033): a randomised, open-label, phase 3 intergroup studyBack, Michael Reijneveld, J.C.Taphoorn, M.J.Coens, C.Bromberg, J.E.Mason, W.P.Hoang-Xuan, K.Ryan, G.Hassel, M.B.Enting, R.H.Brandes, A.A.Wick, A.Chinot, O.Reni, M.Kantor, G.Thiessen, B.Klein, M.Verner, E.Borchers, C.Hau, P.Smits, A.Golfinopoulos, V.Gorlia, T.Bottomley, A.Stupp, R.Baumert, B.G.
51Sep-2016Oxidative stress in prostate cancer patients: A systematic review of case control studiesBack, Michael Eade, Thomas Oh, B.Figtree, G.Costa, D.Hruby, G.Lim, S.Elfiky, A.Martine, N.Rosenthal, D.Clarke, S.
52Aug-2016Low Rate of Subsequent Whole Brain Radiotherapy Following a Policy of Local Therapy with MRI Surveillance for Central Nervous System OligometastasesHarris, G.Cook, R.Teo, C.Jayamanne, D.Guo, L.Back, Michael 
53May-2016Small increases in enhancement on MRI may predict survival post radiotherapy in patients with glioblastomaBack, Michael Gzell, C.Wheeler, H.McCloud, P.Kastelan, M.
54May-2016Cilengitide with metronomic temozolomide, procarbazine, and standard radiotherapy in patients with glioblastoma and unmethylated MGMT gene promoter in ExCentric, an open-label phase II trialBack, Michael Khasraw, M.Lee, A.McCowatt, S.Kerestes, Z.Buyse, M.Kichenadasse, G.Ackland, S.Wheeler, H.
55Mar-2016Proliferation Index Predicts Survival after Second Craniotomy within 6 Months of Adjuvant Radiotherapy for High-grade GliomaBack, Michael Gzell, C.Wheeler, H.Huang, D.Gaur, P.Chen, J.Kastelan, M.
56Charles2016.pdf.jpgFeb-2016Systemic inflammation is an independent predictive marker of clinical outcomes in mucosal squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck in oropharyngeal and non-oropharyngeal patientsBack, Michael Eade, Thomas Charles, K.A.Harris, B.D.Haddad, C.R.Clarke, S.J.Guminksi, A.Stevens, M.Dodds, T.Gill, Anthony J Veivers, D.
57Aug-2015Neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio in head and neck cancerBack, Michael Haddad, C.R.Guo, L.Clarke, S.Guminski, A.Eade, T.
58Mar-2015Large volume re-irradiation with bevacizumab is a feasible salvage option for patients with refractory high-grade gliomaBack, Michael Gzell, C.Kastelan, M.Guo, L.Wheeler, H.
59Dec-2014Functional Swallowing Outcomes in Nasopharyngeal Cancer Treated with IMRT at 6 to 42 months Post-RadiotherapyBack, Michael Patterson, M.Brain, R.Chin, R.Veivers, D.P.Wignall, A.Eade, T.
60Aug-2014Elderly patients aged 65-75 years with glioblastoma multiforme may benefit from long course radiation therapy with temozolomideBack, Michael Gzell, C.Wheeler, H.Guo, L.Kastelan, M.
61Mar-2014Employment following chemoradiotherapy in glioblastoma: a prospective case seriesBack, Michael Gzell, C.Wheeler, H.Guo, L.Kastelan, M.
62Jan-2014Cognitive Deficits in Primary Brain Tumours: A Framework for Management and RehabilitationBack, Michael Back, E.Wheeler, H.Kastelan, M.
63Dec-2013Dosimetric Improvements Utilising Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy for Patients with Glioblastoma MultiformeBack, Michael Eade, Thomas Clifford, S.Wheeler, H.
64Jun-2013Ability of radiation therapists to assess radiation-induced skin toxicityBack, Michael Acharya, U.Cox, J.Rinks, M.Gaur, P.
65Jun-2013Intensity-modulated radiotherapy using simultaneous-integrated boost for definitive treatment of locally advanced mucosal head and neck cancer: Outcomes from a single-institution seriesBack, Michael Johnston, M.Guo, L.Guminski, A.Lee, A.Hanna, C.Veivers, D.Wignall, A.Eade, T.
66Sep-2012Is advanced age a barrier to effective cancer treatment? The experience of nonagenarians receiving radiation therapyBack, Michael Thompson, A.V.Cone, R.Gao, H.Hammond, E.Fraser, D.
67Oct-2011Volumetric-modulated Arc Therapy in Head and Neck Radiotherapy: A Planning Comparison using Simultaneous Integrated Boost for Nasopharynx and Oropharynx CarcinomaBack, Michael Johnston, M.Clifford, S.Bromley, R.Oliver, L.Eade, T.
68Jan-2011An ultrasonographic evaluation of skin thickness in breast cancer patients after postmastectomy radiation therapyBack, Michael Wong, S.Kaur, A.Lee, K.M.Baggarley, S.Lu, J.J.
69Feb-2010Implementation of an image-guided radiation therapy program: Lessons learnt and future challengesBack, Michael Bell, L.J.Oliver, L.Vial, P.Eade, T.Rinks, M.Hammond, E.Morgan, G.Wiltshire, K.
70Dec-2008Clinician and therapist perceptions on radiation therapist-led treatment reviews in radiation oncology practiceBack, Michael Shi, J.Cox, J.Atyeo, J.Loh, Y.Choung, W.L.
71Jul-2008Outcomes of adjuvant chemoradiotherapy after a radical gastrectomy and a D2 node dissection for gastric adenocarcinomaBack, Michael Leong, C.N.Chung, H.T.Lee, K.M.S.Shakespeare, T.P.Mukherjee, R.K.Wong, L.C.Lu, J.D.Tey, J.Lim, R.So, J.B.Y.
722008Cutaneous Malignant MelanomaBack, Michael 
73Dec-2007Metastatic spinal cord compression as an oncology emergency: getting our act togetherBack, Michael Lee, K.M.Tsou, I.Wong, S.W.Yu, C.Ming, Z.Loh, Y.Shakespeare, T.Mukherjee, R.
74Jul-2007Clinical observations from a breast cancer registry in Asian womenBack, Michael Lim, S.Quek, E.Iau, P.Putti, T.Wong, J.
75May-2007Improved median survival for glioblastoma multiforme following introduction of adjuvant temozolomide chemotherapyBack, Michael Ang, E.L.L.Ng, W.H.See, S.J.Lim, C.C.T.Chan, S.P.Yeo, T.T.
76May-2007Optimising radiation therapy techniques for tumours of the central nervous systemBack, Michael Baggarley, S.Park, E.Wei, R.
77May-2007Improvements in quality of care resulting from a formal multidisciplinary tumour clinic in the management of high-grade gliomaBack, Michael Ang, E.L.L.Ng, W.H.See, S.J.Lim, C.C.T.Tay, L.L.
78Mar-2007Does the implementation of radiation oncology outpatient infection control measures adversely affect patient satisfaction with doctor-patient interaction?Back, Michael Shakespeare, T.P.Tang, J.I.Shen, L.Lu, J.D.Mukherjee, R.K.Lee, K.M.S.Wynne, C.J.
79Feb-2007The role of palliative radiation therapy in symptomatic locally advanced gastric cancerBack, Michael Tey, J.Shakespeare, T.P.Mukherjee, R.K.Lu, J.J.Lee, K.M.Wong, L.C.Leong, C.N.Zhu, M.
80Dec-2006Efficacy of an integrated continuing medical education (CME) and quality improvement (QI) program on radiation oncologist (RO) clinical practiceBack, Michael Leong, C.N.Shakespeare, T.P.Mukherjee, R.K.Lee, K.M.Lu, J.J.Wynne, C.J.Lim, K.H.C.Tang, J.I.Zhang, X.
81Mar-2006External audit of clinical practice and medical decision making in a new Asian oncology center: results and implications for both developing and developed nationsBack, Michael Shakespeare, T.Lu, J.J.Lee, K.M.Mukherjee, R.K.
82Jan-2006Phase II study of the American Brachytherapy Society guidelines for the use of high-dose rate brachytherapy in the treatment of cervical carcinoma: Is 45-50.4 Gy radiochemotherapy plus 31.8 Gy in six fractions high-dose rate brachytherapy tolerable?Back, Michael Shakespeare, T.P.Lim, K.H.C.Mukherjee, R.K.Lu, J.D.
83Dec-2005Family centred decision making and non-disclosure of diagnosis in a South East Asian oncology practiceBack, Michael Huak, C.Y.
84Oct-2005Correlation of 3D-planned and measured dosimetry of photon and electron craniospinal radiation in a pediatric anthropomorphic phantomBack, Michael Hood, C.Kron, T.Hamilton, C.S.Callan, S.Howlett, S.Alvaro, F.
85Oct-2005Interpreting the improved outcome of patients with central nervous system metastases managed in clinical trials compared with standard hospital practiceBack, Michael Tang, J.I.Shakespeare, T.P.Lu, J.J.Mukherjee, R.K.Wynne, C.J.Liang, S.
86Aug-2005Patient satisfaction with doctor-patient interaction in a radiotherapy centre during the severe acute respiratory syndrome outbreakBack, Michael Tang, J.I.Shakespeare, T.P.Zhang, X.J.Lu, J.J.Liang, S.Wynne, C.J.Mukherjee, R.K.
87May-2005Comparison of magnetic resonance spectroscopy and perfusion-weighted imaging in presurgical grading of oligodendroglial tumorsBack, Michael Xu, M.See, S.J.Ng, W.H.Arul, E.Yeo, T.T.Lim, C.C.T.
882005Evaluation of an audit with feedback continuing medical education program for radiation oncologistsBack, Michael Shakespeare, T.Mukherjee, R.K.Lu, J.D.Lee, K.M.S.
89Oct-2004A study of complications arising from different methods of anesthesia used in high-dose-rate brachytherapy for cervical cancerBack, Michael Lim, K.H.C.Lu, J.J.Wynne, C.J.Mukherjee, R.K.Razvi, K.Shakespeare, T.
90Aug-2004Evaluation of a radiotherapy protocol based on INT0116 for completely resected gastric adenocarcinomaBack, Michael Chung, H.T.Shakespeare, T.P.Wynne, C.J.Lu, J.J.Mukherjee, R.K.
91Jul-2004Design of an internationally accredited radiation oncology resident training program incorporating novel educational modelsBack, Michael Shakespeare, T.P.Lu, J.J.Wynne, C.J.Bloomfield, L.
92Jun-2004A comparison of RANZCR and Singapore-designed radiation oncology practice audit instruments: How does reproducibility affect future approaches to revalidation?Back, Michael Shakespeare, T.P.Mukherjee, R.K.Lu, J.J.Wynne, J.C.Kumar, M.B.
93Apr-2004Adjuvant High-Dose Rate Brachytherapy after Chemoradiation for Treatment of Early T-Stage Nasopharyngeal CarcinomaBack, Michael Lu, J.J.Shakespeare, T.Goh, B.C.Eu Tiong, C.Mukherjee, R.K.Wynne, C.J.Tan, K.S.L.
94Feb-2004Impact of radiation therapy on acute toxicity in breast conservation therapy for early breast cancerBack, Michael Guerrieri, M.Wratten, C.Steigler, A.
95Jun-2003Patient Preference for Radiotherapy Fractionation Schedule in the Palliation of Painful Bone MetastasesBack, Michael Shakespeare, T.Lu, J. D.Liang, S.Mukherjee, R.K.Wynne, C.J.