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Title: Nail clubbing in laxative abuse: case report and review of the literature
Authors: Roger, Simon D ;Smith, Saxon D ;Charlton, O.A.;Dickison, P.
Affliation: Central Coast Local Health District
Gosford Hospital
Issue Date: Mar-2019
Source: 7(1):6
Journal title: Journal of Eating Disorders
Department: Dermatology
Abstract: Background: The link between clubbing and laxative abuse has been reported several times in the literature, in all cases in young females. The nature of this relationship is not understood. Case: A young female, with no history of hepatic, pulmonary or malignant disease was found to have nail clubbing in the context of laxative abuse. A literature review revealed several similar cases. Conclusion: Laxative abuse is an important consideration in the assessment of clubbing in populations at risk of eating disorders, to prevent over-investigation and facilitate management of the eating disorder itself. This case highlights a new clinical presentation of an eating disorder. Case: A 36-year-old woman was being reviewed by a renal specialist for renal impairment and electrolyte disturbances, in the context of a background of multiple renal calculi 4 years prior, hypokalaemia and hypercalcaemia. The attending nephrologist brought attention to her nails, which demonstrated clubbing. She stated that she had had clubbing for 10 years, and that it was of gradual onset and not associated with any pain. There was no history of hepatic, cardoipulmonary or malignant disease.
DOI: 10.1186/s40337-019-0236-4
ISSN: 2050-2974
Publicaton type: Journal Article
Keywords: Kidney Disease
Mental Health
Study or Trial: Case Series and Case Reports
Appears in Collections:Renal Medicine

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