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Title: Chronic unremitting headache associated with Lyme disease-like illness
Authors: Tomazini Martins, Rodrigo ;Kowacs, P.A.;Piovesan, E.J.;Pinto, M.C.;Yoshinari, N.H.
Issue Date: Jul-2013
Source: Volume 71, Issue 7, pp. 470 - 473
Journal title: Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria
Abstract: The Brazilian Lyme-disease-like illness (BLDLI) or Baggio-Yoshinari syndrome is a unique zoonosis found in Brazil. It reproduces all the clinical symptoms of Lyme disease except for the high frequencies of relapse and the presence of autoimmune manifestations. Two cases of borreliosis manifesting with unremitting headache, which is a symptom associated with late-stage BLDLI, were presented. Clinical, therapeutic, and prognostic aspects of the BLDLI and its associated headaches were showed and discussed in this article. BLDLI diagnosis requires additional attention by physicians, since the disease has a tendency to progress to the late, recurrent stage or the chronic form, and the associated headache can be confused with chronic primary headache or with analgesic-overuse one. Special attention should be paid to patients with headaches who have traveled to endemic areas.
DOI: 10.1590/0004-282x20130064
ISSN: 0004-282x
Publicaton type: Journal Article
Keywords: Neurology
Study or Trial: Case Series and Case Reports
Appears in Collections:Neurology

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