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Title: Opioid receptors to date
Authors: Tomazini Martins, Rodrigo ;Kowacs, P.A.;Ramina, R.;de Almeida, D.B.;do Rego Monteiro, F.M.
Issue Date: Jan-2012
Source: Volume 13, Issue 1, pp. 75 - 79
Journal title: Revista Dor
Abstract: BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Due to the objective of the outpatient setting and to routinely used drugs, this study aimed at reviewing and updating the knowledge about opioid receptors and worked as a study complement after a lecture presented to team members. CONTENTS: We have reviewed from historical aspects to most recent developments about opioid receptors, in addition to describing subtypes and action mechanisms. For such, Pubmed-indexed references were queried. CONCLUSION: After reviewing current literature data, we have concluded that there is still a lot to be researched about the topic, aiming at safer drugs, and new biomolecular techniques are still needed.
ISSN: 2317-6393
Publicaton type: Journal Article
Keywords: Drug Therapy
Appears in Collections:Health Service Research

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