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Title: Outcomes of retroperitoneal lymph node dissection for testicular cancer by a high volume surgeon from Australia: a case for centralisation
Authors: Arasaratnam, Malmaruha ;Williams, I.S.C.;Lahoud, J.;Gurney, H.;Patel, M.I.
Affliation: Central Coast Local Health District
Gosford Hospital
Issue Date: Nov-2021
Source: 92(5):1044-1049
Journal title: Anz Journal of Surgery
Department: Medical Oncology
Abstract: BACKGROUND: There are few studies examining retroperitoneal lymph node dissection (RPLND) for testicular cancer in Australia. This study examines the perioperative outcomes, complications and survival rates following RPLND, by a high volume, single surgeon. METHODS: A retrospective, case series of a single surgeon, multi-centre study included all patients who underwent RPLND following testicular cancer at Westmead Public Hospital, Westmead Private Hospital, and Macquarie University Hospital 2005-2020. One hundred one patients identified, with 94 having sufficient available data. RESULTS: At time of operation, median age was 29.5 years. 84.2% had T1 or T2 primary tumours at diagnosis. Most common RPLND indication was residual mass post-chemotherapy (92.6%), with bleomycin, etoposide and cisplatin (BEP)x3 and BEPx4 most common chemotherapy regimens (50% and 35% respectively). Post-chemotherapy, largest residual mass ranged from 0.9 to 20 cm (median 3.32 cm). Post-chemotherapy, 95.7% masses were found in retroperitoneum (64.4% para-aortic region). 93.6% had open approach. 42.5% had bilateral nerve sparing. Majority (97.1%) did not require blood transfusion. No complications reported in 52.1% of patients. No deaths recorded within 90 days of surgery. At time of analysis, 91.5% had recurrence free survival, and 92.6% overall survival, at a median follow-up since surgery of 47.5 months (range 11 to 200 months). CONCLUSIONS: This retrospective study, addressing peri-operative surgical outcomes for RPLND surgery in Australia, is comparable to high-volume international urological centre studies, and shows that centralisation of post-chemotherapy RPLND to an experienced surgeon, results in low perioperative morbidity and mortality.
DOI: 10.1111/ans.17323
ISSN: 1445-1433
Publicaton type: Journal Article
Keywords: Cancer
Study or Trial: Multicentre Studies
Appears in Collections:Oncology / Cancer

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