Oncology / Cancer : [208] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 208
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
5-Feb-2025Smoking Cessation Practices in Australian Oncology Settings: A Cross-Sectional Study of Who, How, and WhenYoung, Alison LukMcEnallay, MelissaDay, FionaVinod, Shalini KStone, EmilyMorris, SarahStefanovska, ElenaDevitt, BiancaYip, Po YeeKukard, Craig Pal, AbhijitThawal, VaibhavWright, GavinHofman, AlisonSareen, HeenaMcLennan, JamesWong, Shuet OiRubio, Cassandra Liu, JenniferSmith, AlexandraBetts, DimityMack, JaneDonnelly, JenniferPaul, Christine
30-Jan-2025From research to practice: bridging the implementation gap on the use of tranexamic acid in total knee arthroplastyPfister, Robin MPfister, Benjamin F Hager, Ronald LSandholtz, NathanAbulafia, Daniel Bradshaw, David 
28-Jan-2025ALLG APML5: Bioavailability and safety of oral arsenic trioxide assessed during consolidation therapy for APLIland, Harry JReynolds, JohnBoddy, AlanSchultz, Hayley BKhoo, LianeFleming, Shaun ALane, Steven WWeber, NicholasGasiorowski, RobinArmytage, Tasman Harrup, Rosemary AnneWatson, Anne-MarieTan, PeterFilshie, RobinKwok, FionaStevenson, William SYuen, Sam L SNg, Ashley Peng CheeRowley, LeesaMarlton, PaulaWei, Andrew H
8-Nov-2024The role of amino acid PET in radiotherapy target volume delineation for adult-type diffuse gliomas: A review of the literatureHorsley, Patrick JBailey, Dale LSchembri, GeoffreyHsiao, EdwardDrummond, JamesBack, Michael 
23-Nov-2024Diagnosis and management of mantle cell lymphoma: a consensus practice statement from the Australasian Lymphoma AllianceBarraclough, AllisonTang, Catherine Lasica, MasaSmyth, ElizabethCirillo, MelitaMutsando, HowardCheah, Chan YKu, Matthew
23-Oct-2024Nature and impact of symptoms at time of initial presentation for patients with glioblastomaRuisi, IsidoroJayamanne, Dasantha Kastelan, MarinaCove, Nicola Cheng, MichaelBack, Michael 
4-Nov-2024Goldilocks mastectomy with immediate reconstruction: enhancing aesthetic outcomes and preserving nipple complexBinks, Matthew Ayeni, Femi EEdirimanne, SenarathMeybodi, Farid
Oct-2024Plinabulin plus docetaxel versus docetaxel in patients with non-small-cell lung cancer after disease progression on platinum-based regimen (DUBLIN-3): a phase 3, international, multicentre, single-blind, parallel group, randomised controlled trialHan, BaohuiFeinstein, TrevorShi, YuankaiChen, GongyanYao, YuHu, ChunhongShi, JianhuaFeng, JifengWu, HuijuanCheng, YingGuo, Qi-SenJie, ZhijunYe, FengZhang, YipingLiu, ZhihuaMao, WeidongZhang, LiangmingLu, JunguoZhao, JunBazhenova, LyudmilaRuiz, JimmyKloecker, Goetz HSujith, Kalmadi ROliff, Ira AWong, Matthew Liu, BinWu, YanpingHuang, LanSun, Yan
10-Sep-2024Oncoplastic breast surgery - a pictorial classification system for surgeons and radiation oncologists (OPSURGE)Binks, Matthew Boyages, JohnSuami, HirooNgui, NicholasMeybodi, FaridHughes, T MichaelEdirimanne, Senarath
16-Aug-2024Oral Cannabis Extract for Secondary Prevention of Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea and Vomiting: Final Results of a Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Phase II/III TrialGrimison, PeterMersiades, AntonyKirby, AdrienneTognela, AnnetteOlver, IanMorton, Rachael LHaber, PaulWalsh, AnnaLee, YvonneAbdi, EhteshamDella-Fiorentina, StephenAghmesheh, MortezaFox, PeterBriscoe, KarenSanmugarajah, JasothaMarx, GavinKichenadasse, GanessanWheeler, HelenChan, Matthew M K Shannon, JennyGedye, CraigBegbie, StephenSimes, R JohnStockler, Martin R
5-Aug-2024Asciminib Monotherapy as Frontline Treatment of Chronic-Phase Chronic Myeloid Leukemia: Results from the ASCEND StudyYeung, David TShanmuganathan, NaranieReynolds, JohnBranford, SusanWalia, MannuYong, Agnes SmShortt, JakeChee, LynetteViiala, NicholasCunningham, IlonaRoss, David MD'Souza, Alwyn BernardWright, MatthewHarrup, Rosemary AnneForsyth, Cecily Filshie, RobinLane, Steven WBrowett, Peter JGrove, Carolyn SGrigg, Andrew AHughes, Timothy P
13-Mar-2024Volumetric Response and Survival of Patients With Bulky IDH-Mutated Grade 3 Glioma Managed With FET-FDG-Guided Integrated Boost IMRTMills, DHorsley, PVenkatasha, VBack, Michael 
15-Apr-2024Prognostic impact of prostate-specific membrane antigen positron emission tomography (PSMA PET) staging for clinically node-positive prostate cancerLeow, Boon Yang Jerome Eade, Thomas Hruby, GeorgeLieng, Hester Hsiao, EdwardBrown, ChrisKneebone, Andrew 
7-Dec-2023Sorafenib plus intensive chemotherapy in newly diagnosed FLT3-ITD AML: a randomized, placebo-controlled study by the ALLGLoo, SunRoberts, Andrew WAnstee, Natasha SKennedy, Glen AHe, SimonSchwarer, Anthony PEnjeti, Anoop KD'Rozario, JamesMarlton, PaulaBilmon, Ian ATaper, JohnCull, GavinTiley, Campbell Verner, EmmaHahn, UweHiwase, Devendra KIland, Harry JMurphy, NickRamanathan, SundraReynolds, JohnOng, Doen MingTiong, Ing SooWall, MeaghanMurray, MichaelRawling, TristanLeadbetter, JoannaRowley, LeesaLatimer, MayaYuen, SamTing, Stephen BFong, Chun YewMorris, KirkBajel, AshishSeymour, John FLevis, Mark JWei, Andrew H
15-Sep-2023Leptomeningeal neuraxis relapse in glioblastoma is an uncommon but not rare event associated with poor outcomeWegener, EricHorsley, PatrickWheeler, HelenJayamanne, Dasantha Kastelan, MarinaGuo, LinxinBrown, ChrisBack, Michael 
Mar-2024Renal cell carcinoma metastasis without a primary: A case reportRazi, Basil Cole-Clark, Dane Self, Duncan Ghahan, Raha MadadiLatif, Edward 
Aug-2023Optimal cancer care pathways - the ideal versus reality for patient-centric cancer care during COVID-19Samaranayake, ShanukaBarker, DanielWindsor, Apsara 
Jul-2023Parasitization of the pedicle: a rare form of TRAM flap recurrenceBinks, Matthew J Guo, CiCiSabanathan, DanushaSathasivam, SivapirabuEdirimanne, Senarath
5-Jul-2023Somatic mutational landscape of hereditary hematopoietic malignancies caused by germ line RUNX1, GATA2, and DDX41 variantsHoman, Claire CDrazer, Michael WYu, KaiLawrence, David MichaelFeng, JinghuaArriola-Martinez, Luis AlbertoPozsgai, Matthew JMcNeely, Kelsey EHa, Thuong ThiVenugopal, ParvathyArts, PeerKing-Smith, SarahCheah, Jesse JcArmstrong, MarkWang, PaulBödör, CsabaCantor, Alan BCazzola, MarioDegelman, Erin SDiNardo, Courtney DDuployez, NicolasFavier, RémiFröhling, StefanRio-Machin, AnaKlco, Jeffery MKrämer, AlwinKurokawa, MineoLee, JoanneMalcovati, LucaMorgan, Neil VGeorges, NatsoulisOwen, CarolynPatel, Keyur PPreudhomme, ClaudeRaslova, HanaRienhoff, Hugh YoungRipperger, TimSchulte, Rachael RTawana, KiranVelloso, ElviraBenedict, YanKim, Erika Mijin KwonSood, RamanHsu, Amy PHolland, Steven MPhillips, KerryPoplawski, NicolaBabic, MilenaWei, Andrew HForsyth, Cecily J Mar Fan, HelenLewis, IanCooney, Julian PSusman, RachelFox, Lucy CBlombery, PiersSinghal, DeepakHiwase, Devendra KPhipson, BelindaSchreiber, Andreas WHahn, Christopher NScott, Hamish SLiu, Paul PGodley, Lucy ABrown, Anna L
Jun-2023Immunochemotherapy for life-threatening haematological malignancies in pregnancy: a systematic review of the literature and cross-sectional analysis of clinical trial eligibilityMills, Georgia SChadwick, VerityTang, Catherine Perram, JacintaAnderson, Mary AnnAnazodo, AntoinetteKidson-Gerber, GiselleShand, AntoniaLavee, OrlyWithers, BarbaraMilliken, SamDi Ciaccio, Pietro RHamad, Nada
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 208