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Title: Gender Associations with Selection into Australian Orthopaedic Surgical Training: 2007-2019
Authors: Incoll, Ian W ;Atkin, J.;Frank, J.R.;Vrancic, S.;Khorshid, O.
Affliation: Central Coast Local Health District
The University of Newcastle
Issue Date: Nov-2021
Source: 91(12):2757-2766
Journal title: Anz Journal of Surgery
Department: Orthopaedics & Trauma Surgery
Abstract: BACKGROUND: Communities have better health outcomes when their clinicians reflect the diversity of the communities they serve. More than 50% of Australian medical school graduates are female, yet women represent less than 5% of Australian orthopaedic surgeons. Selection into orthopaedic surgical training in Australia is an annual, nation-wide process, based on curriculum vitae (CV), referee reports and performance in multiple mini-interviews (MMI). The influence of applicant gender on these selection scores was examined. METHODS: The CV, referee reports and MMI scores used for selection for each year from 2007 to 2019 were analysed from the perspective of the applicant's gender. RESULTS: Over the years of the study, male applicants had higher CV scores and referee report scores, which determined the gender proportions invited to interview. By contrast, the interview process and selection from interview did not demonstrate a gender association. CONCLUSION: We describe the impact of selection tools, utilized over the past 13 years, on the gender diversity of trainees commencing orthopaedic surgery training in Australia. Leaders in postgraduate training should examine commonly used selection procedures to identify and reduce the unconscious biases that may affect their performance and value.
DOI: 10.1111/ans.17320
ISSN: 1445-1433
Publicaton type: Journal Article
Keywords: Surgery
Appears in Collections:Health Service Research

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