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Title: Pregnant women and health professional's perceptions of complementary alternative medicine, and participation in a randomised controlled trial of acupressure for labour onset
Authors: Mollart, Lyndall ;Adams, J.;Foureur, M.
Affliation: Central Coast Local Health District
Gosford Hospital
Issue Date: Aug-2016
Source: 24:167-73
Journal title: Complementary therapies in clinical practic
Department: Nursing & Midwifery Directorate
Abstract: Feasibility randomised controlled trials of complementary medicine are important to evaluate acceptability and practicality. This study examined participants' and health professionals' perceptions of CAM and participation in a feasibility RCT of acupressure for labour onset. METHODS: A qualitative study incorporated within an RCT. Data were collected from postnatal women via questionnaires and health professionals via focus groups. RESULTS: Four themes emerged from the women's views: "Using CAM to start labour", "Feeling empowered through action", "Desiring randomisation to acupressure group", and "Welcoming the opportunity to assist in research". Five themes emerged from the health professionals' views: "Personal awareness and attitudes towards CAM"; "Supporting and empowering women"; "Complements the wellness model of pregnancy and childbirth"; "Need for evidenced based practice"; and "Randomisation 'doing it on the sly'". CONCLUSIONS: Themes from the groups were similar. The study protocol will be refined with a placebo group to improve equipoise with a powered RCT planned.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ctcp.2016.06.007
ISSN: 1744-3881
Publicaton type: Journal Article
Keywords: Complementary Therapies
Study or Trial: Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial/Controlled Clinical Trial
Appears in Collections:Obstetrics / Paediatrics

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