Our Hospitals : [576] Collection home page

A collection of documents and photos of memorabilia from public hospitals on the Central Coast of New South Wales.

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 576
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Newspaper - Central Coast Express - 20 March 1979.pdf.jpg20-Mar-1979Pink Ladies BirthdayCentral Coast Express
Newspaper - Central Coast Express - 2 February 1979.pdf.jpg2-Feb-1979Hospital Phone Has Ears; Direct Line in Big DemandCentral Coast Express
Newspaper - Gosford Star - 28 February 1979.pdf.jpg28-Feb-1979Alarm Over Number of DrowningsGosford Star
Newspaper - Central Coast Express - 16 May 1979.pdf.jpg16-May-1979'Separated After Lifetime Together'; Plea for Nursing Home CareCentral Coast Express
Newspaper - Gosford Star - 25 April 1979.pdf.jpg25-Apr-1979Bank Lends Hospital $1 MillionGosford Star
Newspaper - Central Coast Express - 24 April 1979.pdf.jpg24-Apr-1979Hospital to use Solar PowerCentral Coast Express
Newspaper - Gosford Star - 28 March 1979b.pdf.jpg28-Mar-1979Pink Ladies' PartyGosford Star
Newspaper - Central Coast Express - 30 March 1979.pdf.jpg30-Mar-1979Frank's First Flight; And He Love it!Central Coast Express
Newspaper - Central Coast Express - 25 April 1979.pdf.jpg25-Apr-1979Nursing BoothCentral Coast Express
Newspaper - Gosford Star - 28 March 1979a.pdf.jpg28-Mar-1979Lakes Old B's Assist HospitalGosford Star
Newspaper - Central Coast Express - 18 April 1979.pdf.jpg18-Apr-1979Collectors Needed for DoorknockCentral Coast Express
Newspaper - Gosford Star - 10 April 1979.pdf.jpg10-Apr-1979Heart Post Goes to David BriggsGosford Star
Newspaper - Gosford Star - 10 April 1979.pdf.jpg10-Apr-1979Warning on Bogus RaffleGosford Star
Newspaper - Gosford Star - 10 April 1979.pdf.jpg10-Apr-1979Students' Blood Worth Bottling!Gosford Star
Newspaper - Gosford Star - 2 May 1979.pdf.jpg2-May-1979Hospital Chalks Up a First for StateGosford Star
Newspaper - Central Coast Express - 23 May 1979.pdf.jpg23-May-1979Money RaiserCentral Coast Express
Newspaper - Central Coast Express Weekender - 29 June 1979.pdf.jpg29-Jun-1979Hospital Plan DebateCentral Coast Express Weekender
Newspaper - Central Coast Express - 9 May 1979d.pdf.jpg9-May-1979Festival Aims to Raise $7000Central Coast Express
Newspaper - Central Coast Express - 9 May 1979d.pdf.jpg9-May-1979Plan Has Merit...; Down South with Joan CampbellCentral Coast Express
Newspaper - Central Coast Express - 2 May 1979.pdf.jpg2-May-1979Kidney Machine Unlikely - BoyceCentral Coast Express
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 576