Nursing : [50] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 50 of 50
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
May-2012Implementing point of care blood ketone testing in the emergency departmentKinsella, Jen M Baker, George King, Jennie Webber, Mary Boyd, Michael Kenneth, W.K. Ho Gallagher, Robyn 
2009Using educational dvds to increase knowledge about diabetes cell therapies.King, Jennie Redmond, Michelle Kinsella, Jen M Gallagher, Robyn McElhone, Beverly Tuch, Bernard 
Jul-2007Development of the Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia Knowledge Assessment Questionnaire (CAHKAQ)King, Jennie Mitchelhill, Irene Fisher, Murray 
Apr-2007The Perceptions of High School Careers Advisers Regarding Nursing: An Australian StudyKing, Jennie Hardie, Katherine Conway, Jane 
Jan-2010The Self-Directed Learning Readiness Scale for Nursing Education Revisited: A Confirmatory Factor AnalysisKing, Jennie Fisher, Murray 
2011Assessment and Management of Patients with Hepatic Disorders.Blacklaws, Helen Farrell, MaureenDempsey, Jennifer 
2003New Graduate Nurses and Infection Control: Knowledge Versus PracticeFriedewald, Mark Elwin, Carolyn 
Aug-2012Once or Twice-Daily, Algorithm-Based Intravenous Cephazolin for Home-Based Cellulitis TreatmentGarrett, Tim Harbort, Yvonne Trebble, Mary Docherty, Toni 
Dec-2012Negotiating: Experiences of Community Nurses when Contracting with ClientsDuiveman, Trudie Bonner, Ann 
Mar-2011Irritability: An Underappreciated Side Effect of Interferon Treatment for Chronic Hepatitis C?Blacklaws, Helen Gardener, Anne Usher, Kim 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 50 of 50