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Jennie King
Full Name
King, Jennie
J. King
Main Affilation
Central Coast Local Health District
Dr Jennie King is the Nursing and Midwifery Research Consultant at Central Coast Local Health District where she provides leadership, consultancy and support to nurses, midwives and multidisciplinary teams in the development and utilisation of research knowledge in clinical practice. She has published in the areas of diabetes, endocrinology, nursing education, clinical practice improvement and translational research; and is Editor of the Australian Nurses’ Dictionary. Dr King is also • Conjoint Senior Lecturer, School of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Newcastle and • Clinical Senior Lecturer, Sydney Nursing School, The University of Sydney
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Results 1-30 of 30 (Search time: 0.012 seconds).

PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
113-Aug-2024Investigating the effect of enhanced cleaning and disinfection of shared medical equipment on health-care-associated infections in Australia (CLEEN): a stepped-wedge, cluster randomised, controlled trialBrowne, Katrina White, Nicole MRusso, Philip LCheng, Allen CStewardson, Andrew JMatterson, GeorgiaTehan, Peta EGraham, Kirsty Amin, Maham Northcote, MariaKiernan, MartinKing, Jennie Brain, DavidMitchell, Brett 
2Feb-2024The effect of hospital volunteering on empathy in nursing and medical studentsBarker, Mary-Ellen King, Jennie Mitchell, Brett Dawson, Amanda Crowfoot, Gary
322-Feb-2023A randomised controlled trial investigating the effect of improving the cleaning and disinfection of shared medical equipment on healthcare-associated infections: the CLEaning and Enhanced disiNfection (CLEEN) studyBrowne, Katrina White, NicoleTehan, Peta Ellen Russo, Philip LAmin, Maham Stewardson, Andrew JCheng, Allen CGraham, Kirsty O'Kane, Gabrielle M King, Jennie Kiernan, MartinBrain, DavidMitchell, Brett 
4Sep-2022Empathy development and volunteering for undergraduate healthcare students: A scoping reviewBarker, Mary-Ellen Crowfoot, GaryKing, Jennie 
5May-2020Topical Analgesic and Local Anesthetic Agents for Pain Associated with Chronic Leg Ulcers: A Systematic ReviewKing, Jennie Purcell, Anne Buckley, T.Moyle, W.Marchall, A. P.
6May-2020Barriers and facilitators to implementation of a multifaceted nurse-led intervention in acute care hospitals aimed at reducing indwelling urinary catheter use: A qualitative studyKing, Jennie Parker, V.Giles, M.Bantawa, K.
7Dec-2019Implementation of a multifaceted nurse-led intervention to reduce indwelling urinary catheter use in four Australian hospitals: A pre- and postintervention studyKing, Jennie Harris, Alison Giles, M.Graham, L.Ball, J.Watts, W.Oldmeadow, C.Ling, R.Paul, M.O'Brien, A.Parker, V.Wiggers, J.Foureur, M.
8Aug-2019Variations in indwelling urinary catheter use in four Australian acute care hospitalsKing, Jennie Harris, Alison Giles, M.Graham, L.Ball, J.Bantawa, K.Paul, M.Harris, A.O'Brien, A.P.Parker, V.
9Sep-2017The effectiveness of EMLA as a primary dressing on painful chronic leg ulcers: Effects on wound healing and health-related quality of lifePurcell, Anne King, Jennie Buckley, T.Fethney, J.Moyle, W.Marshall, A.P.
10Aug-2017The effectiveness of EMLA as a primary dressing on painful chronic leg ulcers: A pilot randomized controlled trialPurcell, Anne King, Jennie Buckley, T.Moyle, W.Marshall, A.P.Fethney, J.
112016The Clinical Nurse Consultant role in incident surveillance and patient safety: A case reportColgan, Jacqueline King, Jennie Jeong, Sarah Yeun-Sim Hickey, Noeline
12Dec-2015Severe Hypoglycemia and the Role of the Significant Other Expert, Sentry and ProtectorKing, Jennie Overland, Jane Fisher, Murray White, Kate 
13Jul-2012Eutectic Mixture of Local Anaesthetics (EMLA) 5% Cream as a Primary Dressing on a Painful Lower Leg UlcerPurcell, Anne Marshall, A.P.King, Jennie Buckley, T.
14May-2012Implementing point of care blood ketone testing in the emergency departmentKinsella, Jen M Baker, George King, Jennie Webber, Mary Boyd, Michael Kenneth, W.K. Ho Gallagher, Robyn 
152012Australian Nurses' Dictionary (5th edition)King, Jennie Hawley, R.Weller, B.
16Jan-2010The Self-Directed Learning Readiness Scale for Nursing Education Revisited: A Confirmatory Factor AnalysisKing, Jennie Fisher, Murray 
172009Using educational dvds to increase knowledge about diabetes cell therapies.King, Jennie Redmond, Michelle Kinsella, Jen M Gallagher, Robyn McElhone, Beverly Tuch, Bernard 
18Jul-2007Development of the Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia Knowledge Assessment Questionnaire (CAHKAQ)King, Jennie Mitchelhill, Irene Fisher, Murray 
19Apr-2007The Perceptions of High School Careers Advisers Regarding Nursing: An Australian StudyKing, Jennie Hardie, Katherine Conway, Jane 
20Dec-2005Group Debriefing: An Approach to Psychosocial Support for New Graduate Registered Nurses and Trainee Enrolled NursesMangone, Nicole King, Jennie Croft, Tara Church, Jill 
21Nov-2002Perceptions and expectations of nursing: Changes in first year nursing student attitudesKing, Jennie Fisher, Murray Brown, L.
22Oct-2001Development of a self-directed learning readiness scale for nursing educationKing, Jennie Fisher, Murray Tague, G.
232001Student learning through video assessmentKing, Jennie Thorburn, J.Dean, M.Finn, T.Wilkinson, M.
24Jun-2000Beneficial effects of increasing monounsaturated fat intake in adolescents with type 1 diabetesKing, Jennie Donaghue, K.C.Pena, M.M.Chan, A.K.F.Blades, Barbara Storlien, L.H.Silink, M.
25Jun-2000The educational needs of part time clinical facilitatorsKing, Jennie Finn, T.Thorburn, J.
26Feb-1999Limited joint mobility in the hands and feet of adolescents with Type 1 diabetes mellitusKing, Jennie Duffin, A.C.Donaghue, K.Potter, M.McInnes, A.Chan, A.K.F.Howard, N.J.Silink, M.
27Jan-1997The effect of prepubertal diabetes duration on diabetes: Microvascular complications in early and late adolescenceKing, Jennie Donaghue, K.C.Fung, A.T.W.Hing, S.Fairchild, J.Chan, A.Howard, N.J.Silink, M.D.
281997Diabetes microvascular complicatons in prepubertal childrenKing, Jennie Donaghue, K.C.Fairchild, J.M.Chan, A.Howard, N.J.Silink, M.Hing, S.J.
29Apr-1995Effect of Ambient Temperature and Humidity on Performance of Blood Glucose MetersKing, Jennie Eigenmann, C.A.Colagiuri, S.
301992Conventional and Sprinkler Needle Injection of Magnesium InsulinKing, Jennie Colagiuri, S.Bryson, J.Keating, S.Tan, L.Eigenmann, C.Jørgensen, K.H.