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Credit Name
Gabrielle M O'Kane
Full Name
O'Kane, Gabrielle M
Main Affilation
Central Coast Local Health District
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Results 1-7 of 7 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).

PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1Apr-2024Antibiotics administered as continuous intravenous infusion over 24 hours by elastomeric devices to patients treated at home: a study of infusion efficiencyDocherty, Toni David, Michael Schneider, JenniferO'Kane, Gabrielle M Morris, JoniPaavola, CatherineSawers, Janelle O’Mahony, DeirdreCooper, Joyce
226-May-2023Current epidemiology and clinical features of Cryptococcus infection in patients without HIV infection: a multicentre study in 46 hospitals from Australia and New ZealandCoussement, JulienHeath, Christopher HRoberts, Matthew BLane, Rebekah JSpelman, TimSmibert, Olivia CLonghitano, AnthonyMorrissey, OrlaNield, BlakeTripathy, MonicaDavis, Joshua SKennedy, Karina JLynar, Sarah ACrawford, Lucy CCrawford, Simeon JSmith, Benjamin JGador-Whyte, Andrew PHaywood, RoseMahony, Andrew AHoward, Julia CWalls, Genevieve BO'Kane, Gabrielle M Broom, Matthew TKeighley, Caitlin LBupha-Intr, OliviaCooley, LouiseO'Hern, Jennifer AJackson, Justin DMorris, Arthur JBartolo, CarolineTramontana, Adrian RGrimwade, Katherine CAu Yeung, VictorChean, RoyWoolnough, EmilyTeh, Benjamin WChen, Sharon C-ASlavin, Monica A
322-Feb-2023A randomised controlled trial investigating the effect of improving the cleaning and disinfection of shared medical equipment on healthcare-associated infections: the CLEaning and Enhanced disiNfection (CLEEN) studyBrowne, Katrina White, NicoleTehan, Peta Ellen Russo, Philip LAmin, Maham Stewardson, Andrew JCheng, Allen CGraham, Kirsty O'Kane, Gabrielle M King, Jennie Kiernan, MartinBrain, DavidMitchell, Brett 
4Jul-2021Rat-Bite Fever Due to Streptobacillus moniliformis: A Case Series From New South Wales, Australia, and Literature ReviewO'Kane, Gabrielle M Croker, B.A.Prudence, A.Wilson, P.A.Givney, R.
5Feb-2019Mycobacterium abscessus infection following penetrations through wetsuitsO'Kane, Gabrielle M Dickison, P.Howard, V.Smith, Saxon D 
6Oct-2018Microbial counts in hands with and without nail varnish after surgical skin preparation: a randomized control trialKulkarni, Vinay Murray, Anthony Mittal, Rajat Spence, David O'Kane, Gabrielle M Incoll, Ian W 
7Sep-2015Transbronchial lung biopsy (TBLB) in diagnosing pulmonary alveolar proteinosis (PAP): forgotten role in Australia?Tung, Alvin H Grace, Julienne O'Kane, Gabrielle M Kumar, Karthik