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Samantha Saunders
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Saunders, Samantha
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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
17-Jan-2025Perforations in Complex PCI: Accepting the Risk, Minimizing the Harm With Intracoronary ImagingFord, Tom Saunders, Samantha Goonetilleke, Neil 
231-Aug-2024Enhancing Guidewire Efficacy for Trans-radial Access: The EAGER Randomized Controlled TrialBland, Adam Meere, William Mikhail, Philopatir Chuah, Eunice Redwood, Eleanor Ferreira, DavidHowden, Nicklas Perkovic, Adam Saunders, Samantha Kelty, Amy Kull, Anthony Hill, Andrew Spina, Roberto Sarathy, Kiran May, Austin N Parkinson, Michael Ishak, Mark Collins, NicholasBoyle, AndrewWilliam, Maged Jeyaprakashk, Prajith Ford, Tom 
3May-2024Cardiogenic shock without hypotension in acute severe primary mitral regurgitation: a case reportSaunders, Samantha Clifford, Liam Meere, William 
423-Feb-2023Does Collaboration between General Practitioners and Pharmacists Improve Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes? A Systematic Review and Meta-AnalysisChaudhri, KanikaCaleres, GabriellaSaunders, Samantha Michail, PeterDi Tanna, Gian LucaLung, ThomasLiu, HueimingJoshi, Rohina
58-Dec-2022The associations between women who are immigrants, refugees, or asylum seekers, access to universal healthcare, and the timely uptake of antenatal care: A systematic reviewSaunders, Samantha Sutcliffe, Kerry LMcOrist, Nathan Levett, Kate M