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Title: The Choice Project: Peer Workers Promoting Shared Decision Making at a Youth Mental Health Service
Authors: Batchelor, Samantha ;Dimopoulos-Bick, Tara ;Howe, Deborah ;Simmons, M.B.
Affliation: Central Coast Local Health District
Issue Date: Aug-2017
Source: 68(8):764-770
Journal title: Psychiatric Services
Department: Child & Youth Mental Health
Abstract: OBJECTIVE: In youth mental health services, consumer participation is essential, but few implementation strategies exist to engage young consumers. This project evaluated an intervention implemented in an Australian youth mental health service that utilized peer workers to promote shared decision making via an online tool. METHODS: All new clients ages 16-25 were invited to participate in this nonrandomized comparative study, which used a historical comparison group (N=80). Intervention participants (N=149) engaged with a peer worker and used the online tool before and during their intake assessment. Pre- and postintake data were collected for both groups; measures included decisional conflict, perceived shared decision making, and satisfaction. A series of paired t tests, analyses of variance, and multiple regressions were conducted to assess differences in scores across intervention and comparison groups and pre- and postintake assessments. RESULTS: Ratings of perceived shared decision making with intake workers were higher in the intervention group than in the comparison group (p=.015). In both groups, decisional conflict scores were significantly lower after the intake assessment (p<.001 for both groups). Both perceived shared decision making and lower decisional conflict were associated with satisfaction (p<.015). CONCLUSIONS: Young people who participated in an intervention that combined peer work and shared decision making reported feeling more involved in their assessment. Feeling involved and having lower decisional conflict after seeing an intake worker were important for client satisfaction. These findings demonstrate the importance of both peer work and shared decision making for promoting optimal outcomes in youth mental health services.
DOI: 10.1176/
ISSN: 1075-2730
Publicaton type: Journal Article
Keywords: Youth
Mental Health
Appears in Collections:Mental Health

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