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Samantha Batchelor
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Batchelor, Samantha
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Results 1-23 of 23 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1Jan-2025Informed choices for some, but not for others: An exploration of Australian midlife women's participation in mammography screening by social classBatchelor, Samantha Lunnay, BelindaMacdonald, SaraWard, Paul R
221-Oct-2024How social class shapes breast cancer risk perspectives and prevention practices of Australian midlife women: a qualitative study using the concept of 'breast cancer candidacy'Batchelor, Samantha Lunnay, BelindaMacdonald, SaraWard, Paul R
310-Jul-2023Thirsty? Choose Water! A regional perspective to promoting water consumption in secondary school studentsKajons, Nicole Gowland-Ella, Justine Batchelor, Samantha Kingon, Nina David, Michael 
416-May-2023A monitoring and site visit intervention to reduce sales to minors at packaged liquor outletsBartman, Hannah Bauer, Lyndon Kajons, Nicole Batchelor, Samantha Juel, Katrine 
513-Apr-2023Extending the sociology of candidacy: Bourdieu’s relational social class and mid‐life women’s perceptions of alcohol‐related breast cancer riskBatchelor, Samantha Lunnay, BelindaMacdonald, SaraWard, Paul R
61-Aug-2022'I have a healthy relationship with alcohol': Australian midlife women, alcohol consumption and social classLunnay, BelindaFoley, KristenMeyer, Samantha BMiller, Emma RWarin, MeganWilson, CarleneOlver, Ian NBatchelor, Samantha Thomas, Jessica AWard, Paul R
730-May-2022The outcomes of Thirsty? Choose Water! Determining the effects of a behavioural and an environmental intervention on water and sugar sweetened beverage consumption in adolescents: A randomised controlled trialGowland-Ella, Justine Batchelor, Samantha David, Michael Lewis, Peter Kajons, Nicole 
8Feb-2022Place of alcohol in the 'wellness toolkits' of midlife women in different social classes: A qualitative study in South AustraliaWard, Paul RFoley, KristenMeyer, Samantha BWilson, CarleneWarin, MeganBatchelor, Samantha Olver, Ian NThomas, Jessica AMiller, EmmaLunnay, Belinda
927-Sep-2021Revisiting Candidacy: What Might It Offer Cancer Prevention?Batchelor, Samantha Miller, Emma RLunnay, BelindaMacdonald, SaraWard, Paul R
10Jun-2021Assessing the responses of smokers to requests to stop smoking on hospital groundsGiles, Luke Batchelor, Samantha Bauer, Lyndon 
112021Deeply digital in shallow times: Writing communities in the shadow of the pandemicBrabazon, TaraArmstrong, ElizaBaker, NickyBatchelor, Samantha Brose, JulieCarpenter-Mew, RebeccaCollett, Maive JacksonCooper, AmandaGanzer, Sharon
12Aug-2020Adaptation of public health initiatives: expert views on current guidance and opportunities to advance their application and benefitBatchelor, Samantha Yoong, S.L.Bolsewicz, K.Grady, A.Wyse, R.Sutherland, R.Hodder, R.K.Kingsland, M.Nathan, N.McCrabb, S.Bauman, A.Wiggers, L.Moullin, J.Albers, B.Fernandez, M.E.Hall, A.Sims-Gould, J.Taylor, N.Rissel, C.Milat, A.Bailey, A.Attia, J.Wolfenden, L.
13Jan-2020The Experiences of Youth Mental Health Peer Workers over Time: A Qualitative Study with Longitudinal AnalysisBatchelor, Samantha Simmons, M.B.Grace, D.Fava, N.J.Coates, Dominiek Dimopoulos-Bick, Tara Howe, D.Montague, A.E.
14Dec-2019Optimisation: defining and exploring a concept to enhance the impact of public health initiativesBatchelor, Samantha Wolfenden, L.Bolsewicz, K.Grady, A.McCrabb, S.Kingsland, M.Wiggers, J.Bauman, A.Wyse, R.Nathan, N.Sutherland, R.Hodder, R.K.Fernandez, M.Lewis, C.Taylor, N.McKay, H.Grimshaw, J.Hall, A.Moullin, J.Albers, B.Attia, J.Milat, A.Bailey, A.Rissel, C.Reeves, P.Sims-Gould, J.Mildon, R.Doran, C.Yoong, S.L.
15Oct-2018The CHOICE pilot project: Challenges of implementing a combined peer work and shared decision-making programme in an early intervention serviceCoates, Dominiek Batchelor, Samantha Dimopoulos-Bick, Tara Howe, Deborah Simmons, M.B.
16Aug-2017Young Australians with Moderate to Severe Mental Health Problems: Client Data and Outcomes at Children and Young People's Mental HealthHowe, Deborah Batchelor, Samantha Coates, Dominiek 
17Aug-2017The Choice Project: Peer Workers Promoting Shared Decision Making at a Youth Mental Health ServiceBatchelor, Samantha Dimopoulos-Bick, Tara Howe, Deborah Simmons, M.B.
18Jul-2014Headspace Gosford Data: The Local Application of a National ModelHowe, Deborah Coates, Dominiek Batchelor, Samantha 
19May-2014Nine Key Principles to Guide Youth Mental Health: Development of Service Models in New South WalesHowe, Deborah Batchelor, Samantha Coates, Dominiek Cashman, Emma 
20Sep-2012Prevalence of Parents within an Adult Mental Health Service: Census Results 2008-2011Howe, Deborah Batchelor, Samantha Bochynska, Kataryzna 
21Aug-2012Enhancing parenting skills for parents with mental illness: The Mental Health Positive Parenting ProgramPhelan, Ruth F Howe, Deborah Cashman, Emma Batchelor, Samantha 
22Oct-2011Finding Our Way: Youth Participation in the Development and Promotion of Youth Mental Health Services on the NSW Central CoastHowe, Deborah Batchelor, Samantha Bochynska, Kataryzna 
23Nov-2009Estimating consumer parenthood within mental health services: a census approachHowe, DebBatchelor, Samantha Bochynska, Katarzyna