Orthopaedics & Trauma Surgery

Organization name
Orthopaedics & Trauma Surgery

Results 1-15 of 15 (Search time: 0.014 seconds).

PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1Nov-2021What it takes to become an orthopaedic surgeon: A comparison of orthopaedic surgical training programmes in 10 countries focusing on structure and fellowship requirementsIncoll, Ian W Ludwig, J.Jakobsen, R.B.Charles, Y.P.Seifert, J.Wood, M.L.Parmar, D.Canter, R.
2Jan-2020What are the perceptions of orthopaedic surgeons regarding leadership and leadership training?Incoll, Ian W Williams, N.Chen, M.Lee, A.C.Moore, P.Balhatchet, B.
3Oct-2015SOFIE: Surgery for Olecranon Fractures in the Elderly: a randomised controlled trial of operative versus non-operative treatmentSymes, Michael Limbers, John Joshi, Mithun Harris, I.A.
4Mar-2022Posterolateral Tibial Plateau Depression Fracture Reduction and Fixation: A Novel ApproachFletcher, Jason Bateman, Edward 
5Mar-2020Periprosthetic proximal femoral fractures in cemented and uncemented stems according to Vancouver classification: observation of a new fracture patternKaram, James Campbell, Paul Desai, Shivang Hunter, Michael 
6Oct-2018Microbial counts in hands with and without nail varnish after surgical skin preparation: a randomized control trialKulkarni, Vinay Murray, Anthony Mittal, Rajat Spence, David O'Kane, Gabrielle M Incoll, Ian W 
7Aug-2020Health effects of a low-inflammatory diet in adults with arthritis: a systematic review and meta-analysisKale, Michael Genel, F.Pavlovic, N.Flood, V.M.Naylor, J.M.Adie, S.
8Nov-2021Gender Associations with Selection into Australian Orthopaedic Surgical Training: 2007-2019Incoll, Ian W Atkin, J.Frank, J.R.Vrancic, S.Khorshid, O.
930-Jan-2025From research to practice: bridging the implementation gap on the use of tranexamic acid in total knee arthroplastyPfister, Robin MPfister, Benjamin F Hager, Ronald LSandholtz, NathanAbulafia, Daniel Bradshaw, David 
10Sep-1998Evaluation of thyroid shields for reduction of radiation exposure to orthopaedic surgeonIncoll, Ian W Dewey, P.
11Jun-2009Comparison of the effectiveness of painting onto the hand and immersing the hand in a bag, in pre-operative skin preparation of the handIncoll, Ian W Saravanja, D.Thorvaldson, K.T.Small, T.
12Jun-2017A combined randomised and observational study of surgery for fractures in the distal radius in the elderly (CROSSFIRE)-a study protocolIncoll, Ian W Mittal, Rajat Harris, I.A.Naylor, J.M.Lawson, A.Buchbinder, R.Ivers, R.Balogh, Z.Smith, P.Xuan, W.Howard, K.Vafa, A.Yates, P.Rieger, B.Smith, G.Elkinson, I.Kim, W.Chehade, M.Sungaran, J.Latendresse, K.Wong, J.Viswanathan, S.Richardson, M.Shrestha, K.Drobetz, H.Tran, P.Loveridge, J.Page, R.Hau, R.Bingham, R.Mulford, J.
13Jun-2017Can we agree on expectations and assessments of graduating residents?: 2016 AOA Critical Issues SymposiumIncoll, Ian W Nousiainen, M.Peabody, T.Marsh, J.L.
14Jun-2020Australian orthopaedic surgery training: Australian Orthopaedic Association's strategic education reviewIncoll, Ian W Atkin, J.Owen, J.Keane, A.Khorshid, O.Cosenza, A.Frank, J.
15Jun-1995Acute posttraumatic rupture of the thoracic aorta: An eleven-year experienceIncoll, Ian W French, B.G.Hughes, C.F.

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