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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 107
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Dec-2019Ischemia and No Obstructive Coronary Artery Disease: Prevalence and Correlates of Coronary Vasomotion DisordersFord, Tom Yii, E.Sidik, N.Good, R.Rocchiccioli, P.McEntegart, M.Watkins, S.Eteiba, H.Shaukat, A.Lindsay, M.Robertson, K.Hood, S.McGeoch, R.McDade, R.McCartney, P.Corcoran, D.Collison, D.Rush, C.Stanley, B.McConnachie, A.Sattar, N.Touyz, R.M.Oldroyd, K.G.Berry, C.
Nov-2019One-Year Outcomes of Angina Management Guided by Invasive Coronary Function Testing (CorMicA)Ford, Tom Stanley, B.Sidik, N.Good, R.Rocchiccioli, P.McEntegart, M.Watkins, S.Eteiba, H.Shaukat, A.Lindsay, M.Robertson, K.Hood, S.McGeoch, R.McDade, R.Yii, E.McCartney, P.Corcoran, D.Collison, D.Rush, C.Sattar, N.McConnachie, A.Touyz, R.M.Oldroyd, K.G.Berry, C.
Apr-2006Amisulpride deliberate self-poisoning causing severe cardiac toxicity including QT prolongation and torsades de pointesO'Mullane, Phebe Isbister, G.K.Murray, L.John, S.Hackett, L.P.Haider, T.Gosselin, S.Daly, F.
Aug-2019Hyponatremia in Heart FailureRoger, Simon D Tee, S.L.Sindone, Andrew Atherton, J.Amerena, J.D'Emden, M.Erlich, J.DePasquale, C.
Sep-2019Severe, Reversible Pulmonary Hypertension From Giant Pedunculated Left Atrial MyxomaBamford, Paul Lau, George Tat-Ming 
Aug-20195-Fluorouracil-induced acute coronary syndromeWilliam, Maged Das, S.K.Das, A.K.
Jan-2007Pharmacodynamic effects of a novel prokinetic 5-HT receptor agonist, ATI-7505, in humansFord, Tom Camilleri, M.Vazquez-Roque, M.I.Burton, D.McKinzie, S.Zinsmeister, A.R.Druzgala, P.
Aug-2008Minocycline hepatitisFord, Tom Dillon, J.F.
2014Pulmonary hypertension and hepatic encephalopathy: lethal complications of Rendu-Osler-Weber diseaseFord, Tom Fong, M.W.Cheah, B.C.Alexopolous, C.
Feb-2015Ankyrin-B syndrome: a case of sinus node dysfunction, atrial fibrillation and prolonged QT in a young adultFord, Tom Robaei, D.Ooi, S.Y.
Jun-2017Selective anti-scatter grid removal during coronary angiography and PCI: a simple and safe technique for radiation reductionFord, Tom Roy, J.R.Sun, P.Ison, G.Prasan, A.M.Hopkins, A.Ramsay, D.R.Weaver, J.C.
May-2018Balloon Aortic Valvuloplasty in the Transcatheter Valve Era: Single Centre Indications and Early Safety Data in a High Risk PopulationFord, Tom Nguyen, K.Brassil, J.Kushwaha, V.Friedman, D.Allan, R.Pitney, M.Jepson, N.
Feb-2018Stable coronary syndromes: pathophysiology, diagnostic advances and therapeutic needFord, Tom Corcoran, D.Berry, C.
Dec-2017Physiological Predictors of Acute Coronary Syndromes: Emerging Insights From the Plaque to the Vulnerable PatientFord, Tom Berry, C.De Bruyne, B.Yong, A.S.CBarlis, P.Fearon, W.F.Ng, M.K.C.
May-2018Single- Versus 2-Stent Strategies for Coronary Bifurcation Lesions: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Trials With Long-Term Follow-upFord, Tom McCartney, P.Corcoran, D.Collison, D.Hennigan, B.McEntegart, M.Hildick-Smith, D.Oldroyd, K.G.Berry, C.
Jul-2018Rationale and design of the British Heart Foundation (BHF) Coronary Microvascular Angina (CorMicA) stratified medicine clinical trialFord, Tom Corcoran, D.Oldroyd, K.G.McEntegart, M.Rocchiccioli, P.Watkins, S.Brooksbank, K.Padmanabhan, S.Sattar, N.Briggs, A.McConnachie, A.Touyz, R.M.Berry, C.
Feb-2018A keen eye for riskFord, Tom Rocchiccioli, P.
Aug-2018Arterial Access for Invasive Coronary Angiography: The 'Left Backhander'Ford, Tom McEntegart, M.Berry, C.Oldroyd, K.G.
Dec-2018Systemic microvascular dysfunction in microvascular and vasospastic anginaFord, Tom Rocchiccioli, P.Good, R.McEntegart, M.Eteiba, H.Watkins, S.Shaukat, A.Lindsay, M.Robertson, K.Hood, S.Yii, E.Sidik, N.Harvey, A.Montezano, A.C.Beattie, E.Haddow, L.Oldroyd, K.G.Touyz, R.M.Berry, C.
Dec-2018Stratified Medical Therapy Using Invasive Coronary Function Testing in Angina: The CorMicA TrialFord, Tom Stanley, B.Good, R.Rocchiccioli, P.McEntegart, M.Watkins, S.Eteiba, H.Shaukat, A.Lindsay, M.Robertson, K.Hood, S.McGeoch, R.McDade, R.Yii, E.Sidik, N.McCartney, P.Corcoran, D.Collison, D.Rush, C.McConnachie, A.Touyz, R.M.Oldroyd, K.G.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 107