Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 208
Preview | Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
| Mar-2006 | External audit of clinical practice and medical decision making in a new Asian oncology center: results and implications for both developing and developed nations | Back, Michael ; Shakespeare, T.; Lu, J.J.; Lee, K.M.; Mukherjee, R.K. |
| Dec-2006 | Efficacy of an integrated continuing medical education (CME) and quality improvement (QI) program on radiation oncologist (RO) clinical practice | Back, Michael ; Leong, C.N.; Shakespeare, T.P.; Mukherjee, R.K.; Lee, K.M.; Lu, J.J.; Wynne, C.J.; Lim, K.H.C.; Tang, J.I.; Zhang, X. |
| May-2005 | Comparison of magnetic resonance spectroscopy and perfusion-weighted imaging in presurgical grading of oligodendroglial tumors | Back, Michael ; Xu, M.; See, S.J.; Ng, W.H.; Arul, E.; Yeo, T.T.; Lim, C.C.T. |
| 2005 | Evaluation of an audit with feedback continuing medical education program for radiation oncologists | Back, Michael ; Shakespeare, T.; Mukherjee, R.K.; Lu, J.D.; Lee, K.M.S. |
| Oct-2005 | Correlation of 3D-planned and measured dosimetry of photon and electron craniospinal radiation in a pediatric anthropomorphic phantom | Back, Michael ; Hood, C.; Kron, T.; Hamilton, C.S.; Callan, S.; Howlett, S.; Alvaro, F. |
| Aug-2005 | Patient satisfaction with doctor-patient interaction in a radiotherapy centre during the severe acute respiratory syndrome outbreak | Back, Michael ; Tang, J.I.; Shakespeare, T.P.; Zhang, X.J.; Lu, J.J.; Liang, S.; Wynne, C.J.; Mukherjee, R.K. |
| Oct-2005 | Interpreting the improved outcome of patients with central nervous system metastases managed in clinical trials compared with standard hospital practice | Back, Michael ; Tang, J.I.; Shakespeare, T.P.; Lu, J.J.; Mukherjee, R.K.; Wynne, C.J.; Liang, S. |
| Dec-2005 | Family centred decision making and non-disclosure of diagnosis in a South East Asian oncology practice | Back, Michael ; Huak, C.Y. |
| Feb-2004 | Impact of radiation therapy on acute toxicity in breast conservation therapy for early breast cancer | Back, Michael ; Guerrieri, M.; Wratten, C.; Steigler, A. |
| Aug-2004 | Evaluation of a radiotherapy protocol based on INT0116 for completely resected gastric adenocarcinoma | Back, Michael ; Chung, H.T.; Shakespeare, T.P.; Wynne, C.J.; Lu, J.J.; Mukherjee, R.K. |
| Jul-2004 | Design of an internationally accredited radiation oncology resident training program incorporating novel educational models | Back, Michael ; Shakespeare, T.P.; Lu, J.J.; Wynne, C.J.; Bloomfield, L. |
| Apr-2004 | Adjuvant High-Dose Rate Brachytherapy after Chemoradiation for Treatment of Early T-Stage Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma | Back, Michael ; Lu, J.J.; Shakespeare, T.; Goh, B.C.; Eu Tiong, C.; Mukherjee, R.K.; Wynne, C.J.; Tan, K.S.L. |
| Oct-2004 | A study of complications arising from different methods of anesthesia used in high-dose-rate brachytherapy for cervical cancer | Back, Michael ; Lim, K.H.C.; Lu, J.J.; Wynne, C.J.; Mukherjee, R.K.; Razvi, K.; Shakespeare, T. |
| Jun-2004 | A comparison of RANZCR and Singapore-designed radiation oncology practice audit instruments: How does reproducibility affect future approaches to revalidation? | Back, Michael ; Shakespeare, T.P.; Mukherjee, R.K.; Lu, J.J.; Wynne, J.C.; Kumar, M.B. |
| Jun-2003 | Patient Preference for Radiotherapy Fractionation Schedule in the Palliation of Painful Bone Metastases | Back, Michael ; Shakespeare, T.; Lu, J. D.; Liang, S.; Mukherjee, R.K.; Wynne, C.J. |
| Jan-2022 | Large tumour volume reduction of IDH-mutated anaplastic glioma involving the insular region following radiotherapy | Jayamanne, Dasantha ; Wong, Matthew ; Back, Michael ; Metz, G.; Wheeler, H.; Cook, R.; Little, N.; Parkinson, J.; Kastelan, M.; Brown, C. |
| Jan-2022 | Systematic review of long-term chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN) following adjuvant oxaliplatin for colorectal cancer | Teng, Christina ; Cohen, J.; Egger, S.; Blinman, P.L. |
| Dec-2021 | Use of long term aprepitant as a treatment for refractory nausea following oesophageal stent insertion - a case report | Shoulder, Richard ; Stiel, Hilary ; Taylor, J. |
| Dec-2020 | An Innovative Tai Chi and Qigong Telehealth Service in Supportive Cancer Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond | Back, Michael ; Oh, B.; Van Der Saag, D.; Morgia, M.; Carroll, S.; Boyle, F.; Lamoury, G. |
| Jul-2021 | Improving efficiency in the radiation management of multiple brain metastases using a knowledge-based planning solution for single-isocentre volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT) technique | Back, Michael ; O'Toole, J.; Picton, M.; Perez, M.; Jayamanne, Dasantha ; Le, A.; Wu, K.; Brown, C.; Atyeo, J. |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 208