Integrated Care : [29] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 29
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
26-Nov-2024Integrating public health and primary care: a framework for seamless collaborationAllen, Luke NRechel, BerndAlton, DanPettigrew, Luisa MMcKee, MartinPinto, Andrew DavidExley, JosephineTurner-Moss, EleanorThomas, KathrinMallender, JacquelineRajan, DheepaDedeu, ToniBailey, SimonGoodwin, Nicholas 
30-Aug-2024Assessing the Strengths and Weaknesses for Implementing a Place-Based Model of Care for Older People on the Central Coast, Australia: Results of a Pilot Project Using the Population Health Management Maturity Index (PHM-MI) Toolvan Ede, Anna Francisca Teresia MariaGoodwin, Nicholas Bruijnzeels, Marc AbrahamStein, Katharina Viktoria
2024Chapter 26: Structural perspectives on healthcare and environmental sustainabilityZurynski, YvonneGoodwin, Nicholas Wijekulasuriya, ShaliniBraithwaite, JeffreyZurynski, YvonneK-lynn Smith, Carolynn
Apr-2024Fit-for-purpose-The bottom-up redesign of the nursing home system: The Australian Aged Care SystemSturmberg, Joachim PGainsford, LenPond, DimityGoodwin, Nicholas 
2024Integrated Care in Epilepsy Management: A Scoping Review of the Models and Components of Health and Social Care DeliverySpanos, SamanthaHutchinson, Karen Ryder, TayhlaRapport, FrancesGoodwin, Nicholas Zurynski, Yvonne
9-Jan-2024What care do people with dementia receive at the end of life? Lessons from a retrospective clinical audit of deaths in hospital and other settingsTriandafilidis, Zoi Carr, Sally Davis, Daneill Chiu, SimonLeigh, LucyJeong, Sarah Yeun-Sim Wong, Daniel Hensby, Jacinta Lewis, Suzanne Attia, JohnGoodwin, Nicholas 
28-Apr-2023Feasibility and Acceptability of a Novel Online Program for Mental Health CarersFitzgeraldson, ElloyseTriandafilidis, Zoi Franklin, YohanaPalazzi, KerrinKay-Lambkin, Frances
7-May-2023Models of care for people with dementia approaching end of life: A rapid reviewLewis, Suzanne Triandafilidis, Zoi Curryer, Cassie Jeong, Sarah Yeun-Sim Goodwin, Nicholas Carr, Sally Davis, Daneill 
Oct-2017‘It’s one of those “It’ll never happen to me” things’: young women’s constructions of smoking and riskTriandafilidis, Zoi Ussher, Jane MPerz, JanetteHuppatz, Kate
Mar-2017Doing and undoing femininities: An intersectional analysis of young women’s smokingTriandafilidis, Zoi Ussher, Jane MPerz, JanetteHuppatz, Kate
Aug-2017An Intersectional Analysis of Women's Experiences of Smoking-Related StigmaTriandafilidis, Zoi Ussher, Jane MPerz, JanetteHuppatz, Kate
5-Jan-2018Young Australian women's accounts of smoking and quitting: a qualitative study using visual methodsTriandafilidis, Zoi Ussher, Jane MPerz, JanetteHuppatz, Kate
Apr-2019Taking the path of least resistance: a qualitative analysis of return to work or study while breastfeedingBurns, ElaineTriandafilidis, Zoi 
Sep-2020Designing a model of breastfeeding support in Australia: An appreciative inquiry approachBurns, ElaineTriandafilidis, Zoi Schmied, Virginia
30-Nov-2020Breastfeeding support at an Australian Breastfeeding Association drop-in service: a descriptive surveyBurns, Elaine SDuursma, LouiseTriandafilidis, Zoi 
Apr-2021The HIVE: a co-created art installation about healthWatfern, CDoran, BDadich, ATriandafilidis, Zoi Habak, SBoydell, K M
Dec-2021Australian family day care educators’ experiences of supporting children’s mental health, and their own mental health and wellbeingMcGuffog, RomanyFitzgeraldson, ElloyseLyford, BronteTriandafilidis, Zoi Fitzpatrick, SallyHazel, Gavin
Jan-2023Coalescing, Cross-Pollinating, Crystalising: Developing and Evaluating an Art Installation About Health KnowledgeWatfern, ChloeTriandafilidis, Zoi Vaughan, PriyaDoran, BarbaraDadich, AnnDisher-Quill, KateMaple, PeterHickman, LouiseElliot, MicheleBoydell, Katherine M
Jul-2022Hospital-based assistant in Midwifery role for undergraduate midwifery students: A survey explorationBurns, ElaineTriandafilidis, Zoi Hargreaves, AmyKeedle, HazelHitchick, MegCampbell, OceaneElmir, Rakime
White et al 2021.pdf.jpg2021Engaging Carers in Co-Design: Development of the Carer Readiness ToolWhite, Sian Hart, Natalie Lewis, Suzanne 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 29