Obstetrics & Gynaecology

Organization name
Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Alternate names
Obstetrics / Paediatrics

Results 1-21 of 21 (Search time: 0.008 seconds).

PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1Oct-2022An Ultrasound-based Prediction Model to Predict Ureterolysis during Laparoscopic Endometriosis SurgeryZanardi, José Vitor CRocha, Rodrigo MLeonardi, MathewWood, Demi LLu, ChuanUzuner, CansuMak, Jason Condous, George
2Nov-2023Ultrasound Based Decision Tree Analysis Modelling to Predict AAGL Endometriosis Surgical Complexity LevelsMak, J Eathorne, AMcClenahan, PGil, ACondous, G
3Aug-2018The stories of women who are transferred due to threat of preterm birthGoldstone, Jessica Woodhart, L.Hartz, D.
4Jan-2020Stage IV choriocarcinoma in a 47-year-old-woman 12 years after her last known pregnancy: A case reportKumar, Molly McArthur, Seamus 
5Jan-2013Spinal pethidine for elective caesarean sectionVassiliadis, Rachel M Taylor, Penelope G 
61-Jul-2022'Seeing is believing': arguing for diagnostic laparoscopy as a diagnostic test for endometriosisMak, Jason Leonardi, MathewCondous, George
7Oct-2011Reducing maternal mortality: a review of progress and evidence-based strategies to achieve millennium development goal 5Sullivan, Tim R Hirst, J.E.
8Aug-2020Office hysteroscopy: back to the future!Mak, J N Imran, ABurnet, S
9Jun-2021Midwifery continuity of care and vaginal birth after caesarean section: A randomised controlled trialBullard, Marian Homer, C.S.E.Davis, D.L.Mollart, L.Turkmani, S.Smith, R.M.Leiser, B.Foureur, M.
10Sep-2017Leiomyoma of the ureterEnglund, Michelle McCredie, S.Robson, S.
1131-Mar-2015Impact of acupressure on onset of labour and labour duration: A systematic reviewMollart, Lyndall Adam, JonFoureur, M.
125-Jan-2023External Validation of the "2021 AAGL Endometriosis Classification": A Retrospective Cohort StudyMak, Jason Eathorne, AllieLeonardi, MathewEspada, MercedesReid, ShannonZanardi, Jose VitorUzuner, CansuRocha, RodrigoArmour, MikeCondous, George
13Mar-2011Emergency caesarean section in a patient with myotonic dystrophy: a case of failed postoperative extubation in a patient with mild diseaseOwen, Philip M Chu, C.
141-Oct-2022Effectiveness of ultrasound for endometriosis diagnosisChen-Dixon, KatieUzuner, CansuMak, Jason Condous, George
15Nov-2022A comparison of two versus four sterile water injections for the relief of back pain in labour: A multicentre randomised equivalence trialLee, NigelLeiser, Bernadette Halter-Wehrli, YvonneMårtensson, Lena BGao, YuKildea, Sue
1620-May-2023Combined vaginal progesterone and cervical cerclage in the prevention of preterm birth: a systematic review and meta-analysisAubin, Anne-MarieMcAuliffe, LiamWilliams, KimberleyIssah, AshadDiacci, Rosanna McAuliffe, Jack ESabdia, SalmaPhung, JasonWang, Carol APennell, Craig E
17Nov-2019Challenge in managing abnormal uterine bleeding in a patient on novel oral anticoagulant therapyBilal, Sophia 
188-Dec-2022The associations between women who are immigrants, refugees, or asylum seekers, access to universal healthcare, and the timely uptake of antenatal care: A systematic reviewSaunders, Samantha Sutcliffe, Kerry LMcOrist, Nathan Levett, Kate M
19Mar-2022Association of Major Surgical Admissions With Quality of Life: 19-Year Follow-up of the Whitehall II Longitudinal Prospective Cohort StudyManning, Helen J Krause, B.M.Sabia, S.Singh-Manoux, A.Sanders, R.D.
20Oct-2009Assessing the burden of pregnancy-associated malaria under changing transmission settingsBamford, Paul Recker, M.Bouma, M.J.Gupta, S.Dobson, A.P.
21Aug-2020All the right moves: Why in utero transfer is both important for the baby and difficult to achieve and new strategies for changeMcLaren, James Watson, H.Carlisle, N.Ratnavel, N.Watts, T.Zaima, A.Tribe, R.M.Shennan, A.H.

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 1-12 of 12 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
18-Dec-2022The associations between women who are immigrants, refugees, or asylum seekers, access to universal healthcare, and the timely uptake of antenatal care: A systematic reviewSaunders, Samantha Sutcliffe, Kerry LMcOrist, Nathan Levett, Kate M
2May-2024Cardiogenic shock without hypotension in acute severe primary mitral regurgitation: a case reportSaunders, Samantha Clifford, Liam Meere, William 
3Nov-2022A comparison of two versus four sterile water injections for the relief of back pain in labour: A multicentre randomised equivalence trialLee, NigelLeiser, Bernadette Halter-Wehrli, YvonneMårtensson, Lena BGao, YuKildea, Sue
423-Feb-2023Does Collaboration between General Practitioners and Pharmacists Improve Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes? A Systematic Review and Meta-AnalysisChaudhri, KanikaCaleres, GabriellaSaunders, Samantha Michail, PeterDi Tanna, Gian LucaLung, ThomasLiu, HueimingJoshi, Rohina
51-Oct-2022Effectiveness of ultrasound for endometriosis diagnosisChen-Dixon, KatieUzuner, CansuMak, Jason Condous, George
631-Aug-2024Enhancing Guidewire Efficacy for Trans-radial Access: The EAGER Randomized Controlled TrialBland, Adam Meere, William Mikhail, Philopatir Chuah, Eunice Redwood, Eleanor Ferreira, DavidHowden, Nicklas Perkovic, Adam Saunders, Samantha Kelty, Amy Kull, Anthony Hill, Andrew Spina, Roberto Sarathy, Kiran May, Austin N Parkinson, Michael Ishak, Mark Collins, NicholasBoyle, AndrewWilliam, Maged Jeyaprakashk, Prajith Ford, Tom 
75-Jan-2023External Validation of the "2021 AAGL Endometriosis Classification": A Retrospective Cohort StudyMak, Jason Eathorne, AllieLeonardi, MathewEspada, MercedesReid, ShannonZanardi, Jose VitorUzuner, CansuRocha, RodrigoArmour, MikeCondous, George
8Aug-2020Office hysteroscopy: back to the future!Mak, J N Imran, ABurnet, S
97-Jan-2025Perforations in Complex PCI: Accepting the Risk, Minimizing the Harm With Intracoronary ImagingFord, Tom Saunders, Samantha Goonetilleke, Neil 
101-Jul-2022'Seeing is believing': arguing for diagnostic laparoscopy as a diagnostic test for endometriosisMak, Jason Leonardi, MathewCondous, George
11Nov-2023Ultrasound Based Decision Tree Analysis Modelling to Predict AAGL Endometriosis Surgical Complexity LevelsMak, J Eathorne, AMcClenahan, PGil, ACondous, G
12Oct-2022An Ultrasound-based Prediction Model to Predict Ureterolysis during Laparoscopic Endometriosis SurgeryZanardi, José Vitor CRocha, Rodrigo MLeonardi, MathewWood, Demi LLu, ChuanUzuner, CansuMak, Jason Condous, George