Organization name

Results 1-58 of 58 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1Jan-2021What is the ‘Optimal’Target Mismatch Criteria for Acute Ischaemic Stroke?O'Brien, Bill Chen, C.Parsons, M.W.Levi, C.Spratt, N.J.Lin, L.Kleinig, T.Butcher, K.Cheng, X.Dong, Q.
2Sep-2023Very late-onset limb-girdle congenital myasthenic syndrome due to GFPT1 mutationEl-Wahsh, ShadiWijesinghe, RajivQiu, JessicaHeard, Robert Stoll, MarionReddel, Stephen
3Mar-2017Validating a predictive model of acute advanced imaging biomarkers in ischemic strokeO'Brien, Bill Bivard, A.Levi, C.R.Lin, L.Cheng, X.Aviv, R.I.Spratt, N.J.Lou, M.Kleinig, T.Butcher, K.Zhang, J.Jannes, J.Dong, Q.Parsons, M.W.
4Aug-2016Too good to treat? Ischemic stroke patients with small computed tomography perfusion lesions may not benefit from thrombolysisO'Brien, Bill Bivard, A.Lou, M.Levi, C.R.Krishnamurthy, V.Cheng, X.Aviv, R.I.McElduff, P.Lin, L.Kleinig, T.Butcher, K.Jingfen, Z.Jannes, J.Dong, Q.Parsons, M.W.
5May-2019Thrombolysis Guided by Perfusion Imaging up to 9 Hours after Onset of StrokeSturm, Jonathan Ma, H.Campbell, B.C.V.Parsons, M.W.Churilov, L.Levi, C.R.Hsu, C.Kleinig, T.J.Wijeratne, T.Curtze, S.Dewey, H.M.Miteff, F.Tsai, C.H.Lee, J.T.Phan, T.G.Mahant, N.Sun, M.C.Krause, MartinGrimley, R.Chen, C.H.Hu, C.J.Wong, A.A.Field, D.Sun, Y.Barber, P.A.Sabet, A.Jannes, J.Jeng, J.S.Clissold, B.Markus, R.Lin, C.H.Lien, L.M.Bladin, C.F.Christensen, S.Yassi, N.Sharma, G.Bivard, A.Desmond, P.M.Yan, B.Mitchell, P.J.Thijs, V.Carey, L.Meretoja, A.Davis, S.M.Donnan, G.A.
6Aug-2024Tenecteplase versus alteplase for thrombolysis in patients selected by use of perfusion imaging within 4·5 h of onset of ischaemic stroke (TASTE): a multicentre, randomised, controlled, phase 3 non-inferiority trialParsons, Mark WYogendrakumar, VignanChurilov, LeonidGarcia-Esperon, CarlosCampbell, Bruce C VRussell, Michelle LSharma, GaganChen, ChushuangLin, LongtingChew, Beng LimNg, Felix CDeepak, AkshayChoi, Philip M CKleinig, Timothy JCordato, Dennis JWu, Teddy YFink, John NMa, HenryPhan, Thanh GMarkus, Hugh SMolina, Carlos ATsai, Chon-HawLee, Jiunn-TayJeng, Jiann-ShingStrbian, DanielMeretoja, AtteArenillas, Juan FBuck, Brian HDevlin, Michael JBrown, HelenButcher, Ken SO'Brien, Billy Sabet, ArmanWijeratne, TissaBivard, AndrewGrimley, Rohan SAgarwal, SmritiMunshi, Sunil KDonnan, Geoffrey ADavis, Stephen MMiteff, FerdinandSpratt, Neil JLevi, Christopher R
7Apr-2018Tenecteplase versus alteplase before endovascular thrombectomy (EXTEND-IA TNK): A multicenter, randomized, controlled studyO'Brien, Bill Campbell, B.C.Mitchell, P.J.Churilov, L.Yassi, N.Kleinig, T.J.Yan, B.Dowling, R.J.Bush, S.J.Dewey, H.M.Thijs, V.Simpson, M.Brooks, M.Asadi, H.Wu, T.Y.Shah, D.G.Wijeratne, T.Ang, T.Miteff, F.Levi, C.Krause, MartinHarrington, T.J.Faulder, K.C.Steinfort, B.S.Bailey, P.Rice, Villiers, L.Scroop, R.Collecutt, W.Wong, A.A.Coulthard, A.Barber, P.A.McGuinness, B.Field, D.Ma, H.Chong, W.Chandra, R.V.Bladin, C.F.Brown, H.Redmond, K.Leggett, D.Cloud, G.Madan, A.Mahant, N.Worthington, J.Parker, G.Desmond, P.M.Parsons, M.W.Donnan, G.A.Davis, S.M.
8Jun-2015TElmisartan in the management of abDominal aortic aneurYsm (TEDY): The study protocol for a randomized controlled trialBourke, Bernard Bourke, Michael Morris, D.R.Cunningham, M.A.Ahimastos, A.A.Kingwell, B.A.Pappas, E.Reid, C.M.Stijnen, T.Dalman, R.L.Aalami, O.O.Lindeman, J.H.Norman, P.E.Walker, P.J.Fitridge, R.Dear, A.E.Pinchbeck, J.Jaeggi, R.Golledge, J.
97-Dec-2023TACTICS VR Stroke Telehealth Virtual Reality Training for Health Care Professionals Involved in Stroke Management at Telestroke Spoke Hospitals: Module Design and Implementation StudyMaltby, StevenGarcia-Esperon, CarlosJackson, KateButcher, KenEvans, James W O'Brien, William Dixon, CourtneyRussell, SkyeWilson, NatalieKluge, Murielle GRyan, AnnikaPaul, Christine LSpratt, Neil JLevi, Christopher RWalker, Frederick Rohan
10Jun-2021Syphilitic meningitis presenting with multiple cranial neuropathiesSturm, Jonathan Chu, M.Kumar, S.
11Dec-2019Spontaneous cervical epidural haematoma-diagnosis as unexpected finding by CT: case seriesNaeem, Adil Hanson, Julian Freebody, John Schutz, Anna O'Brien, Bill 
12May-2018Single port component separation: endoscopic external oblique release for complex ventral hernia repairTomazini Martins, Rodrigo Elstner, K.E.Read, J.W.Jacombs, A.S.W.Arduini, F.Cosman, P.H.Rodriguez-Acevedo, O.Dardano, A.N.Karatassas, A.Ibrahim, N.
13Jan-2019Sex Differences in Severity of Stroke in the INSTRUCT Study: a Meta-Analysis of Individual Participant DataSturm, Jonathan Phan, H.T.Reeves, M.J.Blizzard, C.L.Thrift, A.G.Cadilhac, D.A.Otahal, P.Bejot, Y.Rothwell, P.Cabral, N.L.Appelros, P.Korv, J.Vibo, R.Minelli, C.Gall, S.L.
14Feb-2017Sex Differences in Long-Term Mortality After Stroke in the INSTRUCT (INternational STRoke oUtComes sTudy): A Meta-Analysis of Individual Participant DataSturm, Jonathan Phan, H.T.Blizzard, C.L.Reeves, M.J.Thrift, A.G.Cadilhac, D.A.Heeley, E.Otahal, P.Konstantinos, V.Anderson, C.Parmar, P.Krishnamurthi, R.Barker-Collo, S.Feigin, V.Bejot, Y.Cabral, N.L.Carolei, A.Sacco, S.Chausson, N.Olindo, S.Rothwell, P.Silva, C.Correia, M.Magalhaes, R.Appelros, P.Korv, J.Vibo, R.Minelli, C.Gall, S.L.
15Apr-2019Selective muscle botulinum toxin A component paralysis in complex ventral hernia repairTomazini Martins, Rodrigo Elstner, K.E.Read, J.W.Saunders, J.Cosman, P.H.Rodriguez-Acevedo, O.Jacombs, A.S.W.Ibrahim, N.
16May-2024Rollout of a statewide Australian telestroke network including virtual reality training is associated with improved hyperacute stroke workflow metrics and thrombolysis rateGarcia-Esperon, CarlosMaltby, StevenButcher, KenHasnain, Md GolamAlvin Chew, Beng LimO'Brien, William Evans, James W Ang, TimothyEdwards, Leon Blair, Christopher Delcourt, CandiceParsons, Mark WMiteff, FerdinandDizon, JasonLambkin, DavidBarker, DanielKluge, Murielle GWiggers, John HLevi, Christopher RSpratt, Neil JWalker, Frederick Rohan
17Apr-2019Relationship Between B-Vitamin Biomarkers and Dietary Intake with Apolipoprotein E є4 in Alzheimer's DiseaseSturm, Jonathan O'Brien, Bill Veysey, Martin D'Cunha, N.M.Georgousopoulou, E.N.Boyd, L.
1822-Feb-2024Primary neurolymphomatosis diagnosed by spinal nerve root biopsySaunders, Samantha LouiseGiang, Samantha MSriweerawanidchakun, SangruthaiSchutz, Anna 
19Feb-2018Preoperative Botulinum toxin A enabling defect closure and laparoscopic repair of complex ventral herniaTomazini Martins, Rodrigo Rodriguez-Acevedo, O.Elstner, K.E.Jacombs, A.S.W.Read, J.W.Arduini, F.Wehrhahm, M.Craft, C.Cosman, P.H.Dardano, A.N.Ibrahim, N.
20Aug-2016Predictors of health-related quality of life in community-dwelling stroke survivors: a cohort studySturm, Jonathan White, J.H.Magin, P.Attia, J.McElduff, P.Carter, G.
21Aug-2016Predictors of depression and anxiety in community dwelling stroke survivors: a cohort studySturm, Jonathan White, J.H.Attia, J.Carter, G.Magin, P.
22Feb-2018Post-Stroke Sleep-Disordered Breathing—Pathophysiology and Therapy OptionsTomazini Martins, Rodrigo Stevens, D.Mukherjee, S.Vakulin, A.
23Apr-2020Post-dural puncture headache incidence after cerebrospinal fluid aspiration. A prospective observational studyTomazini Martins, Rodrigo Toson, B.Souza, R.K.M.Kowacs, P.A.
24Apr-2016Phenotypic insights into ADCY5-associated diseaseCrimmins, Denis Chang, F.C.Westenberger, A.Dale, R.C.Smith, M.Pall, H.C.Perez-Duenas, B.Grattan-Smith, P.Ouvrier, R.A.Mahant, N.Hanna, B.C.Hunter, M.Lawson, J.A.Max, D.Sachdev, R.Meyer, E.Pryor, D.Morris, J.G.Munchau, A.Grozeva, D.Carss, K.J.Raymond, L.Kurian, M.A.Klein, C.Fung, V.S.
25Dec-2016Partially methylated alleles, microdeletion, and tissue mosaicism in a fragile X male with tremor and ataxia at 30 years of age: A case reportHeard, Robert Hwang, Yun Tae Aliaga, S.M.Arpone, M.Francis, D.Li, X.Chong, B.Slater, H.R.Rogers, C.Bretherton, L.Hunter, M.Godler, D.E.
265-Mar-2023Painless progressive mononeuritis multiplex secondary to AML associated neuroleukemiosisNagaratnam, Sai Harinesan, NimalanWijesinghe, RajivWong-Doo, NicoleLyons, Alison Morris, KatrinaTriplett, James 
2712-Jan-2024Onboarding of siponimod in secondary progressive multiple sclerosis patients in Australia: Novel, real-world evidence from the MSGo digital support programmeHardy, T AAouad, PBarnett, M HBlum, SBroadley, SCarroll, W MCrimmins, Denis Griffiths, Dayna Hodgkinson, SLechner-Scott, JLee, AMalhotra, RMcCombe, PParratt, JPlummer, CVan der Walt, AMartel, KWalker, R A
28Feb-2020No Evidence of the "Weekend Effect" in the Northern New South Wales Telestroke NetworkO'Brien, Bill Evans, James W Lillicrap, T.Pinheiro, A.Miteff, F.Garcia-Bermejo, P.Gangadharan, S.Wellings, T.Alanati, K.Bivard, A.Parsons, M.Levi, C.Garcia-Esperon, C.Spratt, N.J.
29Nov-2011Never too oldTomazini Martins, Rodrigo de Souza, R.K.da Rocha, S.F.Sato, H.K.Kowacs, P.A.
30Jul-2020The neuro-otology of Susac syndromeO'Brien, Bill Hardy, T.ATaylor, R.L.Qiu, J.Gopinath, S.Trewin, B.Spring, P.J.Shaffi, M.Bolitho, S.J.Garsia, R.J.Roxburgh, R.Mason, D.F.Ip, J.Chan, F.Chen, L.Wilson, I.Beadnall, H.N.Barnett, M.H.Parratt, J.D.E.Watson, J.D.G.Welgampola, M.S.Reddel, S.W.Tsang, B.Halmagyi, G.M.
31May-2021"More than words" - Longitudinal linguistic changes in the works of a writer diagnosed with semantic dementiaHwang, Yun Tae Strikwerda-Brown, C.El-Omar, H.Ramanan, S.Hodges, John RBurrell, J.R.Piguet, O.Irish, M.
32Sep-2016Molecular Inconsistencies in a Fragile X Male with Early Onset Ataxia. Genes 2016, 7, 68Hwang, Yun Tae Dudding, T.Aliaga, S.M.Arpone, M.Francis, D.Li, X.Slater, H.R.Rogers, C.Bretherton, L.du Sart, D.Heard, R.Godler, D.E.
33Nov-2024Longitudinal changes in functional capacity in frontotemporal dementia and Alzheimer's diseaseFoxe, DavidIrish, MuireannCheung, Sau ChiD'Mello, MirelleHwang, Yun Tae Muggleton, JamesCordato, Nicholas JPiguet, Olivier
34Apr-2019Limitations of Electromyography in the Assessment of Abdominal Wall Muscle Contractility Following Botulinum Toxin A InjectionTomazini Martins, Rodrigo Elstner, K.E.Skulina, C.Rodriguez-Acevedo, O.Read, J.W.Rowe, D.B.Ibrahim, N.
35Jun-2018Intravenous Thrombolysis May Not Improve Clinical Outcome of Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients Without a Baseline Vessel OcclusionO'Brien, Bill Tian, H.Parsons, M.W.Levi, C.R.Cheng, X.Aviv, R.I.Spratt, N.J.Kleinig, T.J.Butcher, K.Lin, L.Zhang, J.Dong, Q.Chen, C.Bivard, A.
36Aug-2017Hydrodisplacement of sural nerve for safety and efficacy of endovenous thermal ablation for small saphenous vein incompetenceTomazini Martins, Rodrigo Rodriguez-Acevedo, O.Elstner, K.E.Martinic, K.Zea, A.Diaz, J.Arduini, F.Hodgkinson, A.Ibrahim, N.
37Feb-2019High Degree of Genetic Heterogeneity for Hereditary Cerebellar Ataxias in AustraliaWhyte, Scott Kang, C.Liang, C.Ahmad, K.E.Gu, Y.Siow, S.F.Colebatch, J.G.Ng, K.Cremer, P.D.Corbett, A.J.Davis, R.L.Roscioli, T.Cowley, M.J.Park, J.S.Sue, C.M.Kumar, K.R.
38Jul-2024Genome sequencing reanalysis increases the diagnostic yield in dystoniaFellner, AviWali, Gurusidheshwar MMahant, NeilGrosz, Bianca REllis, MelinaNarayanan, Ramesh KNg, KarlDavis, Ryan LTchan, Michel CKotschet, KatyaYeow, DennisRudaks, Laura ISiow, Sue-FayeWali, GautamYiannikas, ConHobbs, MatthewCopty, JosephGeaghan, MichaelDarveniza, PaulLiang, ChristinaWilliams, Laura JChang, Florence C FMorales-Briceño, HugoTisch, StephenHayes, MichaelWhyte, Scott Kummerfeld, SarahKennerson, Marina LCowley, Mark JFung, Victor S CSue, Carolyn MKumar, Kishore R
392018Gait in normal pressure hydrocephalus: characteristics and effects of the CSF tap testTomazini Martins, Rodrigo Souza, R.K.M.Rocha, S.F.B.Kowacs, P.A.Ramina, R.
405-Mar-2023Functional outcomes of ischaemic stroke patients with known Atrial Fibrillation not on therapeutic anticoagulationNagaratnam, Sai Adithya Edwards, Leon S Blair, Christopher Evans, James W O'Brien, Bill 
41Dec-2010The folic acid endophenotype and depression in an elderly populationNaumovski, Nenad Veysey, Martin Ng, Xiaowei Boyd, Lyndell Dufficy, Lisa Blades, Barbara Travers, Cheryl Lewis, Peter R Sturm, Jonathan Townley-Jones, Maureen Yates, Z.Roach, Paul Lucock, M.
42May-2022Fibrocartilaginous embolism: an under-recognised cause of young spinal strokeNagaratnam, Sai Adithya Sturm, Jonathan Lam Kwong Lee, Raymond 
43May-2018Factors contributing to sex differences in functional outcomes and participation after strokeSturm, Jonathan Phan, H.T.Blizzard, C.L.Reeves, M.J.Thrift, A.G.Cadilhac, D.A.Heeley, E.Otahal, P.Vemmos, K.Anderson, C.Parmar, P.Krishnamurthi, R.Barker-Collo, S.Feigin, V.Bejot, Y.Cabral, N.L.Carolei, A.Sacco, S.Chausson, N.Olindo, S.Rothwell, P.Silva, C.Correia, M.Magalhaes, R.Appelros, P.Korv, J.Vibo, R.Minelli, C.
44Aug-2024Everyday Memory Disturbance in Primary Progressive AphasiaFoxe, DavidAinkaran, GyanCarrick, JamesCheung, Sau ChiAhmed, Rebekah MNarasimhan, ManishaBurrell, James RHwang, Yun Tae Irish, MuireannPiguet, Olivier
45Jul-2016Estimated GFR and the Effect of Intensive Blood Pressure Lowering After Acute Intracerebral HemorrhageSturm, Jonathan Zheng, D.Sato, S.Arima, H.Heeley, E.Delcourt, C.Cao, Y.Chalmers, J.Anderson, C.
46Aug-2018Effects of morphine on respiratory load detection, load magnitude perception, and tactile sensation in obstructive sleep apneaTomazini Martins, Rodrigo Carberry, J.C.Gandevia, S.C.Butler, J.E.Eckert, D.J.
47Feb-2020Effect of Intravenous Tenecteplase Dose on Cerebral Reperfusion Before Thrombectomy in Patients With Large Vessel Occlusion Ischemic Stroke: The EXTEND-IA TNK Part 2 Randomized Clinical TrialO'Brien, Bill Campbell, B.C.V.Mitchell, P.J.Churilov, L.Yassi, N.Kleinig, T.J.Dowling, R.J.Yan, B.Bush, S.J.Thijs, V.Scroop, R.Simpson, M.Brooks, M.Asadi, H.Wu, T.Y.Shah, D.G.Wijeratne, T.Zhao, H.Alemseged, F.Ng, F.Bailey, P.Rice, Villiers, L.Dewey, H.M.Choi, P.M.C.Brown, H.Redmond, K.Leggett, D.Fink, J.N.Collecutt, W.Kraemer, T.Krause, MartinCordato, D.Field, D.Ma, H.Clissold, B.Miteff, F.Clissold, A.Cloud, G.C.Bolitho, L.E.Bonavia, L.Bhattacharya, A.Wright, A.Mamun, A.O'Rourke, F.Worthington, J.Wong, A.A.Levi, C.R.Bladin, C.F.Sharma, G.Desmond, P.M.Parsons, M.W.Donnan, G.A.Davis, S.M.
48Mar-2018Effect of donepezil on transcranial magnetic stimulation parameters in Alzheimer's diseaseHwang, Yun Tae Rocchi, L.Hammond, P.Hardy, C.J.Warren, J.D.Ridha, B.H.Rothwell, J.Rossor, M.N.
49Mar-2022Diagnosis, differential diagnosis and misdiagnosis of Susac syndromeO'Brien, Bill Triplett, J.D.Qiu, J.Gopinath, S.Trewin, B.Spring, P.J.Shaffi, M.Ip, J.Chan, F.Chen, L.Muller, C.Beadnall, H.N.Boggild, M.Van der Walt, A.Roxburgh, R.Seery, N.Kalincik, T.Barnett, M.H.Parratt, J.D.E.Reddel, S.W.Tsang, B.Hardy, T.A.
5026-Feb-2024Dementia in Australia: Clinical recommendations post-diagnosisFoxe, DavidD'Mello, MirelleCheung, Sau ChiBowen, JulanePiguet, OlivierHwang, Yun Tae 
51May-2019ClosureFast endovenous radiofrequency ablation for great saphenous vein and small saphenous vein incompetence: Efficacy and anatomical failure patternsTomazini Martins, Rodrigo Rodriguez-Acevedo, O.Elstner, K.E.Martinic, K.Ibrahim, R.I.Arduini, F.Ibrahim, N.
522019Charles Bonnet Syndrome: Complete Remission of Visual Hallucinations with TrazodoneTomazini Martins, Rodrigo de Souza, R.K.M.Kowacs, P.A.
53Jan-2025Cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis: A complex interplay between a clinically and genetically heterogeneous conditionO'Keefe, Emily Kiernan, MatthewHuynh, William
54Nov-2021Case-Fatality and Functional Outcome after Subarachnoid Hemorrhage (SAH) in INternational STRoke oUtComes sTudy (INSTRUCT)Sturm, Jonathan Rehman, S.Phan, H.T.Reeves, M.J.Thrift, A.G.Cadilhac, D.A.Breslin, M.Callisaya, M.L.Vemmos, K.Parmar, P.Krishnamurthi, R.V.Barker-Collo, S.Feigin, V.Chausson, N.Olindo, S.Cabral, N.L.Carolei, A.Marini, C.Degan, D.Sacco, S.Correia, M.Appelros, P.Kõrv, J.Vibo, R.Minelli, C.Sposato, L.Pandian, J.D.Kaur, P.Azarpazhooh, M.R.Morovatdar, N.Gall, S.
55Jul-2017Brainstem phenotype of cathepsin A-related arteriopathy with strokes and leukoencephalopathyHwang, Yun Tae Lakshmanan, R.Davagnanam, I.Thompson, A.G.B.Lynch, D.S.Houlden, H.Bajaj, N.Eriksson, S.H.Bamiou, D.E.Warren, J.D.
56Sep-2018Australian driving restrictions: how well do neurologists know them?Caruana, Patricia Hughes, A.R.Lea, R.A.Lueck, C.J.
57Jul-2020Air vs. Road Decision for Endovascular Clot Retrieval in a Rural Telestroke NetworkEvans, James W O'Brien, Bill Gangadharan, S.Lillicrap, T.Miteff, F.Garcia-Bermejo, P.Wellings, T.Alanati, K.Levi, C.Parsons, M.W.Bivard, A.Garcia-Esperon, C.Spratt, N.J.
58Feb-2022Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis with bilateral optic neuritis following ChAdOx1 COVID-19 vaccinationTae Hwang, Yun Lee, Raymond Lam Kwong Nagaratnam, Sai Adithya Heard, Robert Ferdi, A.C.Leaney, J.

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 1-11 of 11 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1Feb-2022Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis with bilateral optic neuritis following ChAdOx1 COVID-19 vaccinationTae Hwang, Yun Lee, Raymond Lam Kwong Nagaratnam, Sai Adithya Heard, Robert Ferdi, A.C.Leaney, J.
2Jan-2014Can Lower Risk Patients Presenting with Transient Ischaemic Attack be Safely Managed as Outpatients?Griffiths, D.Sturm, Jonathan Heard, Robert Reyneke, Elizabeth Whyte, Scott Clarke, T.A.O'Brien, Bill Crimmins, Denis 
3Sep-2021Carlos II of Spain, 'The Bewitched': cursed by aspartylglucosaminuria?Heard, Robert Martin, A.Fung, V.S.C.
4Jan-2025Cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis: A complex interplay between a clinically and genetically heterogeneous conditionO'Keefe, Emily Kiernan, MatthewHuynh, William
5Sep-2022Diagnostic Utility of Computed Tomography Perfusion in the Telestroke SettingArora, KshitijGaekwad, AaronEvans, James W O'Brien, Bill Ang, TimothyGarcia-Esperon, CarlosBlair, Christopher Edwards, Leon S Chew, Beng L ADelcourt, CandiceSpratt, Neil JParsons, Mark WButcher, Ken S
65-Mar-2023Functional outcomes of ischaemic stroke patients with known Atrial Fibrillation not on therapeutic anticoagulationNagaratnam, Sai Adithya Edwards, Leon S Blair, Christopher Evans, James W O'Brien, Bill 
712-Jan-2024Onboarding of siponimod in secondary progressive multiple sclerosis patients in Australia: Novel, real-world evidence from the MSGo digital support programmeHardy, T AAouad, PBarnett, M HBlum, SBroadley, SCarroll, W MCrimmins, Denis Griffiths, Dayna Hodgkinson, SLechner-Scott, JLee, AMalhotra, RMcCombe, PParratt, JPlummer, CVan der Walt, AMartel, KWalker, R A
85-Mar-2023Painless progressive mononeuritis multiplex secondary to AML associated neuroleukemiosisNagaratnam, Sai Harinesan, NimalanWijesinghe, RajivWong-Doo, NicoleLyons, Alison Morris, KatrinaTriplett, James 
9Dec-2016Partially methylated alleles, microdeletion, and tissue mosaicism in a fragile X male with tremor and ataxia at 30 years of age: A case reportHeard, Robert Hwang, Yun Tae Aliaga, S.M.Arpone, M.Francis, D.Li, X.Chong, B.Slater, H.R.Rogers, C.Bretherton, L.Hunter, M.Godler, D.E.
10May-2024Rollout of a statewide Australian telestroke network including virtual reality training is associated with improved hyperacute stroke workflow metrics and thrombolysis rateGarcia-Esperon, CarlosMaltby, StevenButcher, KenHasnain, Md GolamAlvin Chew, Beng LimO'Brien, William Evans, James W Ang, TimothyEdwards, Leon Blair, Christopher Delcourt, CandiceParsons, Mark WMiteff, FerdinandDizon, JasonLambkin, DavidBarker, DanielKluge, Murielle GWiggers, John HLevi, Christopher RSpratt, Neil JWalker, Frederick Rohan
11Sep-2023Very late-onset limb-girdle congenital myasthenic syndrome due to GFPT1 mutationEl-Wahsh, ShadiWijesinghe, RajivQiu, JessicaHeard, Robert Stoll, MarionReddel, Stephen