| | Preview | Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
| 1 | | May-2022 | Fibrocartilaginous embolism: an under-recognised cause of young spinal stroke | Nagaratnam, Sai Adithya ; Sturm, Jonathan ; Lam Kwong Lee, Raymond |
| 2 | | Nov-2021 | Case-Fatality and Functional Outcome after Subarachnoid Hemorrhage (SAH) in INternational STRoke oUtComes sTudy (INSTRUCT) | Sturm, Jonathan ; Rehman, S.; Phan, H.T.; Reeves, M.J.; Thrift, A.G.; Cadilhac, D.A.; Breslin, M.; Callisaya, M.L.; Vemmos, K.; Parmar, P.; Krishnamurthi, R.V.; Barker-Collo, S.; Feigin, V.; Chausson, N.; Olindo, S.; Cabral, N.L.; Carolei, A.; Marini, C.; Degan, D.; Sacco, S.; Correia, M.; Appelros, P.; Kõrv, J.; Vibo, R.; Minelli, C.; Sposato, L.; Pandian, J.D.; Kaur, P.; Azarpazhooh, M.R.; Morovatdar, N.; Gall, S. |
| 3 | | Jun-2021 | Syphilitic meningitis presenting with multiple cranial neuropathies | Sturm, Jonathan ; Chu, M.; Kumar, S. |
| 4 | | May-2019 | Thrombolysis Guided by Perfusion Imaging up to 9 Hours after Onset of Stroke | Sturm, Jonathan ; Ma, H.; Campbell, B.C.V.; Parsons, M.W.; Churilov, L.; Levi, C.R.; Hsu, C.; Kleinig, T.J.; Wijeratne, T.; Curtze, S.; Dewey, H.M.; Miteff, F.; Tsai, C.H.; Lee, J.T.; Phan, T.G.; Mahant, N.; Sun, M.C.; Krause, Martin; Grimley, R.; Chen, C.H.; Hu, C.J.; Wong, A.A.; Field, D.; Sun, Y.; Barber, P.A.; Sabet, A.; Jannes, J.; Jeng, J.S.; Clissold, B.; Markus, R.; Lin, C.H.; Lien, L.M.; Bladin, C.F.; Christensen, S.; Yassi, N.; Sharma, G.; Bivard, A.; Desmond, P.M.; Yan, B.; Mitchell, P.J.; Thijs, V.; Carey, L.; Meretoja, A.; Davis, S.M.; Donnan, G.A. |
| 5 | | Apr-2019 | Relationship Between B-Vitamin Biomarkers and Dietary Intake with Apolipoprotein E є4 in Alzheimer's Disease | Sturm, Jonathan ; O'Brien, Bill ; Veysey, Martin ; D'Cunha, N.M.; Georgousopoulou, E.N.; Boyd, L. |
| 6 | | Jan-2019 | Sex Differences in Severity of Stroke in the INSTRUCT Study: a Meta-Analysis of Individual Participant Data | Sturm, Jonathan ; Phan, H.T.; Reeves, M.J.; Blizzard, C.L.; Thrift, A.G.; Cadilhac, D.A.; Otahal, P.; Bejot, Y.; Rothwell, P.; Cabral, N.L.; Appelros, P.; Korv, J.; Vibo, R.; Minelli, C.; Gall, S.L. |
| 7 | | May-2018 | Factors contributing to sex differences in functional outcomes and participation after stroke | Sturm, Jonathan ; Phan, H.T.; Blizzard, C.L.; Reeves, M.J.; Thrift, A.G.; Cadilhac, D.A.; Heeley, E.; Otahal, P.; Vemmos, K.; Anderson, C.; Parmar, P.; Krishnamurthi, R.; Barker-Collo, S.; Feigin, V.; Bejot, Y.; Cabral, N.L.; Carolei, A.; Sacco, S.; Chausson, N.; Olindo, S.; Rothwell, P.; Silva, C.; Correia, M.; Magalhaes, R.; Appelros, P.; Korv, J.; Vibo, R.; Minelli, C. |
| 8 | | Feb-2017 | Sex Differences in Long-Term Mortality After Stroke in the INSTRUCT (INternational STRoke oUtComes sTudy): A Meta-Analysis of Individual Participant Data | Sturm, Jonathan ; Phan, H.T.; Blizzard, C.L.; Reeves, M.J.; Thrift, A.G.; Cadilhac, D.A.; Heeley, E.; Otahal, P.; Konstantinos, V.; Anderson, C.; Parmar, P.; Krishnamurthi, R.; Barker-Collo, S.; Feigin, V.; Bejot, Y.; Cabral, N.L.; Carolei, A.; Sacco, S.; Chausson, N.; Olindo, S.; Rothwell, P.; Silva, C.; Correia, M.; Magalhaes, R.; Appelros, P.; Korv, J.; Vibo, R.; Minelli, C.; Gall, S.L. |
| 9 | | Aug-2016 | Predictors of health-related quality of life in community-dwelling stroke survivors: a cohort study | Sturm, Jonathan ; White, J.H.; Magin, P.; Attia, J.; McElduff, P.; Carter, G. |
| 10 | | Aug-2016 | Predictors of depression and anxiety in community dwelling stroke survivors: a cohort study | Sturm, Jonathan ; White, J.H.; Attia, J.; Carter, G.; Magin, P. |
| 11 | | Jul-2016 | Estimated GFR and the Effect of Intensive Blood Pressure Lowering After Acute Intracerebral Hemorrhage | Sturm, Jonathan ; Zheng, D.; Sato, S.; Arima, H.; Heeley, E.; Delcourt, C.; Cao, Y.; Chalmers, J.; Anderson, C. |
| 12 | | Jun-2015 | STroke imAging pRevention and treatment (START): A longitudinal stroke cohort study: Clinical trials protocol. | Sturm, Jonathan ; Carey, Leeanne M; Crewther, Sheila; Salvado, Olivier; Linden, Thomas; Connelly, Alan; Wilson, William; Howells, David W; Churilov, Leonid; Ma, H.; Tse, Tamara; Rose, Stephen; Palmer, Susan; Bougeat, Pierrick; Campbell, B.C.; Christensen, S.; Macaulay, S. Lance; Favaloro, J.; O'Collins, Victoria; McBride, Simon; Bates, Susan; Cowley, Elise; Dewey, H.M.; Wijeratne, Tessa; Gerraty, Richard; Phan, Thanh G; Yan, Bernard; Parsons, M.W.; Bladin, C.F.; Barber, P.A.; Read, Stephen; Wong, Andrew; Lee, Andrew; Kleinig, T.; Hankey, G.J.; Blacker, David; Markus, R.; Leyden, James; Krause, Martin; Grimley, Rohan; Mahant, N.; Jannes, J.; Davis, Stephen M; Donnan, G.A. |
| 13 | | Dec-2014 | Polygenic overlap between kidney function and large artery atherosclerotic stroke | Holiday, E.G.; Traylor, M.; Malik, R.; Bevan, S.; Maguire, J.; Koblar, Simon A ; Sturm, Jonathan ; Hankey, G.J.; Oldmeadow, C.; McEvoy, M.; Sudlow, C.; Rothwell, P.; Coresh, J.; Hamet, P.; Tremblay, J.; Turner, S.T.; De Andrade, M.; Rao, M.; Schmidt, R.; Crick, P.A.; Robino, A.; Peralta, C.A.; Jukema, J.W.; Mitchell, P.; Rosas, S.E.; Wang, J.J.; Scott, R.J.; Dichgans, M.; Mitchell, B.D.; Kao, W. \H.L.; Fox, C.S.; Levi, C.R.; Attia, J.; Markus, H.S. |
| 14 | | Apr-2014 | Plasma angiopoietin-1 is lower after ischemic stroke and associated with major disability but not stroke incidence | Sturm, Jonathan ; Golledge, J.; Clancy, P.; Maguire, J.; Lincz, L.; Koblar, Simon A ; McEvoy, M.; Attia, J.; Levi, C.R.; Almeida, O.P.; Yeap, B.B.; Flicker, L.; Norman, P.E.; Hankey, G.J. |
| 15 | | Apr-2014 | The experience of urinary incontinence in stroke survivors: a follow-up qualitative study | Sturm, Jonathan ; White, J.H.; Patterson, K.; Jordan, L.A.; Magin, P.; Attia, J. |
| 16 | | Jan-2014 | Can Lower Risk Patients Presenting with Transient Ischaemic Attack be Safely Managed as Outpatients? | Griffiths, D.; Sturm, Jonathan ; Heard, Robert ; Reyneke, Elizabeth ; Whyte, Scott ; Clarke, T.A.; O'Brien, Bill ; Crimmins, Denis |
| 17 | | 2014 | Exploring the experience of psychological morbidity and service access in community dwelling stroke survivors: a follow-up study | Sturm, Jonathan ; White, J.H.; Dickson, A.; Magin, P.; Tapley, A.; Attia, J.; Carter, G. |
| 18 | | Dec-2013 | ImProving Outcomes after STroke (POST): results from the randomized clinical pilot trial | Sturm, Jonathan ; Hackett, M.L.; Carter, G.; Crimmins, Denis ; Clarke, T.; Arblaster, L.; Billot, L.; Mysore, J. |
| 19 | | Dec-2012 | Baseline smoking status and the long-term risk of death or nonfatal vascular event in people with stroke: a 10-year survival analysis | Sturm, Jonathan ; Kim, J.; Gall, S.L.; Dewey, H.M.; Macdonell, R.A.; Thrift, A.G. |
| 20 | | Oct-2012 | Common variants at 6p21.1 are associated with large artery atherosclerotic stroke | Sturm, Jonathan ; Maguire, Jane M ; Holliday, E.G.; Evans, T.J.; Koblar, Simon A ; Jannes, J.; Hankey, G.J.; Baker, R.; Golledge, J.; Parsons, M.W.; Malik, R.; McEvoy, M.; Biros, E.; Lewis, M.D.; Lincz, L.F.; Peel, R.; Oldmeadow, C.; Smith, W.; Moscato, P.; Barlera, S.; Bevan, S.; Bis, J.C.; Boerwinkle, E.; Boncoraglio, G.B.; Brott, T.G.; Brown, R.D., Jr; Cheng, Y.C.; Cole, J.W.; Cotlarciuc, I.; Devan, W.J.; Fornage, M.; Furie, K.L.; Gretarsdottir, S.; Gschwendtner, A.; Ikram, M.A.; Longstreth, W.T., Jr.; Meschia, J.F.; Mitchell, B.D.; Mosley, T.H.; Nalls, M.A.; Parati, E.A.; Psaty, B.M.; Sharma, P.; Stefansson, K.; Thorleifsson, G.; Thorsteinsdottir, U.; Traylor, M.; Verhaaren, B.F.; Wiggins, K.L.; Worrall, B.B.; Sudlow, C.; Rothwell, P.M.; Farrall, M.; Dichgans, M.; Rosand, J.; Markus, H.S.; Scott, R.J.; Levi, C.; Attia, J. |
| 21 | | Sep-2012 | Trajectories of psychological distress after stroke | Sturm, Jonathan ; White, J.H.; Magin, P.; Attia, J.; Carter, G.; Pollack, M. |
| 22 | | Feb-2012 | FASTER (Face, Arm, Speech, Time, Emergency Response): Experience of Central Coast Stroke Services Implementation of a Pre-Hospital Notification System for Expedient Management of Acute Stroke | O'Brien, Bill ; Crimmins, Denis ; Donaldson, W.; Risti, R.; Clarke, T.A.; Whyte, Scott ; Sturm, Jonathan |
| 23 | | 2012 | Exploring the experience of post-stroke fatigue in community dwelling stroke survivors: a prospective qualitative study | Sturm, Jonathan ; White, J.H.; Gray, K.R.; Magin, P.; Attia, J.; Carter, G.; Pollack, M. |
| 24 | | 2012 | Access and participation in the community: a prospective qualitative study of driving post-stroke | Sturm, Jonathan ; White, J.H.; Miller, B.; Magin, P.; Attia, J.; Pollack, M. |
| 25 | | Mar-2011 | Impact of COX-2 rs5275 and rs20417 and GPIIIa rs5918 polymorphisms on 90-day ischemic stroke functional outcome: a novel finding | Sturm, Jonathan ; Whyte, Scott ; Maguire, J.; Thakkinstian, A.; Levi, C.R.; Lincz, L.; Bisset, L.; Scott, R.; Attia, J. |
| 26 | | 2011 | Epidemiology and etiology of young stroke | Sturm, Jonathan ; Griffiths, D. |
| 27 | | Dec-2010 | The folic acid endophenotype and depression in an elderly population | Naumovski, Nenad ; Veysey, Martin ; Ng, Xiaowei ; Boyd, Lyndell ; Dufficy, Lisa ; Blades, Barbara ; Travers, Cheryl ; Lewis, Peter R ; Sturm, Jonathan ; Townley-Jones, Maureen ; Yates, Z.; Roach, Paul ; Lucock, M. |
| 28 | | Aug-2010 | Thrombolysis for acute stroke in Australia: outcomes from the Safe Implementation of Thrombolysis in Stroke registry (2002-2008) | Sturm, Jonathan ; Simpson, M.; Dewey, H.M.; Ahmed, N.; Bladin, C.F.; Schultz, D.; Markus, R.; Levi, C.R.; Blacker, David; Jannes, J.; Lindley, R.I.; Parsons, M.W. |
| 29 | | Mar-2010 | Sex differences in presentation, severity, and management of stroke in a population-based study | Sturm, Jonathan ; Gall, S.L.; Donnan, G.A.; Dewey, H.M.; Macdonell, R.A.; Gilligan, A.; Srikanth, V.K.; Thrift, A.G. |
| 30 | | Feb-2010 | imProving Outcomes after STroke clinical pilot trial protocol | Sturm, Jonathan ; Crimmins, Denis ; Hackett, M.L.; Carter, G.; Clarke, T.; Maddock, K. |
| 31 | | Apr-2009 | Can we derive an 'exchange rate' between descriptive and preference-based outcome measures for stroke? Results from the transfer to utility (TTU) technique | Sturm, Jonathan ; Mortimer, D.; Segal, L. |
| 32 | | Feb-2009 | Folate nutritional genetics and risk for hypertension in an elderly population sample | Ng, Xiaowei ; Boyd, Lyndell ; Dufficy, Lisa ; Naumovski, Nenad ; Blades, Barbara ; Travers, Cheryl ; Lewis, Peter R ; Sturm, Jonathan ; Yates, Z.; Townley-Jones, Maureen ; Roach, Paul ; Veysey, Martin ; Lucock, M. |
| 33 | | 2009 | Stroke among women, ethnic groups, young adults, and children | Sturm, Jonathan ; Mackay, Mark T ; Thrift, A.G. |
| 34 | | 2009 | Incidence of stroke subtypes in the North East Melbourne Stroke Incidence Study (NEMESIS): differences between men and women | Sturm, Jonathan ; Thrift, A.G.; Dewey, H.M.; Srikanth, V.K.; Gilligan, A.K.; Gall, S.L.; Macdonell, R.A.; McNeil, J.J.; Donnan, G.A. |
| 35 | | 2009 | Handicap 5 years after stroke in the North East Melbourne Stroke Incidence Study | Sturm, Jonathan ; Gall, S.L.; Dewey, H.M.; Macdonell, R.A.; Thrift, A.G. |
| 36 | | Sep-2008 | Exploring poststroke mood changes in community-dwelling stroke survivors: a qualitative study | Sturm, Jonathan ; White, J.H.; Magin, P.; Attia, J.; Pollack, M.R.; Levi, C.R. |
| 37 | | Aug-2008 | Patterns of stroke recurrence according to subtype of first stroke event: the North East Melbourne Stroke Incidence Study (NEMESIS) | Sturm, Jonathan ; Azarpazhooh, M.R.; Nicol, M.B.; Donnan, G.A.; Dewey, H.M.; Macdonell, R.A.; Pearce, D.C.; Thrift, A.G. |
| 38 | | Jun-2008 | Polymorphisms in Platelet Glycoprotein 1Balpha and Factor VII and Risk of Ischemic Stroke: A Meta-Analysis | Maguire, J.; Thakkinstian, A.; Sturm, Jonathan ; Levi, C.R.; Lincz, L.; Parsons, M.W.; Whyte, Scott ; Attia, J. |
| 39 | | Jun-2008 | Venous and arterial thrombo-embolic complications of hormonal treatment in a male-to-female transgender patient | Sturm, Jonathan ; Crimmins, Denis ; Whyte, Scott ; Mullins, G. M.; O'Sullivan, S. S.; Kinsella, J.; McEnroy, D. |
| 40 | | Jan-2008 | Preliminary evidence for genetic selection of 677T-MTHFR by natural annual cycle of folate abundance | Lucock, M.; Yates, Z.; Ng, Xiaowei ; Veysey, Martin ; Blades, Barbara ; Travers, Cheryl ; Lewis, Peter R ; Sturm, Jonathan ; Roach, Paul |
| 41 | | Sep-2007 | Community-dwelling stroke survivors: function is not the whole story with quality of life | Sturm, Jonathan ; White, J.H.; Alston, M.K.; Marquez, J.L.; Sweetapple, A.L.; Pollack, M.R.; Attia, J.; Levi, C.R. |
| 42 | | Aug-2007 | Perimetric homonymous visual field loss post-stroke | Sturm, Jonathan ; Whyte, Scott ; Crimmins, Denis ; Townend, Bradley ; Petsoglou, C.; O'Leary, Bernie |
| 43 | | Jul-2007 | The PAI-1 4G/5G gene polymorphism and ischemic stroke: an association study and meta-analysis | Sturm, Jonathan ; Attia, J.; Thakkinstian, A.; Wang, Y.; Lincz, L.; Parsons, M.; McGettigan, P.; Scott, R.; Meldrum, C.; Levi, C.R. |
| 44 | | May-2007 | Longitudinal prevalence and determinants of early mood disorder post-stroke | Sturm, Jonathan ; Crimmins, Denis ; Whyte, Scott ; Townend, Bradley ; Desborough, T.; Markus, R.; Levi, C.R. |
| 45 | | Nov-2006 | Prevalence of depression and use of antidepressant medication at 5-years poststroke in the North East Melbourne Stroke Incidence Study | Sturm, Jonathan ; Paul, S.L.; Dewey, H.M.; Macdonell, R.A.; Thrift, A.G. |
| 46 | | Aug-2006 | G80A reduced folate carrier SNP influences the absorption and cellular translocation of dietary folate and its association with blood pressure in an elderly population | Dufficy, Lisa ; Naumovski, Nenad ; Blades, Barbara ; Yates, Z.; Travers, Cheryl ; Lewis, Peter R ; Sturm, Jonathan ; Veysey, Martin ; Roach, Paul ; Lucock, M. |
| 47 | | Jun-2006 | The validity of brief screening cognitive instruments in the diagnosis of cognitive impairment and dementia after first-ever stroke | Sturm, Jonathan ; Srikanth, V.K.; Thrift, A.G.; Fryer, J.L.; Saling, M.M.; Dewey, H.M.; Donnan, G.A. |
| 48 | | Mar-2006 | Greater incidence of both fatal and nonfatal strokes in disadvantaged areas: the Northeast Melbourne Stroke Incidence Study | Sturm, Jonathan ; Thrift, A.G.; Dewey, H.M.; Paul, S.L.; Gilligan, A.K.; Srikanth, V.K.; Macdonell, R.A.; McNeil, J.J.; Macleod, M.R.; Donnan, G.A. |
| 49 | | Oct-2005 | Long-term outcome in the North East Melbourne Stroke Incidence Study: predictors of quality of life at 5 years after stroke | Sturm, Jonathan ; Paul, S.L.; Dewey, H.M.; Donnan, G.A.; Macdonell, R.A.; Thrift, A.G. |
| 50 | | Aug-2005 | Stroke or encephalitis? | Sturm, Jonathan ; Whyte, Scott ; Townend, Bradley ; Hanson, Julian |
| 51 | | Jul-2005 | Cerebral abscess with pneumocephalus | Sturm, Jonathan ; Townend, Bradley ; Whyte, Scott |
| 52 | | 2005 | Stroke units, tissue plasminogen activator, aspirin and neuroprotection: which stroke intervention could provide the greatest community benefit? | Sturm, Jonathan ; Gilligan, A.K.; Thrift, A.G.; Dewey, H.M.; Macdonell, R.A.; Donnan, G.A. |
| 53 | | Oct-2004 | Quality of life after stroke: the North East Melbourne Stroke Incidence Study (NEMESIS) | Sturm, Jonathan ; Donnan, G.A.; Dewey, H.M.; Macdonell, R.A.; Gilligan, A.K.; Srikanth, V.K.; Thrift, A.G. |
| 54 | | Aug-2004 | Quinine associated blindness | Sturm, Jonathan ; Whyte, Scott ; Townend, Bradley |
| 55 | | Mar-2004 | Determinants of handicap after stroke: the North East Melbourne Stroke Incidence Study (NEMESIS) | Sturm, Jonathan ; Donnan, G.A.; Dewey, H.M.; Macdonell, R.A.; Gilligan, A.K.; Thrift, A.G. |
| 56 | | 2003 | Incidence and outcome of subtypes of ischaemic stroke: initial results from the north East melbourne stroke incidence study (NEMESIS) | Sturm, Jonathan ; Dewey, H.M.; Donnan, G.A.; Macdonell, R.A.; McNeil, J.J.; Thrift, A.G. |
| 57 | | Dec-2002 | Brief comprehensive quality of life assessment after stroke: the assessment of quality of life instrument in the north East melbourne stroke incidence study (NEMESIS) | Sturm, Jonathan ; Osborne, R.H.; Dewey, H.M.; Donnan, G.A.; Macdonell, R.A.; Thrift, A.G. |
| 58 | | Oct-2002 | Exercise-induced temporal lobe epilepsy | Sturm, Jonathan ; Fedi, M.; Berkovic, S.F.; Reutens, D.C. |
| 59 | | Apr-2002 | The Avoid Stroke as Soon as Possible (ASAP) general practice stroke audit | Sturm, Jonathan ; Davis, S.M.; O'Sullivan, J.G.; Vedadhaghi, M.E.; Donnan, G.A. |
| 60 | | Mar-2002 | Handicap after stroke: how does it relate to disability, perception of recovery, and stroke subtype?: the north North East Melbourne Stroke Incidence Study (NEMESIS) | Sturm, Jonathan ; Dewey, H.M.; Donnan, G.A.; Macdonell, R.A.; McNeil, J.J.; Thrift, A.G. |
| 61 | | Apr-2000 | Ictal SPECT and interictal PET in the localization of occipital lobe epilepsy | Sturm, Jonathan ; Newton, M.R.; Chinvarun, Y.; Berlangieri, S.U.; Berkovic, S.F. |
| 62 | | Mar-2000 | Recurrent thunderclap headache associated with reversible intracerebral vasospasm causing stroke | Sturm, Jonathan ; Macdonell, R.A. |
| 63 | | Feb-2000 | "Pressure to laugh": an unusual epileptic symptom associated with small hypothalamic hamartomas | Sturm, Jonathan ; Andermann, F.; Berkovic, S.F. |
| 64 | | Feb-1999 | Uterine cancer presenting with generalised dysaesthesia--a possible new paraneoplastic syndrome? | Sturm, Jonathan ; Macdonell, R.A.; Newton, M.R. |
| 65 | | Jul-1998 | Diagnosis and investigation of headache | Sturm, Jonathan ; Donnan, G.A. |